Chapter Fortythree

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So much had gone down within the past 6 weeks that it literally felt like time was flying by us before our very eyes. The very thought had me closing my own eyes as I let the warm water race over my hair and down my fuller body. I was officially 6 months pregnant and as each day went past I was convinced I continued to grow a few inches. However I was no longer self conscious about my extra weight and instead started to embrace it as Tyson made me realise that the weight was just a product of creating a new life inside of me. Now I was 3 months shy of finally being about to hold my daughter and the thought always sent me into an good mood.

As for Tyson he had been warming up to the idea of a girl and after falling into a episode for the second time in a month he was speedy as ever. It also was the day that he decided to wake up and go all out for his new babygirl. Within a few hours, he had interior decorators redesigning one of the spare rooms for his ‘Lil’Mama’, as he has been calling her. It honestly warmed my heart to see him finally being as excited as I was.

The following day, Ty and Ace came home after disappearing for a few hours, only to walk in with dozens upon dozens of shopping bags. I couldn’t be mad though because as soon as I peeked inside, I almost melted at the sight. The love of my life literally went out and brought dozens of new clothing items for our daughter and what killed me was that he made sure he got matching shoes for each outfit. It honestly made me so happy to know that the thought of our daughter could soften him, even when he was manic.

That was just the half of it though, I guess you can say that he has had a pretty amazing 6 weeks, despite his most current 2 day episode. A week after Jasmines baby shower, the boys played against the Spurs and won the championships. Not only did Tyson play the best he ever had, he also ending up being named MVP. The crew and I were so proud of him and I knew it meant so much to him to hear them words from my mouth. I have never seen him grin so much, let alone be so friendly towards others.

Two weeks after the big win and endless celebrations that followed, Jasmine went into labour and after 16 long hours she finally gave birth to her beautiful twin girls. Miah Jae Cole and Jayla Serenity Cole were the perfect mix of their parents and the love that radiated off of their new family had us all in high spirits. Jeremiah alone could make a grown man weak just by the sight of his happiness and adoration for his baby girls. I could honestly say I have never seen him smile, cry and laugh the way he had since their birth and it warmed my heart that he finally had the family he has spent his life dreaming for.

Jasmine was discharged from hospital four days later and the entire crew practically camped out at Jasmines and J’s during the day and at night the rest of us would retreat back to Ty and my house for some sleep. It was good that Jasmine had girls because it gave me a chance to practise on her daughters so that when it was my turn I would be prepared. Even Tyson had warmed up to the twins after being a little distant at first, he even finally held one of them after a week of us begging him too. It was hilarious to watch the awkwardness of it all but after 20 minutes he loosed up and even started to grin, that was until baby Miah decided to throw up on him. I dont think we had laughed as hard as we did at Tysons expression and J literally had to run and scoop up Miah before Ty could throw her to someone else.

Zay too loved the fact that were two new members around and ever since the girls were born his excitement for his own sister to arrive had skyrocketed. It was so cute and it made me happy whenever he insisted on helping Jas change or wash the twins. All the baby love and being around the twins so much had me also anxious to have my babygirl. It felt like I had been pregnant forever and I was so ready for these last few months to speed up so I could finally see her in the flesh. For the time being though I had spent the rest of my free time preparing and organising this wedding while I left the name choosing for Tyson. I chose Isaiahs name so it was only right for Ty to have the honor of picking out our daughters name.

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