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    Combat training killed me. Since I refused to fight, I was forced to run laps. I did over a hundred laps in the two hours of training class. When I got back to my room, I could hardly stand up. I collapsed onto my bed, truly exhausted. 
"You stink. Go take a shower," Jewels wrinkled her nose. I groaned, before getting to my feet. I dragged myself to shower and turned on the cold water. I was too hot. I washed my hair, scrubbing out the grime and sweat. My scalped was itching from the buckets of sweat that soaked my hair. After scrubbing the rest of my body, I turned off the shower and stepped out. It was then that I realized that I left my hair dryer and straightener on my bed. My hair is naturally curly. Unless I straighten it, my hair won't cover my face. I cracked the door open and peered out. 
"Can someone hand me my hair dryer and straightener?" I asked the two girls in the room. I kept my body and face hidden as I only had a towel wrapped around my body. 
"No! Get out! We need the bathroom too!" Crystal yelled. Damn it. I hurriedly dressed in my clothes. I laid my towel over my head to keep my face covered before leaving the bathroom. Jewels shoved Crystal out of the way and rushed into the bathroom. Crystal groaned before she focused on the towel covering my face. She crossed her arms. 
"You know, whatever you are hiding, you won't be able to hide it away forever," she pointed out with narrowed eyes. 
"I can sure try," I shrugged before collapsing onto my bed again, laying facedown on my bed. I was absolutely exhausted. "I'm not going to the dance. I'm too exhausted. I can hardly stand up," I groaned as my muscles cramped up. I hugged my pillow as my eyes slowly closed. I could totally fall asleep right now. However, there was a knock on the door. I eyes flew open but I didn't moved from my bed. 
"It's open!" Crystal called out as she began to lie out her makeup in front of a vanity she had set up. 
"Stop inviting people in when you even know who is at the door!" I grumbled to her. I heard the door open. 
"Hey," I heard Dante say with a smirk in his voice. 
"Well, hello you," Crystal purred, clearly pleased to see the angel. "To what do we owe the pleasure?"
Dante smiled. "I wanted to see if any of you girls wanted to accompany me to the dance tonight?" I could still hear the smirk in his voice. Crystal narrowed her eyes. 
"Are you asking any of us in particular, or all three of us?" Crystal asked, a touch of jealousy seeping in her voice. 
"I'll gladly take all three of you, if you like." Dante offered with a tone of pleasure. "Unless you want to have me all to yourself, then I'll happily take you alone," Dante let his offer hang in the air. 
"I would love to go with you," Jewels interrupted before Crystal could speak up. I glanced up. Jewels had rushed out of the bathroom with only a towel covering her. 
"That's not fair!" I spoke to him first!" Crystal snapped. 
"I can take all three of you," Dante offered again. His ego is definitely inflating, watching two, beautiful girls argue over him. 
"Gem's not going!" Crystal blurted out. 
"Then I'll take you and Jewels," Dante flashed her his pearly whites. 
"Unless Gem changes her mind, of course." There was a moment of silence. 
"No. She won't." Jewels assured him. "She doesn't like parties," she added. Yay. I don't have to go to the silly party. 
"I'll pick both of you up at six," Dante told the two girls before I heard the door close. I sat up, angry with Crystal and Jewels. 
"He is never allowed in here, again!" I snapped at them harshly. 
"You are so cranky," Crystal waved me off. "Seriously, you really need to get laid," she added. I got up off my bed and grabbed my hoodie. I pulled my hoodie on and covered my face with the hood. 
"Where are you going?" Jewels asked me. 
"Where I won't be bothered," I simply said as I picked up my laptop and headphones. I kept my head down as I walked out of the room. I wove my way down the hallway, dodging other girls. I walked down the stairs that led to the girl's dorms, then made my way up the stairs that led to the rooms occupied by boys. I made my way towards Blake's room. Thankfully, the hallway was empty. I knocked on the door, and after a moment, Blake answered. 
"Gemini?" Blake opened the door wider. 
"Can I hide in here?" I kept my down and face hidden. 
"Yeah," he replied and stepped to the side. I quickly entered his room and he closed the door behind me. "You can sit on the bed if you want. I'm doing the Monsterology essay at the moment," Blake offered. 
"I finished mine during lunch," I told him before I sat on his bed. I kicked off my shoes before leaning against the headboard. I put my feet up and turned on my laptop. 
"You okay?" Blake asked me. I sighed. 
"The girls are harassing me because Dante showed up at room. He insisted he take all three of us to the dance," I mumbled as I loaded Netflix. 
"Are you going?" Blake asked.
"Can't dance?"
"Don't like crowds." 
"Do you intend to hide in my room all night?" 
"Just for a while," I groaned from my still aching muscles. "Until I need to sleep," I told him before rubbing my eyes. I was already really tired and could crash any second. But, it would be rude to sleep in Blake's bedroom, especially since I have my own room and scandalous. I shifted nervously. Stupid mind. That would be very awkward. 
"Alright," Blake turned back to his essay. I put my headphones on and turn my attention to my Netflix show.

    I watched two episodes before Blake got up. He placed his essay down on his stack of books before I saw him gather up some clothes. Then he headed towards his bathroom. After a few minutes, he exited his bathroom with jeans and a white shirt. He also had a grey over shirt that was unbuttoned. The sleeves were folded up to his elbows. He ran his fingers through his damp hair, pushing it back off his face. I quickly looked over his attire. Damn. Blake out of uniform was super sexy. I paused my show, taking my headphones off when he spoke to me. 
"What?" I asked him.
"I'm going to the dance. Make sure you lock the door when you leave," he instructed. 
"I will."
"And don't let anyone in," he added as he paused at the door. 
"I definitely don't plan on doing that," I reassure him. "I intend on being very much alone, right now."
"You are strange," Blake chuckled and shook his head. He grabbed his keys, putting them in his pocket after latching them to one of his belt loops. 
"That's new." I raised an eyebrow. 
"You stole my keys," he narrowed his eyes playfully as I laughed. 
"It was pretty easy to take them."
"Now, no one can steal them if they're attached to my belt loop." he boasted. 
"Smart move," I hid a small smile.
"By the way. Don't lose my key. It's my only spare," he added. 
"I won't," I told him and he nodded. 
"See you later. Or not," he waved goodbye before walking out of the room. I heard the door lock and I sighed softly. I pushed my hood back off my head. I felt so much better. I patted my hair. Once everyone's gone to the party, I'm going to straighten my hair. My laptop suddenly dinged. Crap. Low battery. I sighed and got to my feet, heading to Blake's desk. He had the same laptop as me so I was able to use his charger. I plugged my laptop into the charger before I stretched. I ran my hand through my hair, pushing it back off my face. There, now I can see better. 
I looked around Blake's dorm. He sure has a nice room. He had a large bed. It was really soft too. The room was slightly smaller than my own, but it was a good size for one person. I could do cartwheels around the room if I wanted to. There was a single window with a window seat, a closet and bathroom, a corkboard hung above Blake's desk with little notes and a calendar. There was a list of everyone in the black tie classes, along with their power rankings. A picture of a girl sat in the bottom corner. I leaned closer, inspecting the photo. I recognized her. She had brown hair and brown eyes, with fair skin and a bright smile. There was a memorial for the girl in the main hallway. There was no information on her; it was just a picture of her with Rest In Peace written above. The date she was born along with the date of her death was also posted. She had died last year. I wonder what happened?
I sat down at Blake's desk and put my headphones back on. I watched a show as my laptop charged. I unplugged my laptop after it was fully charged, then wandered around the room. I ended up falling asleep unwillingly. I had dozed off, sitting on the window seat. My head bumped the glass, and I jerked awake. It was almost 10:00 at night. I gathered my things, pulling my hoodie up before I left Blake's room. I locked the door and made my way back to my room. The hallways were empty. Walking into my room, I put my stuff down and took my hoodie off. Right away, I got to work on straightening my hair. It didn't take too long. After I finished, I lay down and tried to go sleep. My attempt was futile, as I worried about going to sleep with Dante around. I sighed softly, just lying there. A thought crept through my mind. Maybe, I'll just pretend I fell asleep in Blake's room by accident. I thought about taking everything I had with me, back to his room. I made my way back to Blake's room. I sat on the window seat, getting comfortable with my laptop. I started a movie to fall asleep to. Within ten minutes, I was asleep again. I was leaning against the window, hoodie up to keep my face covered.

I woke up in the morning, lying facedown on a bed. My hoodie still covered my face. I groggily opened my eyes, spotting the window seat across from me. Oh crap. I didn't think Blake would move me to his bed. I carefully sat up and scanned the room. It was empty. No Blake. Where is he? I thought as I got up. I collected my things and rushed out of his room. I hightailed my ass back to my room. Crystal and Jewels were still asleep. I took the chance to take a quick shower, getting ready for the day. Once I was in uniform, I headed downstairs to the common room. I found Blake asleep on one of the couches. Oops. I felt guilty. Too embarrassed to even talk to him, I left the common room and made my way towards the dining hall. I'll admit, I did feel better after getting a full night's rest. For some reason, I felt safe in Blake's room. But I felt embarrassed about sleeping in his room. I rubbed the back of my head. 
    "You okay?" a voice called out. I stopped walking and turned around. Ian. He approached me. "You don't have your sunnies on," he added. My hand flew to my face. Yep. I forgot my glasses. 
"Crap," I muttered, looking down. I didn't want Ian to accidently see my blue eye through my hair. 
"I'm fine. Excuse me," I turned to leave. 
"You know. You are actually really cute without those sunnies," Ian flashed me a smile. 
"Thanks. But, I have to wear them," I murmured. 
"Because I do, okay. I don't have to explain myself." I was blunt with him. I started walking before he grabbed my arm. 
"Hey, there's no need to get angry," he softly said. "And, in case you've missed it. Half of the students here have different colour eyes. So whatever you're trying to hide isn't necessary around this school. Maybe around humans, different coloured eyes are strange, but not here. Not with us. Each and every person here is different, but no one is shunned," he explained. 
"You literally think I scammed my way to the top," I snapped, barely looking at him. "And you think, I'm no good. To me, that is being shunned." My voice was harsh and he stepped back. Ian frowned. 
"No. I think you are too gentle to survive this school and will get hurt. Having you in the Black class makes it more dangerous. Your lessons are more difficult. The lessons are tailored for supernatural with physical enhancements. You're only just a human." Ian finished his rant. I just shook my head. 
"I don't like hurting people. But, I will protect myself. I won't hurt anyone unless they are a threat to me." I looked down at the ground. "Too many people have already been hurt because of me. That's why I won't hurt anyone without a valid reason." At the end, my voice grew quiet. I walked away, leaving Ian to just stand there. I entered the common room again. Blake finally awoke and was currently stretching. He looked at me and smiled. 
"No sunnies, You look good." He sounded happy. 
"I forgot them," I stated and walked past him. I went to my room, picking up glasses and putting them on. I headed back, but ran into Blake on the stairs. 
"You are very irritated this morning." Blake had noticed my small frown. I sighed. 
"Ian irritates me already," I grumbled. He nodded and stepped to the side. 
"Sleep well?" Blake asked as I brushed past him. I paused for a moment, unsure of what to say.
"Umm, sorry I didn't mean to fall asleep in your room. But, I haven't been sleeping well since I arrived here." I rubbed the back of my neck. 
"It's okay," Blake reassured me. His voice was soft. "Everyone here is threatening you. You don't feel safe in this academy. I understand." There was sympathy in his eyes. I nodded, a lump stuck in my throat. "But if you're going to keep sleeping in my room, you'll have to show me what you're hiding." Blake chuckled. "I can't promise I'll resist looking at your face next time," he joked. 
    "It won't happen again," I retorted as I continued to the entrance of the dormitories. I left the tower, heading back towards the dining hall. I walked inside and the smell of food made me salivate. My stomach growled in protest. I had skipped dinner again. I sighed again and made my way towards the Black table. Students weren't required to sit at their designated tables during breakfast or lunch. However, it was different during dinner. Announcements were announced during dinner, so it was required for us to sit at our designated tables. I however, kept skipping dinner. I grabbed some pancakes and bacon from the middle of the table and filled my plate. I grabbed my iPod but realized I forgot my headphones. Well, there goes that idea. I rubbed my head. 
"Did you forget to write essay?" 
I looked up as Ian sat down across from me. 
"I did my essay yesterday," I said and focused back to my food. I took a bite of my pancakes. Ian was watching me. 
"You are confusing person," he murmured. I stared at him blankly before I returned to my food. 
"One minute, you're aggressive and angry. Next, you're calm and friendly. Then, you're blunt and straight to the point." Ian gestured with his hands to make his point. I blinked. 
"I'm not a people person. I don't like to sit around and socialize with others. In fact, before I came here, I didn't speak to another person for six months. With the exception of my parents, of course." I stared at the vampire across from me. "So forgive me. I don't really do well with conversations." I got up, grabbing my plate and going to sit somewhere else. What I told Ian was true. Trying to keep up appearances became so exhausting that I just stayed inside. That way, I could wear my hair back and didn't have to wear my sunnies. 
"What's her problem?" I heard Dylan as he sat down with Ian. 
"She lacks social skills," Ian simply answered. Dylan quickly changed the subject. 
"So, anyway. I heard Blake's got this massive prank planned. I don't who he is targeting, but I heard him say that this prank is going to be the prank of the century!" Dylan laughed. 
"You know, Blake will probably target me, right?" Ian pointed out. 
"Yeah, I know," Dylan grinned. "Which is why it's so funny." That's right. I had forgotten about the stink bomb prank. We were going to execute our plan tonight. I sighed and leaned forward, putting my head in my hands. A shadow passed in front of me. I shifted my eyes and saw Blake. His tie hung over his neck. Unsurprisingly, it was undone. His collar was standing up. Two buttons on his shirt were undone. He had his blazer hooked on one of his fingers, hanging over his shoulder. He looked like he was leaving a party, not entering. He was looking at me. 
"Yes?" I stared back. 
"Don't forget your essay. Completed or not. If you don't hand it to Professor Floral when you walk into class, she will use that to punish you. Most likely shovelling chimera shit." Blake grinned. 
"Noted," I blandly stated. He walked away to sit with Ian and Dylan. 
"You irritated her this morning." Blake was blunt with his friend. 
"So? Why are you annoyed about that?" Ian grew annoyed at him. 
"She's got the impression that everyone is out to harm her. Whatever you did earlier only made it worse. I had just started to get her comfortable enough that she forgot her glasses." Blake was not happy with Ian. 
"Dude, I didn't do anything," Ian protested. "She accused me of shunning her. I told her exactly what I thought about her being in the Black class. You know those classes are designed for physically advanced people!" I defended himself. 
"He has a point," Dylan interrupted. "There have been powerful humans before but none have ever survived the Black class." 
"I know," Blake huffed. 
"Is that why you're coddling her?" Ian asked his friend. 
"I'm not coddling her." Blake crossed his arms. "I'm just trying to help her. No one else in the class is willing to do so." Blake paused. "Oh, and Gem's the one that's going to execute our prank. She needs to be able to trust someone to have her back," Blake leaned back with a mischievous grin. 
"Excuse me. Mr Blake, sir." A girl tapped Blake's shoulder. She was holding a bowl in her hand. The bowl's contents were questionable. The thick liquid inside indicated that the girl might spill it on Blake. It was a prank. 
"Yes?" Turned around to face the girl. She gripped the bowl. However, I turned my head slightly and puffed some air. She stumbled from the blast of air and knocked the bowl all over Ian. I was born with with several gifts. I can hold my breath for ten minutes. I can also blow a stream of air up to forty miles an hour. With many years of practice, I have learned to do many things with my abilities. 
"Oh my god! I'm so sorry!" The girl looked horrified. She stepped back from the spoilt milk that drenched Ian's uniform. Gross. I noticed she had a green tie on as well and burst out in quiet laughter. What a golden opportunity! 
"I swear, I didn't mean to spill in on you! Something pushed me!" The girl pleaded, terror in her eyes. Ian just looked at her. He finally noticed me trying to conceal my laughter, but to no avail. I was the only one laughing in the room. The three boys turned to me. 
"Did you do that?" Blake asked me in disbelief. They waiting as I quickly composed myself.  
"Possibly." My face gave nothing away as I resumed to devour my food. 
"How? You didn't even move!" Ian exclaimed. I could tell the boys were very curious. I swallowed my food before I put my fork down. I took a breath, and then puffed it at them. Their plates slid across the table. Their hair and clothes were ruffled from the strong wind. 
"So cool." Dylan looked impressed. I just rolled my eyes and turned back to my food. Blake burst out laughing. 
"Serves you right!" Blake laughed, pointing at Ian. "For once, you didn't get me in the morning!" Ian narrowed his eyes. 
"Oh yeah? Who said that was my only prank for this morning?" Ian smirked before he started to gag. "Shit, this stuff smells nasty. I'm going to shower." Ian got up and hurried away, continuing to gag. Blake flashed me a massive grin before he turned back to his breakfast. I shook my head. Boys. 

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