Twenty three

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The next two weeks I pushed my body to its limits and then even further. After the fourth day I was in the infirmary every day following that. Because of some broken bones or torn muscles that healed as soon as I got blood into me. But my power level increased as well and my human self maxed out at 612. I will never be able to push my human body further then that. But my wolf and vampire self now rested at 1876. I did update Talia of my power increase and she amped up the boys training since Jason and Dante joined the training too. Not like Dante needed it tho. The last day before everyone arrived all the pixies gave my body a massage from the extreme training and it loosened my body up before I slept the day away.

I woke up to the yelling and laughter though the halls. But that silenced very quickly when Blake yelled at everyone to get their Asses to the common room for new term announcements. I dragged myself out of bed and wondered downstairs hiding in the crowd. Everyone look so refreshed and happy. Some had tans and looked like they spent a lot of time at the beach. But Blake Ian Jason and Dante has put on a bit of muscle and their power levels were all in the low thousands. 
"First roll call. If any students are missing from the school grounds I must report to the headmaster." Blake said bluntly but before he could start calling out names Jewels spoke 
"What did you do over the holidays?" Jewels asked Blake "you got even more hot." She blurted out but quickly covered her mouth. 
"Training. We received training to boost out power levels dramatically." Blake said bluntly. He was angry. And frustrated but began to call out names. My mind began to wonder off to the thought of my hippocampus. Her eggs are going to start hatching soon. The climate of the water would guarantee all of them be girls. Which once all have reached breeding age will benefit the species. "Has anyone seen Gemini?" Blake asked slightly concerned in his voice and people began to whisper because no one saw me. Little me in the back hardly visible behind all the tall people because it's like a requirement for vampires and werewolves to be 5'6. While I'm only 5'3 without heels. 
"She wasn't on the train?" Crystal asked him 
"Not that we saw." Ian said. 
"Did her parents pull her out after that big fight?" One of the twins asked 
"Her name is on my list so she is still in attendance." Blake said damn I hate being short sometimes. No one sees you. 
"Short person in the back no one can see." I said giving a lazy wave and everyone looked at me in my pjs in the afternoon only two hours until dinner. 
"You weren't on the train." Dante said. I shrugged slightly 
"There are other methods of getting to the school. Flying running swimming. Teleportation with headmaster's permission. I choose not to spend six hours on a train with a bunch of people who either dislike me talk about me or like me too much." I said with a bored tone. 
"You look like shit." Jason blurted out. Yeah I probably do. I still had stitches on my face from where I got clawed by a wendigo. My right arm was broken and in a sling and bandages covered the length of my left legs because I ripped though my muscles again. All injuries that didn't heal when I drank blood. I just shrugged. 
"Family holidays aren't necessarily a holiday. Especially when you have parents who work for the STA." I said simply "anyway. I got here yesterday so I already know what's going on this term. So I am going back to my room to lay down since I'm in a great deal of pain." I said and walked away back upstairs. Lying down on my bed I sighed softly propping my leg back up on the pillows because I was in a lot of pain. And human injuries take human time to heal. Yes they will heal perfectly like supernatural but will take longer. I closed my eyes just relaxing but I heard the door open. 
"Care to talk?" Ian asked 
"I'll listen." I mumbled not having the energy to talk. 
"What happened to you?" He asked me. 
"Training" I mumbled laying my arm over my head to cover the light. 
"Well." He said softly. "We decides that we would fight for you attention and allow you to pick one of us after the games." Ian said softly. 
"Uh huh." I mumbled. 
"That's it?" He asked "no arguing or objection?" He asked. 
"Ian I am in a great deal of pain unless you are here with heavy drugs to take away the pain I am in I just don't care. I have no motivation to talk about this or even fight anything you have to say. Please just let me rest." I said softly. 
"Have you had blood to heal?" He asked 
"Yes." I mumbled before the door opened again.
"What's going on?" Blake asked with no emotions in his voice. 
"Injured during training and not healing. Blood didn't help her heal either." Ian said simply. 
"Did you try healing potions?" Blake asked. "Or moon flower? Is a werewolf healing flower." Blake added 
"Human injuries need to heal in human time. If any of that shit worked I would have used it." I mumbled annoyed. "This happened because of human training. If I were using my wolf or my vampire they would have healed with them methods. But I can't do that around my parents." I said simply. 
"Yeah what's the deal with them?" Ian asked softly. 
"You don't know anything about me if you did you would know who my father is." I said simply. 
"Well you don't talk about your family." Ian said 
"You don't ask." I retorted before I sighed softly. "If you aren't here to help me with my pains, go away. I heave a headache too" I whispered. 
"Are you coming down to dinner?" Blake asked me 
"I don't know." I mumbled.
"If you don't come down we can bring you something to eat." Blake offered. 
"Mm. Sounds good." I mumbled. 
"Have you spoken to Professor Floral?" Ian asked. 
"Yes." I said softly. "I have been here a while already ok so if I could have been healed I would be ok. So stop asking and just let me rest so I can recover properly." I whispered 
"Right sorry." Blake said softly before I heard the door open. 
"There are a few large box downstairs for you too." Ian said 
"Someone bring them up please. Be careful with them." I said softly. "They will be heavy." I added. 
"Will do." Blake said and headed out of my room. I heard Blake yelling orders downstairs
"Luca headphones." I whispered. Luca jumped off the bed and went to grab my headphones before bringing them to me. I pulled my headphones on before the door opened. Blake and Ian came in carrying a large box with both of them holding it followed by Jason and Dante then the twins. They just put the three boxes down near the window and walked out before returning again with another three. Six boxes big enough to put myself in. Why. Because that's everything I own. I asked Talia to pack my stuff up and send it to the school while mum and dad were out of town and she did. She asked why but I told her I needed to focuses on my studies and that I wouldn't be able to leave the school next holidays. She still believes that I was with my parents. The twins left my room but the others looked at me. My leg was tapped and pain shot though my leg. I cringed from it before taking my headphones off 
"No thank you?" Jason asked 
"Not anymore." I said bluntly. "You are the most stupidest person alive and I swear o go if moving was an option right now I would beat you to a pulp." I said angry holding my leg trying to restrict the amount of pain that was running though it. 
"Wait you Are Actually injured?" Jason asked 
"No I'm faking it because I don't want to be around people." I said sarcastically "of course I'm fucking injured you prick! You of all people should know that holidays with my parents isn't a fucking vacation" I added he just looked at me for a moment. 
"I forgot about that." Jason said softly. 
"Forgot what?" Dante asked 
"Last holiday she went on with her parents she ended up hospitalised for a day with fracture ribs." Jason said softly. 
"Damn. I thought we had it rough." Dante said rubbing his shoulder. 
"Alright I'm done asking nicely." I said moving slightly. "Get the fuck out and leave me alone to sleep before I decide to hurt you." I said angry. They just hurried out without saying anything else. I rubbed my leg for a moment then looked at the boxes. I'll deal with them tomorrow. I thought before I got comfortable and just laid there listening to music.

I managed to get up and put on some cloths before I limped down stairs with the help of a crutch before slowly making my way to the dining hall. All I managed to pull on was a skirt over my pants and my zip up hoodie that was just hanging over my broken arm. I sighed softly walking into the dining hall and making my way towards my seat. No one was in uniform, which made what I was wearing better. I walked towards my seat before I sat down next to Ian, which proved difficult to step over the bench seat so I only put my good leg over since I was unable to bend my left leg enough to step over. So my whole body was facing Ian. 
"Hey." He said with a smile 
"I'm only sitting like this because I can't move my other leg enough to put it over the bench." I said simply. 
"I know." Ian said softly before I put some food into my plate. I had missed the announcements because of how long it took me to walk here. 
"How was your holiday?" Dante asked looking at me. 
"I don't want to talk about it." I said simply. 
"That bad?" Blake asked me I didn't answer. I'll admit I didn't have a problem staying at the academy over the holidays. But I was still very upset about my parents. I haven't spoken to them. But I won't tell anyone I was here over the holidays. 
"Who are you parents?" Jason asked "I recognise them from somewhere. But I can't put my finger on it. Are they famous or something?" He added 
"You don't know?" Dante asked looking at him "Gemini's father is the president of the humans activist committee." Dante added and everyone in earshot fell silent 
"Shut up!" I snapped at him. "You have no idea what will happen if they find out!" I said harshly. He just looked at me alarmed 
"Sorry." He said softly. I just looked at him now. 
"What?" Blake asked confused 
"The human right activist made it illegal for a human to be turned without permission from the committee. You can only turn a human if the humans want to be turned and if you are helplessly in love. Otherwise they will be killed and so will you." Ian said softly 
"Why don't I know about this?" He asked confused 
"Werewolf turning a human is very rear and unlikely and only works point one percent of the time. So vampires were the ones told when the law came into place." Ian said explaining it to Blake. Blake looked at me as I stabbed the green beans on my plate before sticking them in my mouth. 
"I'm sorry. I have no idea your parents were so.-" he paused now 
"Human proud." I said giving him the words he needed. "They already suspect I'm a vampire anyway. And-" I was cut off by Jason's snickering. 
"You a vampire" he just started laughing. "You wouldn't be the type. Fainting at the sight of blood. And you are too gentle. I mean you hardly fit the profile of being a wolf." He added I just looked at him 
"I was turned you inconsiderate asshole." I said bluntly. He just looked at me for a moment. 
"Are you sure?" Jason asked leaning on the table. 
"Yes I am sure." I said softly and put some more food into my mouth. 
"You missed the announcements." Blake said softly. 
"Anything important?" I asked him.
"Well. Since you are ahead on classes not really. But there is one thing. The black games have changed slightly. So all black students with more then 500 power level are to report to the training field after dinner." Blake said softly. I sighed softly and just nodded slightly dropping my head. I don't have the damn energy to even try and walk there. Pixies are busy and Luca is exhausted from training as well. I rubbed my neck slightly. 
"You don't look excited since the games are basically all you ever talk about." Ian said pointing out my lack of enthusiasm. 
"I am. I'm just not motivated to move around because of how much it hurts to move." I said softly placing the last of my food into my mouth. My hair got longer over the holidays and it fell over my eyes like it did when I started the school year. My hair grows extremely fast if I left it alone by the time the games came it would be long enough to reach my waist. That's just good genetics from my mum. Every female can grow her hair super long in a year. But I keep mine short because when it comes to fighting it doesn't get in the way. I ran my fingers though my hair before crystals nudge me and then laid her head on my shoulder. She smelt of alcohol I moved my head slightly looking at her. 
"Rumour is you are dating Blake." She said smirking st me 
"Well that cant be true since I'm a lesbian and would probably date you before I dated him." I said very casually and she very quickly moved away from me before I smirked at her "I bet you regret running around the dorm room naked when I was living in there." I added and she turned red so quickly and so did Jewels. 
"Wait you were serious about being a lesbian?" Jewel asked I just grinned at them 
"You thought I was kidding? Four guys constantly fighting for my attention because they like me and I don't even acknowledge it. That's a big 'I'm a lesbian' sign right there. I mean I'm sure you two moved my stuff to my new room you were bound to find my lesbian porn if you went searching though my things. And then there is Talia. My girl. I didn't get defensive about her for no reason. And we are in a very open relationship." I said with a smirk. "Oh and I kissed that Olivia girl from the other school."
"You made out with her." Jason said. "I'm pretty sure she would have jumped you right here on the table if you let her." He added. 
"Oh sweet Jesus." Crystal said huddling up to Jewels as I smiled. 
"I didn't lie. I told you both and you both laughed at me calling me a liar." I said. 
"I'm so mortified right now." Crystal whispered and I laughed before getting up. Blake looked very amused by the way I handled that before I began to limp away. My limping drew the attention of everyone tho and their eyes reminded me how weak and fragile my human body will always be. No matter how powerful I get. No matter my power level. One fatal human blow and I'm done. I began to fight the tears as I made my way to the door. I am so fragile. 
"The best student broken down." 
"She is still part human. Humans brake easily." 
"She has many weaknesses. Someone we can exploit when the training exams come along." 
"That leg of hers looked so damaged that she shouldn't even be walking." I walked out the door and they closed behind me silencing the whispers but almost instantly the tears began to fall. I limped down the hallway as one by one a new tear fell from my eye and rolled down my cheek. I didn't cry once all holidays. I didn't let the sadness brake me down. I just pushed and pushed until my body broke and all that accomplished was my broken heart and my broken body neither of which will mend anytime soon. My feet tangled up and I fell to the ground. I could hardly see so I couldn't move. I just stayed there on the ground on my knees my good arm supporting my weight as my tears fell to the ground. 
"What good are you if your own family can't accept who you are?" I asked myself trying to fight the tears back but I couldn't. They just kept falling. "You'll never be anything more then a weak human girl. No matter how strong you get. How many people you defeat. You will always be a weak pathetic human who could never amount to anything without the help of the supernatural." I added my voice so weak and fragile. I sounded destroyed. I tried to get to my feet but the pain was too much and the moment I put any weight on my legs I just collapsed again. Get up you useless girl! I yelled at myself in my head as I fought to get to my feet. I almost got go but I fell again. This time I didn't hit the ground. Instead two arms had my body weight and lifted me to my feet properly. I was ashamed now because someone had to help me stand up and if they let me go I would fall again. The way the person smelled told me it was Dante. 
"I know you stayed at the academy." He said softly. "I know you did this to yourself. I just don't understand why." He added 
"It doesn't matter." I said pushing him off me but the moment I tried to walk away I fell again Dante was quicker and caught me before I hit the ground. 
"I can heal you if you let me." Dante said 
"I don't need your help." I said bluntly trying to get away from him but it was no use. As soon as he stopped supporting my body weight I would fall over again. 
"Can you let go of your pride for just a second to let me help you." He said slightly annoyed but being gentle because I was still crying. "I'll help you to your room. It's clear you need the rest." Dante said softly 
"I can do it myself. I don't need help." I said trying to be angry but I came across as desperate and when I tried to move away my leg gave out and I fell into Dante's chest. Almost instantly my whole body gave up as I cried. Dante wrapped his arms around me hugging me gently careful not to hurt me anymore then I already was. 
"It's ok." Dante said softly. "I won't tell anyone." He added and for some reason that reassurance made me feel weaker. But the weaker I became the more inviting Dante's blood was to me. It smelled divine and made my mouth water. It didn't help that I was hungry too. Feeling my fangs pushing forward I shove Dante back and tried to run away but I got four steps before I fell again and Dante rushes to help me up. Before I could tell him to get away from me the smell hit my nose again and all my sense became clouded. For some reason I saw the colour blue. Like blue clouds covered my vision. And then them blue clouds began to turn red. The taste in my mouth was nothing I had ever imagined. This was better then sex. This was the best thing that had ever touched my mouth. What was this? My sense cleared when I hit the ground hard. Looking up
Dante was holding his neck blood spilled between his fingers as he looked at me horrified by what I did. I was horrified by what I did 
"Oh no-" I whispered covering my mouth "I'm so sorry." I said before I got to my feet ignoring every bit of pain running away from him and towards the black tower. Tears ran from my eyes because of my panic and the fact I lost control over myself like that. My vampire in me was pulling back because we wanted more. Oh god I wanted more. I ran into the common room and upstairs to my room instantly I opened the fridge to grab some blood but it was empty. Crap! Ian has some. I ran across to his room letting myself in and snatched a bag of blood from his personal fridge and without hesitation use the bitter blood to wash away the taste of Dante's blood. I left the room still drinking the blood and went to go to my room but it was locked and I left my keys inside. Crap I thought sinking to the ground needed to finish this blood before I do anything else. 
"Shit." I heard Blake say sounding stressed. "What happened why did she bite you?" He added 
"You knew?" Dante asked alarmed
"Of course we knew. Why do you think she was always around us? She trusted us with her secret." Ian said bluntly. "Why did she bite you?" They were in the common room my guess patching up Dante's neck. 
"I-" I heard Dante hesitate now "I made her angry and she lashed out." He added 
"Jesus Christ." Blake said frustrated 
"You know we have to report this." Ian said 
"You heard the headmaster. If Gemini keeps lashing out like this he was going to expel her take away her creatures and then she would be left with nothing." Blake said. 
"What?" Dante asked "shit- no I lied ok. I only said she lashed out because it was the most plausible thing I could come up with. But I did tell her I wouldn't say anything." Dante said softly 
"What?" Blake asked 
"I went to offer her an angelic healing potion because she was in so much pain. And when I found her. She wouldn't let me anywhere near her. I promised I wouldn't say anything and she just caved. So I'm not going to say what really happened. She would get upset." Dante said softly. 
"So she didn't lash out?" Ian asked 
"No." I heard Blake and Ian sigh in relief 
"Was she aware of her actions?" Ian asked 
"I don't know. She panicked and tried to get away from me but I got close to her and then she bit me. I don't think she relished until I pushed her off. I'll admit if she wasn't so weak right now I doubt I would have been able to do so." Dante said softly sounding defeated. I began to feel a little lightheaded. Their voices faded before I slipped into unconsciousness.

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