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I did heavy research on hippocampus breeding and other things to help her out and recover before I even think about asking to bring in another hippocampus. But then crystal began to yell at me to get ready for the party. I told them I would meet them in the common room since I had been hiding under my hoodie all day. Getting up I had a quick shower and straightened my hair out before I pulled on some tight black leather pants and a crop top that said 'sorry I'm not listening.' It was a shirt when I brought it but I ended up cutting it to expose my waist. And now from my hips to just above my belly button were exposed. I put my belly bar in that had a Gemini symbol on it before I walked out to my room and collected some heels I own. I pulled the pumps on and secured the straps around my ankles before I grabbed my alcohol flask and slid it into the waistband of my pants. Makeup I though going over to the metal makeup box and opened it. I grabbed a small glass jar that had a brown coloured contact in it. I opened it and took the contact out placing it in my eye. Not being too flashy I just did some mascara and applied some dark red lipstick to my lips before I left the room. I headed down to the common room and looked at Crystal and Jewels. They gasped looking at me 
"Oh sweet Jesus." Jewels said looking at me. "You look good." She added 
"Yeah ok thanks can we just go. I'm not really in a great mood right now." I said they just nodded and we left the common room. I was actually upset Blake took the key away from me. I didn't always go there to hide or use his Internet. Sometimes I just wanted to be around someone who didn't judge me. Walking into the dining hall that was void of the regular tables and chairs. One wall was lined with different kinds off foods and drinks. And almost instantly crystal and Jewels were gone. I just snuck away to a wall were there was a recess and a statue of a knight in the recess there was one of these every four feet around the room with a knight in them. I sat on the edge of the recess leaning against one side and put my left foot up against the other side leaving my right leg hung off the edge. I sighed softly putting my head back looking at the ceiling that was decorated with string lights. I worked out what the scars on my shoulder were from. Jason. That night we tried to have sex. Yes I remember it very clearly but I didn't realise he broke the skin because it healed instantly that's why I never knew but I do remember the slight pain from it. 
"Gem." I turned my head slightly and looked at Ian 
"Hey." I said simply. 
"You don't look very excited to be here." He said 
"Of course not." I said placing my flask to my lips and taking a drink from the whiskey that was inside it. 
"I'm not even going to try." Ian said shaking his head. "But anyway. You have a visitor." Ian said. 
"Ok." I said getting off the ledge and tucked my flask into my pants before following him out of the dining hall and though the corridors.
"Are you wearing coloured contacts?" Ian asked me. 
"Just one." I said simply. 
"Why?" He asked curious and trying to make conversation. 
"Well it would cause questions and I don't want to answer questions." I said simply. He nodded slightly before we got to the bottom of the black tie tower stairs. "Who is here anyway?" I asked curious now 
"I'm not sure." Ian said softly just waiting there now. "Blake just told me to bring you here saying there was someone here to see you." Ian said sitting on the stairs. I sighed and leaned against the wall. 
"You are all angry with me." I said 
"Not in the way you are thinking." Ian said simply. 
"What?" I asked looking at him. 
"We aren't angry about the krampus. We are angry you don't trust us to tell us how you did it." Ian said looking at me. "You are shut off and don't trust anyone Gem. Blake tried to help. But you don't accept it. You don't care unless if benefits you. We wanted to make you the best student and even help you get into the games but unless we know exactly how to help you. We can't help and you don't trust us." Ian said sounding hurt. I just looked down. He had a point. 
"I'm sorry." I said softly. "I have just never really had anyone to trust. My parents home-schooled me after the accident. I don't even trust them to tell them the truth. So bring expected to trust someone simply because I'm required to look at them as my superior doesn't work for me. I can't get my head around the whole situation especially when you both start treating me like I am lesser then you." I said slightly annoyed 
"We don't do that." Ian said. I looked at him 
"Seriously." I said bluntly. "You wouldn't give me a towel today unless I told you what happened." I said annoyed. 
"Oh." He said softly. I rolled my eyes grabbing my hip flask taking a sip from it. 
"Just when I start to think maybe I can tell you what my deal is you then around and act like a prick." I said and pulled a smoke from my bra and a lighter before lighting it up. 
"You don't make it easy you know." Ian said, "Technically I'm suppose to take away your flask and smokes." He added 
"Then why don't you?" I asked him. He shrugged slightly. 
"Because you share them with us." Ian said simply "it's stupid but you are literally a taste of the outside world. With nowhere to go and no money to our names we have no choice but to stay. So your rebellious attitude towards us is literally what's keeping us sane right now." Ian said. I just looked at him. 
"I literally have 40 packs of smokes in my room Ian. If you wanted a pack just say so. I don't care. I'll get more." I said simply. Before throwing him the flask. "I'm not a sob. I do share if you ask." I said softly. 
"I'm not supposed to." Ian said 
"You think I'm going to tell?" I asked him he rolled his edges before he took a drink from it I looked up when Blake walked in. He wouldn't even look at me he just sat down beside Ian taking the flask taking a rather large drink from it. "And I though I had problems." I mumbled taking a drag from my smoke. 
"You do have problems." I started choking on the smoke before I looked up at Jason. 
"Hey Jason." Ian said with a welcoming smile 
"Hey Ian but I'm not here to see you or Blake. I'm here to deal with her." Jason said 
"Fuck me." I mumbled dropping the smoke stepping on it "I'm not doing this." I said bluntly and turned to head up the stairs snatching the flask from Blake 
"It's hers." Ian said before Blake could say anything.
"Gemini." Jason said 
"I'm not talking to you." I said bluntly. 
"You had a lot to say to me last night." Jason snapped at me. I paused for a moment 
"Yeah well I regret even calling you." I said softly before running upstairs. I didn't go to my room. Because my untrustworthy ass had a copy of Blake's key. I let myself into his room and closed and locked the door before I climbed up to the top of the tower locking the door behind me. I sighed softly sitting down on the edge my feet hanging down over the edge. I just took a drink from my flask looking out at the school grounds. 
"How do you even know Gemini?" I heard Ian ask their voices muffled but in Blake's room. 
"She's my ex girlfriend." I heard Jason say. Ok I'm not a very good person. I thought grabbing my flask moving over to the trap door. I opened it just enough to wedge my flask into the corner to prop it open enough so I could see into Blake's room. And Jason was smirking "She wasn't that hot last time I saw her." He added. 
"Did you know her before or after the scares?" Blake asked sitting down on his bed holding the pillow I'm always stealing in his arms. 
"I knew her when she was still in bandages." Jason said simply. "And before the accident. She walked out on me tho." Jason added 
"Why?" Ian asked. 
"Just after She was out of the hospital still in bandages. Came over to mine one night. She was in one of her strange moods where you can't tell if she is happy hungry or horny." Jason said smirking and licking his lips a bit. "I order her favourite food we watched a movie but that wasn't her interest. She wanted to have sex. I tried to talk to her about it because I knew she was on some really heavy drugs but she told me to shut up because she was sick of talk to people." Jason said rubbing his chin that was covered in stubble and stroking the scares on the right side of his face. 
"You said she walked out on you." Blake said when Jason had stopped talking to reminisce about the memory 
"Yeah. Right. Well things were going great and then she had this grip on my face and her nails had broken the skin leaving me with these scares" Jason said tapping his cheek. "She flipped out said she had to go I tried to make her stay telling her it was just a scratch. Accidentally hurt her by trying to make her stay and she shoved me hard enough off her to dislocate my shoulder before running out of there." Jason continued leaning back in his chair putting his feet up on the desk 
"You hurt her?" Ian asked hiding his anger. 
"I didn't mean to. I did love her after all. I just wanted her to stay because she was scared of something and I scratched her back." Jason said no longer smiling. "She did call me a weak powerless dog as she left and I told her she was just a stupid fuck human and not worth my time because I was so upset by what she said to me. Then I preceded to angry drunk text her abusive messages all night. Didn't realise the damage I did until I sobered up the next day I went to go apologise to her and found her in bed with my alpha. They weren't having sex but it was definitely going that way. And I told her I never wanted to see her ugly face ever again." Jason said almost sounding like he regretted the words. 
"You seriously said that?" Blake asked his eyes wide and he looked horrified by Jason story. What he was saying was true tho. I did do everything he was saying. Kind off. I didn't actually have sex with the guy. He just kissed me but I turned him down. 
"Why didn't you go after her when she ran out on you?" Ian asked Jason sighed messing his hair up aggressively. 
"Because." Jason said annoyed "she always came back. That was just Gem. Fight argues she needed her space to calm down before anything could be resolved." Jason said softly 
"You still love her." Blake pointed out 
"No!" Jason snapped at him 
"Yes you do." Ian said softly "we saw it when you looked at her. The girl you knew was a woman. Who held herself with pride? You may not have loved her but you fell back in love with her just from looking at her." Ian added 
"Fuck you both!" Jason snapped getting to his feet. "She's a self centred control freak who doesn't care about how anyone else feels!" Jason snapped 
"And you love her." Blake said smiling at him before throwing the pillow he was holding at Jason's face. Jason paused for a moment smelling the pillow 
"You have had her in your bed?" Jason growled 
"You are so jealous right now." Ian said laughing. I rolled my eyes but couldn't help the small smile on my lips. 
"She used to come here and use the Internet to binge watch shows on Netflix or contact her parents. She shot us both down the other day and we have hardly been able to look at her." Blake said simply 
"She turned you both down?" Jason said amused now "wait. For her to be able to get into here she would have to be in the black class." Jason said 
"Obviously." Blake said dining. "She had a key to my room until this morning when I took it off her because there was an incident last night and she killed something because she was upset." He added 
"Dude if she in this tower I'm going to talk to her." Jason said 
"Good luck with that." Ian said simply before Jason left the room leaving the door open. 
"You really think she would take him back?" Blake asked Ian. Ian shrugged looking at him
"I hope she doesn't to be honest." Ian said softly leaning against the wall near the window turning to look outside. "He isn't good enough for Gemini. I don't even think I am good enough for her." Ian said. 
"I'm with you there." Blake whispered looking at the black ribbon in his hand. Hey that's mine. I use that to tie my headphone cord together. "What's the point in loving a woman if you can't protect her?" Blake added looking st Ian. He was holding a ring in his fingers. One of my rings I lose on the training grounds and it was on a necklace. Seriously they are that obsessed. 
"I don't think anyone is stronger then her." Ian said softly. 
"I'm going to make myself stronger." Blake said clenching his fists. 
"What?" Ian asked looking at Blake 
"If I'm right and I believe I am. Gemini can't control her strength when she gets aroused. So she needs someone stronger then her to be able to have that physical connection with." Blake said getting up looking at Ian "we will both get stronger. Then if she changes her mind she can choose." Blake said bluntly and Ian nodded slightly 
"But She isn't to be with Jason." Ian said bluntly 
"Absolutely not." Blake said. Ok why was my heart so mushy over these too fighting to be better and not over the fact Jason love me. Do I actually love them already? I mean. I looked at Blake and Ian. Yes. I do. I love them both for some unknown reason. Be still my pounding heart before you give us away. I though 
"I didn't find Gemini but I found this adorable feisty thing in her bed" Jason said walking in holding up Luca by the scruff and it pissed me off. Ian moves before Blake could and took Luca off Jason 
"Don't hold him like that." Ian said holding Luca stroking his fur calming him down 
"Why is just a pup?" Jason said crossing his arms "and he tried to bite me." He added 
"This is Luca." Ian said putting Luca on the ground and he ran over to the pillow that was on the ground and curled up on it 
"He is Gemini's companion." Blake said 
"Companions aren't normally three headed dogs." Jason said bluntly 
"He's a wolf and they are called Cerberus. He was relocated to the school after being used as a training animal. No one could get close enough but Gemini could so the headmaster said she could keep him." Blake said softly "and if Gemini finds out you hurt him any feelings she has for you will vanish in seconds as she beats the shit out of you for hurting her 'baby'." Blake said with a smile using air quotes around the word baby. 
"Really her baby?" Jason said before he laughed, "I know she lovers her animals and all. But seriously I doubt that would happen." Jason said bluntly. Yep. There is goes. That last ounce of care I had for Jason and now I just wanted to beat his face in for touching my Luca. 
"A shifter impersonated Luca and Gemini flipped out and beat his face in until he told her where Luca was being kept. So yes. I do believe she is capable of doing that to someone even if she loves them because she will never love anyone more then she loves her creatures." Ian said with a smile. 
"Her creatures. What does she have more then a 'Cerberus'" Jason asked sarcastically with air quotes around the work Cerberus?
"A kelpie and a hippocampus." Blake said simply. "I'll be honest I'm waiting for her to get her hands on a leviathan." Blake said laughing. 
"She would probably cry." Ian said laughing. He is probably right. I have asked Professor Floral about leviathan's four times and she shuts me down. 
"Seriously you two don't know Gemini that well." Jason said 
"Or maybe we know her better then you do." Ian said simply. "You refused to attend the academy this year. So you don't know what Gemini is capable of. I mean she is Professor Floral's favourite student." Jason scoffed now pulling a black tie from his back pocket 
"I have been studying from home." Jason said smirking. "Personal matters but now I have a reason to be here." Jason said. It made both Ian and Blake angry but they hid it. 
"Well Jason. We have a curfew in affect tonight." Blake said "avoid please avoid pissing off Gemini. She already doing my head in I don't want your presence to make it worse." Blake said pulling a packet of smokes from the side table taking one and throwing it to Ian. He caught them 
"Gemini smokes the same brand." Jason pointed out 
"I took these off Gemini." Blake said simply. 
"You are really annoyed about me liking Gemini against aren't you." Jason said crossing his arms 
"I'm annoyed that you hurt her so badly and are expecting her to forgive you just because you say sorry." Blake said bluntly. "She's not the same girl and you shouldn't underestimate her." Blake added sitting on the end of the bed 
"It's almost midnight Blake." Ian said looking at the time on the school clock tower outside. 
"Damn." Blake muttered. "Gemini better get her ass back inside. The headmaster won't be happy if she is unaccounted for." Blake added. Shit. I thought before carefully removing my flask and closing the door before I stood up I look around before I took my shoes off. I jumped from the top of the tower down to the boy's rooftop. The tower was like a massive T shape. One large circular base which is the common room and that brakes off into two buildings. Each building has a tower finish as the end kind of strange but we can't access the tower in the girl's room. But they branch out and then one room up. Blake's room had six extra steps to get into it. But all the dorm towers are like this and they are the corners of the schools each tower had a different colour flag at the top too. I ran across the rooftops and then slid down into my open window. I hardly close it. Once inside I throw my shoes next to my bed before I went to change. I pulled on my black top that said fuck off on it and some checked pyjama shorts and my long fluffy grey socks. I love them and I think it's cute how they come up to my thighs. Now to go collect Luca. I thought before leaving my room. I made my way back to Blake's room and knocked on the door. 
"Shit." I heard Blake day before the door opened by Jason. I saw Blake and Ian stuffing out there smokes in a panic until they say me 
"There's my baby." I said with a smile and Jason smirked until I shoved him out of the way and went to pick up Luca. 
"You know he was here?" Ian asked 
"Where else would he be? He hates everyone else in this class." I said simply and turned to leave 
"Not even a hello?" Jason asked. I stopped and looked at him for a moment blinking with a blank expression. Luca barked at me and I turned to leave again 
"You actually going to bed or are you going to bail again?" Blake asked in a monotone. 
"I'm going to bed I have to be up early to feel my babies." I said smiling at Blake. "Save me breakfast? I'll probably be late to class." I added he rolled his eyes 
"I'll try." He said 
"Thank you. Night." I said 
"Night Gem." 
"Night Ian." 
"See you in the morning" Ian said with a smile and I turned to leave 
"Seriously." Jason said as he watched me leave down the hall "you are lying if you are telling me neither of you have hit that." Jason added 
"Jason." Blake said in the calmest friendliest voice he could muster though his rage "Gemini can hear what you are saying." Blake added I looked back at Jason who was looking at me. 
"Basically if you can see her. She can hear you." Ian said as he walked out of the room. "See you tomorrow Blake." Ian said as he made his way towards me. Blake shut the door with Jason inside and Ian smiled at me 
"Why is He still here?" I asked Ian 
"He's been studying off academy grounds and this is the first we are hearing about it" Ian said looking at me. "Apparently you were a good enough reason for him to drag his ungrateful ass here to actually attend school." Ian added. I rolled my eye at him 
"Oh please." I said simply 
"Well I have to go do head count." Ian said. I nodded "don't forget to take that out. You shouldn't sleep with it in." He said tapping my cheek with his finger to point at my eye 
"I will." I said with a smile and turned to head up the stairs but I paused and looked at Ian "I have a question first." I said looking at him 
"Shoot." He said with his hands in his pockets. Damn that was kind of sexy and distracting. 
"Actually it can wait till tomorrow I have to ask Blake as well so I may as well ask you both at the same time." I said with a smile 
"Ok. Be careful. With him here Blake's concerned he might try something especially with the way he talks about you." Ian said 
"Are you telling me this as a superior or a friend?" I asked him because I couldn't read his tone. 
"A friend." Ian said I nodded slightly 
"Ok well I'm going to tell you as my 'superior'" I said with air quotes around the word superior. "If He comes into my room uninvited he will be hurt. This way you are warned" I said with a smile and Ian chuckled shaking his head 
"I'll let Blake know." Ian said. I nodded slightly before heading back to my room for the night.

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