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    I have gone from one school to the next. I just finished high school and now I'm being shipped off to an academy for supernatural. However, I'm not a supernatural. I'm human. As far as I know anyway. Apparently when people turn eighteen, they are assessed to see if they would fit into the academy. Now, I know about supernatural because they are drawn to me. Nine times out of ten, they want to either kill me or screw me. So I'm being sent to the academy to learn how to protect myself against supernatural. It's not something I'm going to argue with even though I think it's a waste of time. I already know how to protect myself. But the academy is still a school, and I didn't do so well in my previous school. I sighed softly, sitting in the car with my parents who were lecturing me like I was sixteen and going on a date. No boys in my room. Don't let anyone get in the way of my studies. Make sure to train hard everyday. Blah, blah, blah we were waiting for the train to show up to the train station, which looked like it had long been abandoned. I slumped further down in the car seat when the other students looked in my direction. I had an encounter with a werewolf years ago, which resulted with scars on the left side of my face. I also now possess two different coloured eyes. One is blue and the other is brown. I keep my blue eye covered up because it sees things others cannot see. I can look at someone and see his or her power level in numbers. My power level is 348. The baseline power level for a werewolf is 316 and 328 for a vampire. The baseline for an alpha werewolf is 486 and 493 for a king or queen vampire. It can vary from person to person but those numbers are what all-standard wolves' and vampires' power levels should be. Any less and they are either an omega or a fledgling. Witches are more complicated to ascertain their power because they can fluctuate from zero to infinity, depending on their magical spells. But, I haven't met any undesirable supernatural yet. These supernatural are ones who have a conscience and know right from wrong, but don't fit into human society. They are actually creatures that can be trained. That's the main reason I'm going to the academy willingly. 
    "Time to go, Gem," Mum said softly as the train pulled up. I climbed out of the car, keeping my sunnies on and the hood of my hoodie up over my head. Dad collected my things and took them to be loaded into the train. They both went to the academy as intellectual human students. But they don't understand why I'm going. Well, that's what they say anyway. They weren't surprised when I received the letter that requested I attend the academy. I held my iPod in hand along with my noise cancelling headphones. I had a couple packets of smokes stashed in my bag so no one could find them. Five students were getting on the train to the academy at this stop. One was a tall, blonde girl and she was touching up her makeup. I saw her press her lips together before blowing herself a kiss in a mirror. Her pale complexion indicated that she was a vampire. The numbers I saw on her forehead told me that she was a powerful vampire. Two guys who looked like twins had matching numbers on their forehead. They were currently wrestling with someone who I assumed was their father. Werewolves. Their father was an alpha and so were they. Another guy was near them and also a werewolf. He looked at me for a moment when I got out of the car but turned away, rolling his eyes. He was a powerful 532. Definitely born to be an alpha werewolf.
    "Everyone aboard!" A guy with a monkey face yelled, holding a flag with a tail. Mum handed me my things and I hugged her and Dad, but said nothing as I walked away to board the train. Please be in your uniform before we arrive at the academy," the monkey-faced guy said as he checked our tickets and ushered us on the train. As I boarded the train, I hear Mum sobbing behind me. I walked down the carriage, hoping to find an empty room. I didn't find an empty room, instead finding one with another person in there, asleep. I quickly went inside. I looked at the person, but its face was buried in their arms. However, a cattail swished around their backside. I sat down across from what I assumed was a female and put my bag down. 
"Who are you?" The girl purred, looking up at me. The number 233 was across her forehead. 
"Gem," I said softly.
"My name's Kitty," she purred again, licking her lips as she looked at me. "First year?" she asked, grooming her tail with her claws.
"Yes," I answered softly. 
"Dark and mysterious. Oh honey, you'll be eaten alive," she laughed before laying back down. "Wake me when we arrive. Do me that favour and I'll be your friend."
"Okay," I said simply. She purred again before going back to sleep. I sighed softly and pulled my headphones on, pressing play on my iPod. I listen to a lot of music. Currently I was listening to "Ignorance" by Paramore. I leaned back in my chair and put my feet up on the chair across from me as I looked out the window. I was too nervous to sleep, especially with so many supernatural creatures on the train.

The train finally pulled up at the academy. I had woken Kitty up and also changed into my uniform in one of the bathrooms during to train ride. It was a mid-thigh length skirt. It could be longer if I wanted, but it would look awkward. Most girls had their skirts up higher than mine. I had the option of either long socks or stockings to go with the uniform. I chose stockings. The white blouse I wore had to be tucked in. The skirt must be worn on the waist. There was also a black blazer that had gold buttons and gold trim. It was completely against the rules to wear a hoodie so I spent a while fixing my hair with hairspray. I wanted to keep my hair in place over the left side of my face to hide my scars. Another rule was hair must be worn back. But my pixie cut was long enough in the front to be worn over my face. Hopefully they won't make me wear an ugly headband. I saw a girl with blonde hair wearing one. I still had my reflective sunnies that were were like the ones bikers wore. I know supernatural eyes can't see through my sunnies. I put my headphones back on as I walked down the corridor of the train carriage, squeezing past other people. "Big Bad Wolf" by In the Moment played through my headphones as I returned to the section of the carriage I was staying in. Kitty was sitting there, filing her nails when I walked in. She gave me a big grin that showed her pearly, white teeth. I removed my headphones when she spoke to me. 
"You look purr-fect," she said, rolling her R's and purring. "Down right rebel," she added before the train came to a stop. I collected my bag while she jumped up, linking her arm with mine. I pulled away from her. 
"I'm sorry. I don't like people touching me," I murmured. 
"Oh my," she said, looking very offended. "Well you can get over it. Just for me." Kitty linked her arm with mine again, pulling me into the corridor. I didn't really fight her. I don't like being touched but it's not really for any major reason. I'm just not that type of person. We got off the train and were greeted by four males. They stood there in similar uniforms but with different colour neckties. The uniforms us newcomers wore didn't have neckties included with them. The four males were very good looking guys as well. They were tall and muscular, with very high power levels, 542, 556, 578, and even a 657. Wow. My breath became cold, and when I breathed out one could see my breath. But it wasn't just me that felt the cold, everyone did. The last time I felt cold like this, I met something I never wanted to see again. I gripped Kitty's arm tightly and she jumped from my action. "Why is it so cold?" the girl who boarded the train at the same station I did asked, shivering. Keep it together, Gemini, I told myself as I felt the breath on the back of my neck. They are just demon sensors. I closed my eyes, trying to remain breathing normally. 
"When you exit the train here on academy grounds, everyone is searched by demon sensors. They are invisible to everyone but bring on a bitter chill because demons are sensitive to the cold," the guy with a blue necktie explained as he stepped forward. 
"I see you." A voice whispered in my ear, before a black shadow attacked a girl who stood in front of me. Kitty screamed and practically jumped on me, as the girl was ripped apart. Blood sprayed everywhere and I fell over, unbalanced my Kitty's weight. Everyone looked at us. I was completely embarrassed and scared. I felt like I was going to be sick. The four guys with the neckties approached us and looked down. The guy with the red tie laughed. He was the second lowest rank. 
"You are going to be busy this year, Dylan," the guy with the red tie said to the guy with the blue tie. The one with the black tie looked at me and Kitty sprawled on the ground. Kitty was across my body, purring. 
"Are you okay?" The guy with the black tie asked. I gave a slight nod before he held his hand out to help me up. But Kitty jumped up, intercepting his helping hand. 
"Well, aren't you purr-fect," Kitty purred and flashed him a flirtatious grin. I got to my feet, picking up my bag. 
"Sunnies off, hair back," the guy with a green tie said, pointing at me. 
"No," I responded. "And you can't make me," I added before the guy with the black tie pushed Kitty away. The guy snapped his fingers and I felt my glasses shift, but they didn't go any further than down to my nose. He looked irritated now. 
"You have until tomorrow to be in the correct uniform," the guy with the black tie told me before the four of them walked away. I pushed my glasses back up properly, before we were instructed to follow them.

    We stopped at a field outside the academy building where various types of training equipment filled area. I wasn't sure what was going on at the moment, which made me nervous. KItty was purring beside me, whispering about how hot Blake, the guy who wore the black tie, looked. She was saying things like how she would let Blake stroke her any day. I wasn't too sure if it was a sexual innuendo or she simply meant patting her tail. I couldn't tell with this girl. Everything she said sounded sexual. 
"Before we begin, how many of you know your power level?" Blake asked us all, standing there like he was in the military. His arms were behind his back and his feet were shoulder width apart. He no longer wore his blazer, just the white button down shirt that looked too small on him. A few people, including Kitty, raised their hands. 
"I'm 302," Kitty said proudly. No you aren't, I thought, looking at the 233 still on her forehead. I know mine, but I was reluctant to let everyone know. I'm human, and a human is hardly ever greater than 150.
"Please move towards Dylan and tell him your power level if you know it. The rest of you divide up, Werewolves, vampires, and shifters over here and then Humans and Witches over there. Everyone else come and stand here," Blake ordered as he indicated where the different supernatural species should stand. Kitty skipped off towards Dylan. I joined the eight other humans that were here. I felt out of place and uncomfortable. I hugged myself, looking around at everyone else. "Let's start with the humans," Blake said as he approached us, intentionally intimidating us all. 
"What's going on?" A girl half of my size asked him.
"You are going to be divided up among the four strength classes. Blue is from 0-200. Red is 201-300. Green is 301-400. And Black is 401 and up." Blake answered, looking at everyone. "Normally, humans go to Blue. Most of the other creatures go to Red. Werewolves, vampires, shifters, and witches are the go to either Green or Black," Blake explained. I stepped back to the back of the group and he noticed. I expected him to call on me first, but I was thankful when he didn't. 
"How does this work?" Another girl asked.
"You hit me," Blake told her. Some of the guys laughed. "I can estimate your power level by your attack."
"Can I go first?" A guy asked, smirking. 
"Sure," Blake said and moved back towards a wrestling mat. I moved so I could see. I saw the guy land a hit on Blake and broke his hand. A lot of the high-ranking people started laughing. However, I wasn't. I was worried. Really worried. My power level can fluctuate if I feel threatened. I have taken down a supernatural who had a 536-power level before. I didn't mean to, I just wanted to live in that situation. Every time I get into dangerous situations, my power grows. It's difficult to understand my circumstances because I'm not a witch, nor am I human. I'm also not a creature. When I looked up again, it was my turn. I was the last human standing that had not punched Blake. 
"Can I not do this?" I asked him.
"You have to do this. If you are injured, you will be healed by Ian," Blake answered. It's not my injuries I'm worried about, I thought as I approached him. I stood there awkwardly, looking at Blake. Kitty was right. He was really hot. 
"Today!" Ian yelled out. He was the one with the green tie. 
"Right," I whispered, looking at my hands. "I just hit you?"
"It's pretty simple," Blake said. He looked at me amused. The other girls did not hesitate when it was their turn to punch him. 
"I'm sorry," I told him.
"Why? It doesn't hurt." Blake looked confused. 
"Because you're treated like a punching bag," I murmured. 
"Just hit the guy!" Someone yelled out. I whimpered slightly, chewing on my lip. 
"Do I have to use my fists?" I asked. 
"Yes." Blake said a little too quickly. Someone must have kicked him in the balls before, I thought. I sighed softly and balled up my fist before I landed a hit on the middle of his ribcage. I knocked all the air from his lungs and felt his sternum crack under my fist. He stumbled back, hunching over with his hands on his knees, coughing and trying to get air back into his lungs. 
"I'm sorry," I said, alarmed. "I tried not to break your ribs."
"Tried? You held back?" Blake sputtered out and coughed again.
"To me, I barely touched you," I said, softly. "I'm sorry. I said I didn't want to do this." I hugged myself. He coughed again, shaking his head. 
"This only works if you don't hold back," Blake said. 
"We will just come back to you." Blake waved me off. I sighed and went to sit down on the grass. I pulled my headphones on. "Stampede" by Alexander Jean and Lindsey Sterling played when I pushed play on my iPod. I leaned forward on my knees, hugging my legs before closing my eyes. I got lost in the music that played in my head.

When I looked up an hour later, people were starting to gather in groups and were handed a tie of their class colour. I took my headphones off and stood up. 
"What about, Gem?" Kitty asked, wearing a green tie. She did not belong in that class. 
"Ian, take my group. I'll get her sorted out." Blake said. Ian just nodded. Everyone left, leaving a shirtless Blake and me. His exposed chest filled my head with many questions. When did his shirt come off? When's he going to put it back on? One question was answered when he put his shirt back on, which now had a big rip in it. "Come with me," Blake said as he grabbed his blazer off a weapons rack and pulled it on. I quickly walked after him. 
"I'm sorry for the trouble, but I know my power level," I told him.
"Yeah?" Blake questioned.
"348," I murmured. He chuckled, shaking his head. 
"Plucking a random number from the air like that doesn't count. Your hit was definitely greater than 348."
I sighed softly.
Where are we going?" I asked him.
To see a teacher," he answered. "Professor Bunny. She's a little quirky but she can source out peoples' power levels. It takes longer than a simple hit."
We climbed the stairs to one of the academy towers. When we reached the top, Blake pushed open a door that led to a room. Inside was a lady in there, giggling away in a chair that was floating in the air. There were a couple bunnies on a floating table next to her and she was giggling at them. 
"Don't say that!" she said, suddenly. "They are our guests and you will be nice," she added, looking at the bunnies. The chair and table slowly floated back down to the ground. Professor Bunny had very long, blonde hair. She also had brilliant, blue eyes and a flawless complexion. She was stunning to say the least. But she definitely had a few screws loose in her pretty head.
"Professor Bunny, we need help identifying this girl's power level," Blake said as he pointed at me. 
"Oh sweet, little girl. Just hit him in the face!" she said, laughing at me. I chuckled lightly at her. 
"She won't. At least not as hard as she can," Blake told the professor while he laughed. 
"Alright. Come sit, sit," Professor Bunny grabbed my hands and ushered me over to the table. "You, get out!" she snapped at Blake. He chuckled again, walking out. 
"Umm, what are you going to do?" I asked and sat down. 
"First, you need to take your glasses off and tuck your hair back for me," she answered. 
"I don't-"
"Oh, don't worry about it. It can stay between us. But it's the only way for me to see your power level." Professor Bunny explained. I nodded slightly before taking my glasses off and tucking my hair back. She gasped instantly and I looked away from her, covering up my face. 
"It's horrible, I know," I whispered. She cupped my face, making me look at her. 
"Don't be ashamed of battle scars," she said, tucking my hair back. "It may be hard to look at and people will stare. But it makes you a survivor," she said softly.
"I don't want people to look at me," I told her. Professor Bunny ran her thumb across my forehead. 
"Wow. You are power for a human." She sounded impressed. "453. That explains how you survived an attack this bad." She gestured to my scars.
No, that's not right," I frowned. 
"That's what I'm seeing. You must have had a power spike recently," she theorized. 
"It was 348 this morning," I told her. 
"A big power spike. The academy can do that to some people. Just the sheer magical energy the academy emits can cause people to spike overnight or in a week," the professor explained. "Take Blake, for example. When he started here, he was only 312. And now he is double that power level in just one year." 
I nodded slightly before I pulled away from her and covered up the side of my face again. I put my glasses back on. 
"Thank you," I simply said, She nodded and escorted me to the door. When she opened it, I saw Blake leaning against the wall opposite the door, fiddling with his tie. He gave up trying to tie it up when he saw us. 
"Black," Professor Bunny simply said to him. 
"Number?" Blake asked. 
"453," she answered with a smile before pushing me out towards Blake. She slammed the door behind me. 
"Okay then," I said and straightened myself out. 
"Here." Blake handed me a black tie. I looked at it. It was his tie. 
"Isn't that your tie?" I raised my eyebrows at him. 
"Everyone knows what class I am. You'll need this tie to get into the dormitories," he explained. I took the tie and wrapped it around my neck. Tying it up correctly, I fixed my collar before I noticed he was watching me. 
"Umm..." I said nervously. I was unsure of what to say afterwards. 
"Sorry. I don't actually know how to tie a tie," Blake said and started walking, gesturing for me to follow him. "I just normally steal someone else's tie that had already been pre-tied," he added. I couldn't help but laugh lightly at what he was saying. 
"Never thought to ask for help?" I questioned him.
"Multiple times. I just don't get it." Blake shrugged as we walked down the stairs. 
"Should I be worried?" I suddenly asked him. He glanced at me. 
"I am human," I mumbled. 
"So? You aren't the first human to have a great power level. It's rare but it does happen. Sometimes a human is gifted. Sometimes it's just their blood quality. Other times they have incredible strength. Or just pure intellectual power," Blake ranted. I scoffed. 
"I failed high school," I pointed out. "Anyways, I'm more concerned about how other werewolves, vampires, and shifters would react." 
"I'm in charge, so they won't do anything," he answered. I nodded slightly as we turned down a hallway and towards a door. Many of the new students with black ties gathered around the door, with Ian yelling at them to shut up. "I got it from here." Blake stepped forward and and everyone fell silent. I just stood there awkwardly. As I hugged myself, a few people glanced at me when I approached. However, now all attention was on Blake. 
"He's so cute," a girl whispered. I saw Blake smirk slightly before Ian walked away, not even glancing my way. It looked like he didn't see me. Or he did and didn't care.
"Now, I'm going to make this as clear as possible. If you don't wear your tie, you cannot enter the dormitories. Each tie is magically enhanced to unlock the entrance to the dormitories. Wearing a different colour tie is strictly forbidden, and will result in an immediate expulsion. Am I understood?" Everyone nodded. "When you enter the common room, make your way towards the stairs. Girls to the right and boys to the left, any funny business and you answer to me. Your names are displayed on the bedroom doors. Your belongings can be found inside your rooms." Blake pushed pushed the door to the dormitories open and everyone walked inside. I was the last to enter, besides Blake. He followed me inside and closed the door. I looked around the room. It was a fairly nice, circular area and had a fireplace. Some lounge chairs filled the room and there were books everywhere. However, the room was dimly lit. I followed the girls up the stairs and down the hallway. Right at the end of the hall, my name sat on a door with two other girls. I headed inside and saw a vampire and a werewolf. They were already arguing over who would get the bed closest to the bathroom. I instantly took the bed closest to the window. I sat down near the windowsill and opened the glass window. I grabbed my bag off the side table and pulled out a packet of smokes, taking one out and placed it between my lips. 
"Smoking isn't allowed." I looked up at the girl with blue-black hair, green eyes, and pale skin. 
"Are you going to snitch on me?" I asked her. There was little emotion that could be heard in my voice. 
"Not if you share," she answered with a smirk on her glossy lips. I tossed her the smokes before I lit my cigarette up, taking a drag from it. 
"How did you get them in?" the other girl asked, taking one as I threw the lighter to them. 
"My parents told me they only search your suitcase and trunks, but not your carry bags," I said before emptying my bag onto my bed. Twenty packets of smokes fell out. "Keep it amongst us and I'll share," I offered the two girls. 
"First dorm secrets. Nice. I'm Crystal by the way," the girl with green eyes greeted me. 
"I'm Jewels," the girl with brown hair and brown eyes called out. 
"Gem," I greeted them. "Gemini is my full name," I added and sat back down at the window. I took another drag from my smoke before blowing it out the window. 
"You are human," Jewels stated. 
"Talented human," I corrected her. "I'm not a very social person, so I apologize if I seem rude. I don't really interact with a lot of people," I told the two girls as I flicked ash out of the window. 
"Someone's coming," Crystal suddenly said and hid her cigarette. I put mine out before I covered the packets of cigarettes on my bed. There was a sudden knock at the door. "It's open," Crystal sang out before the door opened and Blake walked in.
"I thought you weren't allowed in here," I said, looking at Blake. 
"No, I said no funny business. But you are all grown adults. It's not against any rules the school follows. It's my rules," Blake told me. He then sniffed the air. "I can smell the cigarettes from downstairs," he added as he looked at all three of us. 
"Seriously?" Jewels looked surprised. "That's impressive."
"Not really," I told her. "Our window is opened and the smoke would be blowing out of it." I gestured toward our open window. 
"Clever," Blake glanced at me. "If I catch any of you with them, I have to confiscate them."
"Noted," I said in a deadpan manner. 
"Same with alcohol," he added and stared right at me. It was obvious that I was the guilty party.
"I didn't bring alcohol," I muttered. I did but the alcohol is for me, myself, and I and we don't share. 
"Here are your schedules." Blake placed some papers down on the table next to the door before he walked out, closing the door behind him. 
"Just because you can't get laid, doesn't mean we have to suffer," Crystal said as she crossed her arms and glared at the door Blake just closed. 
"What?" Jewels questioned with a confused look. 
"Rumour is, Mister Perfect has erectile dysfunction and hasn't been laid in six years," Crystal clarified and giggled. Jewels turned bright red. 
"I just thought he was gay," Jewels whispered, as she looked embarrassed. I shook my head and got up from the window seat. 
"I'm going for a walk. You two can gossip without me," I told the girls. I walked out of the room, headphones and iPod in hand. I headed downstairs and into the common room. I saw Blake sitting near the fireplace, on the ground and reading a book. He looked up at me when I walked in. 
"You can't smoke anywhere on school grounds or you'll get caught," he stated and turned back to his book. 
"I'm going to look around. I don't want to listen to any gossip," I told the boy. 
"What gossip?" he asked. 
"Just gossip," I answered and kept on walking. 
"Got your tie?" he questioned, not looking up from his reading. 
"Yeah," I waved him off before leaving the dormitories to explore the school.

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