Chapter Twentythree

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"Come on Lani, Lani, Laniiii, Nalaniiii, hurry up, why you moving so slow? Want me to carry you, cause Ill carry you ? Baby, hurry up ba-",

"Enough!", I yelled cutting Tyson off mid sentence as he paced our walk in wardrobe like he had just downed 8 shots of espresso. He had been buzzing since waking up this morning and has barely taken a few minutes to just sit down and relax.

I couldn’t say I blamed him for his buzzing behaviour though as today was the day we were finally bringing our son home. It had been a week since going to the orphanage and since then, Tyson and I had been religiously making trips there everyday.

When Tyson finally came home the day we saw our son for the first time, he didnt arrive until late at night, which sparked up my concern and worry. When he did finally come back not only was his not manic but he seemed to be sober and unharmed which immediately put my mind to rest.

Though he was silent which was normal for him, he took a shower without a single word before slipping into basketball shorts and collapsing on our bed where he proceeded to tell me everything that happened after he left the orphanage.

Once he explained everything, I couldn’t be mad or upset with him for leaving so suddenly as I understood he needed this closure with his past before moving on with his future. Not only did I feel proud of him, what made me even more happier was finding out he had even returned to the orphanage and spent the rest of the afternoon watching our son play with the other children.

Although it was an amazingly life changing day, both Tyson and I were exhausted from all the emotions we had endured and did not have a ounce of trouble falling asleep and after an amazing night’s sleep in my love’s arms, we woke bright and early and made our way back to the orphanage so that Tyson could officially meet his son.

Though Ty was nervous about meeting Isaiah for the first time officially, he ended up having nothing to worry about because just like me, Isaiah gave a warm welcome to Ty as soon as he saw him. As soon as our baby boy was escorted into one of the rooms we were in and spotted Tyson little Isaiah literally broke out into a run and crashed his tiny body into Tyson’s and wrapped his arms around his daddies body.

Of course I couldn’t hold my tears in and I could have even sworn that I saw Tyson even tear up a little as he carefully hugged Isaiah back and held his son in his arms for the first time.

Since that very emotional day we had spent most of our days there, catching up on lost time with our little man and getting to know him better. Even our friends J, Jasmine as well as Adrian and Briana had come by a number of times to spend some time with their nephew who they all seemed to fall in love with.

Although this was an amazing time for us all, it also happen to be one of the biggest media stories to hit the sports world in a long time. Due to the investigation that had sparked up, the media caught wind of it and the headlines the next day were all about ‘Tyson Brown’s kidnapped son, finally found’ or ‘Long lost son hidden in Orphanage’, too name a few.

Paparazzi have literally been camping outside our home as well as having our phones ringing off the hook 24/7 which led to Ty literally throwing his mobile at the wall and shattering it. And if that wasn’t bad it even went as far as me having to pull out of college due to all the attention and paparazzi that had been following me there.

Despite the constant flashing of cameras in our face, yesterday the confirmation of what we already knew had come in. The paternity test results where in and like expected, Isaiah Combs was indeed our son and the first act of parenthood was to bring our son home the next day as well as legally having his name changed backed too Isaiah Tyson Brown.

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