Chapter Sixteen

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Tyson (Manic)

~Four days later~

If I could tell you what I had consumed in the last 24 hours then Id been one smart mother fucker. But I lost count after the first two hours.

Id been to LA and back with in 24 hours and since touching back down in Miami, Ive been on a bender.

I fucked up. I fucked up real bad and I aint even gonna lie and say it aint my fault cause it was.

We both said some foul shit, but I should have never lost my shit at her in the first place.

She needed me and confide in me and I just threw it back in her face. Told her she was the reason our son was dead. Like what type of shit is that?

That was the devil side of me reacting. I couldnt control it, I just blacked out.

Fucking Bipolar was gonna be the death of me.

I killed him.

That bitch ass nigga, Lani’s step father.

I tortured that mother fucker until he pleaded for me to just kill him already. So after the endless hours of carving into him like he was a leg of ham, I burned him alive.

The sweet sound of his cries felt so good that it almost healed all the pain I was feeling from losing my son.

Killed her moms too, after her oh so loyal husband confessed she knew all about the abuse and done nothing to stop it.

So she had to go too.

Shoved a gun so far up her pussy she begged for mercy. Mercy? Fuck I wouldnt no what mercy was if it hit me in the face.

Eventually she burned alive along side her husband screaming out a name that was replaying in my head like a broken record Guardians House

What the fuck did it mean? The bitch’s mouth was melted off before I got a chance to even ask.

Guardians House. Guardians House. Guardians House.

The amount of cocaine, oxy, xanax, ice, pills and alcohol that was running through my system should have killed me hours ago.

Key word; SHOULD. But as always I was still here, still unharmed and still manic.

Why did that nigga up stairs insist on keeping me alive? A nigga was happy to die and go to hell already, but its like nothing could kill me.

I havent spoken to Lani since our fall out.

Meaning I haven’t felt peace or happiness since then.

According to Briana, Lani hasn’t felt it either.

My Manic episode still was running through me clear as day, strongest its ever been and I knew the only cure was her.

I was on my way over there now. I needed to speak to her, to touch her.

She was my drug, my heart, fuck she was my soul.

The moment she walked out of my room after our falling out, felt like I died a thousand times over but pride kept me from chasing after her.

Pride and Revenge.

I got my revenge though, I got it the moment her parents heart stopped beating, by my hands.

It didn’t feel the void though. The pain was still there.

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