Chapter Twentyseven

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"Disgusting, so damn disgusting", I sighed as I shook my head and attempted to clean up the lounge room that literally looked like a pig sty. Two days, two days Tyson has been seeking out refugee at J’s apartment and although I loved him like a brother, enough was enough.

The three boys have done nothing for the past two days but eat, get high and stay glued to that damn xbox and I was literally about to lose my mind. I for one hated mess with a passion and to come home to this everyday was slowly driving me crazy.

Cringing with disgust, I tied my curly hair into a bun, slipped some gloves on and grabbed a large garbage bag before making my way back into the bomb site. Pizza boxes, chinese take out, blunts, cigarettes, empty beer bottles and a tower of over 2 dozen empty krispy kreme boxes decorated the area.

"Such animals and who the hell eats that many donuts in 2 days", I muttered to myself as I tried not to gag at the smell of rotten food and weed that lingered in the air.

Feeling like it was about time I put my foot down, I walked over to the ipod dock and blasted some music before angrily throwing everything in the garbage bags. It took everything in me not to throw up at the sight and smell and once I had finally thrown out the old food, I let out a sigh of relief.

Next I grabbed the vacuum cleaner from the cupboard in the laundry and didn’t care at all the sounds and banging I was making against the walls as I dragged it into the lounge room, “Three grown ass men, living like a bunch of savages”, I continued to rant under my breath as I plugged in the cord and began cleaning the food covered floor.

Unfortunately for me, Jeremiah had an unnaturally large lounge room so it took me more time than necessary to vacuum the entire floor and it wasn’t until half an hour later that I was done. Using the back of my hand, I wiped the beads of sweat from my forehead and collapsed on the couch just as the music I still had playing cut off.

"You making a ruckus out here like you tryna wake niggas up", I heard a deep, husky voice mutter from behind me. Shaking my head, I didn’t need to turn around to know who it was as I knew that voice from anywhere, "Thats cause I am trying to wake you guys up", I huffed as I stood up and began packing the vacuum cleaner up.

"Why would you try to do that?", Jeremiah chuckled as headed over to the kitchen and pulled out the bottle of orange juice. Not bothering to use a glass, I rolled my eyes as he began drinking it straight from the bottle, "Maybe because its 2 in the afternoon and stop being a grub and use a cup", I sighed as I dragged the vacuum back into the laundry.

"Why you sounding angry though?", J asked once I had returned back to the kitchen and grabbed a wet cloth and some cleaning spray, "Maybe because Ive spent the last hour or so cleaning up yours and your friends mess", I muttered as I headed back to the lounge room and began wiping down the coffee and side tables that had food stains and other mess on them.

"Whoa relax, I was gonna get to it soon, ain’t no one tell you to do it Barbie", He huffed causing me to stop in my tracks and look at him with a raised eyebrow, "Excuse me?", I chuckled bitterly as I dropped the wet cloth on the table and stood with my hands on my hips.

"Shit, I didnt mean it to sound like that baby. Come here", He sighed as he made his way over while I was stuck in my spot, deciding if I should give in or not, "Look dont be angry at me ight. It ain’t like this is a regular thing, cause you no it aint baby", He muttered as he placed his hands on my shoulders and rested his forehead against mine.

"I know J but I was suppose to be moving in this weekend and how do you expect me to do that with this place looking like an atomic bomb hit it", I wined as I leaned in closer so I could rest my body into his.

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