Twenty two

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I woke up early morning feeling stiff. I was squished between Blake and Ian and they weren't letting go. I groaned a bit because I was hurting from being stuck in the same position all night. Blake was cuddled up to my chest still his arms around me tight. Ian was spooning me so close I could feel every muscle against my body. I groaned again moving slightly but that was useless. I had absolutely no wiggle room. 
"Wake up." I said bluntly and they both jumped awake letting me go. 
"What's wrong?" Ian asked alarmed 
"Nothing." I said getting out of bed. They both glared at me now 
"That was mean." Blake said annoyed 
"I could have just slipped out of bed and let you cuddle each other." I said with a smile as I stretched 
"Remind me again why we like this girl?" Ian asked looking at Blake. Blake just looked at him. 
"I don't even know how I should answer that because I personally wouldn't care if you lost interest in her. I'll happily have her all to myself." Blake said very clearly annoyed. 
"If you two start fighting over me neither of you will have me." I said rubbing my neck. 
"Yeah ok." Blake said before he pushed Ian out of the bed. Ian groaned when he hit the ground. 
"Seriously." I said looking at Blake. "You both have two hours to be pack and at the train because if you aren't stronger by the time the holidays are over I won't be back in either or your beds." I said and turned walking out of their room. I headed back to my room. I had a shower and some blood before getting dressed in plain blue jeans with a black shirt that said 'dip me in chocolate and throw me to the lesbians' my favourite shirt to piss off guys. My things were collected for the train by pixies as I left my room with my bag slung over my shoulder and headphones around my next. I walked into the common room and paused because there was a massive commotion with girls crying hugging their friends saying how the two weeks will be forever. And girls fussing over Dante crying because he didn't have a phone. Guys getting girls numbers for the holidays. 
"So can I get your number?" Jason asked from beside me. I looked at him for a moment "hello earth to Gemini." Jason said 
"Oh I'm sorry. I'm just trying to recall when I hit you in the head hard enough for you to think that I would say yes." I said acting confused. 
"You know I know where you live right." Jason said looking at me. 
"Yeah and. I'm not going home. You know every holidays my family goes north." I said simply 
"Right." He muttered before Blake walked down with a duffle bag. 
"Keep moving." Blake said to Jason annoyed at him. I looked at Blake 
"What's your problem?" I asked Blake. He looked at me for a moment 
"Why both of us?" Blake asked me. 
"I don't know." I said softly he didn't like my answer. "Fine. If you don't like it. I won't be with either of you and I won't pick until after the black games." I said going to walk away but he grabbed my arm. 
"No I'm sorry. Ok. Please don't do that." He said softly looking at me. 
"Think about it over the holidays Blake. If you and Ian can't come to an agreement then nothing will happen." I said softly before walking away from him leaving the tower before my bag started moving. I paused and opened it looking at Luca. "Shh if you come home with me we have to sneak you off school grounds first. Do you have to be a good boy and be quiet? "I whispered before he went quiet I closed my bag and pulled it into my shoulder walking off again. I got outside the front of the school looking around. I wanted to get a good spot on the train where no one would bother me. So if I got down there early I can get on before anyone else. 
"Hey baby." I looked up at Ian before I rolled my eyes at him holding an identical duffle bag to Blake. 
"Hey." I said simply 
"Ouch." He said softly. "This got to do with Blake?" He asked me and I started walking Ian walked with me 
"Blake doesn't want to share." I said simply 
"I know." Ian said softly "I don't want to either. But I would rather share then go without." He said softly 
"The difference between you and him tho Ian is he is a wolf and wolves don't share they make a claim and that hurt anyone who gets in the way. Vampires tend to take two or three females as theirs." I said simply and it bothered me. I love Blake. And I love Ian. And I don't understand why I love them both. 
"I know." Ian said softly. "I know that you will probably love Blake more then me. And that he will always have your attention more then I will. But I also don't mind." Ian said. I stopped and looked at him. 
"I love you both the same." I said bluntly. "So don't think that I don't. It's equal or nothing." I added and started walking again. 
"Is that your mortals talking or how you actually feel?" Ian asked me. "Because you are half wolf and half vampire Gemini. One side of you may feel differently to the other." Ian said. 
"Do you both thing like that?" I asked him. 
"We think you wolf side love Blake and your vampire side loves me." Ian said. I shook my head at him. 
"You forget one thing." I said simply. "I love you before I became a vampire." I added. 
"Huh." He said softly just walking beside me. "That never occurred to me." He said softly. 
"I'll tell you what I told Blake. Think about it over the holidays. If you can't come to an agreement then you don't get me. And if I have to pick it won't be until after the games because they are what I need to focus on. I never came here for a relationship so if I have to pick between school or your and Blake. I'll pick school." I said he stopped walking but I kept walking towards the station. 
"Wait." Ian said running after me to catch up. "Do you plan on graduating this year or next?" Ian asked me. I shrugged. 
"I'll decide closer to the end of the year." I said simply. 
"So if Blake and I keep working for you attention and love this year would it be possible for you to pick just one of us?" Ian asked. I stopped again and looked at him. Maybe I was asking too much for them to happily share. Neither of them wanted to. They just said yes because I wanted to. 
"Is that what you both want?" I asked "for me to only pick one?" I added. He nodded slightly 
"We do. Blake will continue to grow aggressive with sharing." Ian said softly. I looked at him before I pulled my bag back into my should because it was slipping. 
"Ok." I said simply. "But not only will it be you two. You still have Dante victor or any other guy who wants my attention to compete against." I added 
"You don't like Dante or Victor." Ian said simply. I shrugged 
"The fact I like you and Blake more doesn't mean I don't like Dante or victor. I'm just a bitch to them because it makes you two happy." I said simply. "Victor a bit more because he's a jerk and but I have no reason to be angry at Dante. I just don't like he saved me because it reminds me that he is more powerful then me when he takes his true form." I said softly Ian just looked at me blankly 
"I'm fucking with you." I said laughing at him "but it doesn't change the fact there maybe others." I added and started walking. Ian walked with me. 
"I should have kept my mouth shut." Ian mumbled. 
"I'm still giving you the holidays to come to a decision. I won't accept anything until we arrive back at the school." I said simply. 
"Oh thank god." Ian said sounding relieved as we reached the train. The monkey guy looked at us before taking out names and checking us off a list. I just went and found a cabin and sat down in it Ian went to sit next to me but I used my foot to push him over onto the opposite seat 
"I don't want a jealousy fight in public so you can both stay over there." I said simply.
"He really upset you didn't He." Ian said softly "how?" Ian asked me. 
"I already feel guilty enough for lying to my parents every day of my life. I don't need Blake making me feel worse because I know lying to them is better then the truth." I said and pulled my headphones on pressing play on my music hugging my bag just looking out the window. A few moments later Blake walked in he tossed his bag up into the rake above Ian and sat down next to Ian but said nothing. We were then joined by Dante and Jason. Jason went to sit next to me but both Ian and Blake force him to sit between them Dante sat at the end of the seat I was on so there was one seat left between me and him. Why do I get a feeling we will all be getting off at the same stop? 
"Why is she angry?" Dante asked 
"She's always angry." Jason said simply. 
"No she's only been angry since you showed up. Before that she was very happy and relaxed." Dante pointed out getting annoyed with Jason. 
"Blake made her feel guilty for lying to her parents." Ian said simply 
"Wait it's not my fault?" Jason said, "Yes for once it's not my fault." Jason added happy. 
"What do you mean?" Blake asked 
"She doesn't like lying to her parents and then you mentioned it because you say you would never lie to your parents if they were still alive made her feel guilty." Ian said glaring at Blake. I'm destroying their friendship. I thought feeling worse. 
"What is she lying about?" Dante asked 
"We can't say. What we know is confidential and we only know because we are here advisors." Blake said softly before the train began to move. I rested my head against the window and closed my eyes. 
"Is she seriously going to ignore us the whole six hours?" Dante asked 
"Most likely." Ian said softly and I felt them all looking at me. I couldn't sleep. I didn't feel comfortable with Jason being in the room. Blake and Ian wouldn't do anything and Dante isn't allowed to still being an angle he has to remain pure. But Jason. Jason I don't trust. But if I pretend to sleep maybe I could get though the next six hours in peace. 
"So why are you two leaving the academy?" Dante asked. 
"Off campus training." Blake said simply 
"Since Gemini wont be with anyone weaker then her Blake and I are competing for her attention." Ian said and he sounded pleased about it. 
"I am stronger then her." Dante said simply. 
"Yeah but she doesn't like you." Blake said bluntly. 
"Actually that's questionable." Ian said and I felt him looking at me. "I couldn't tell if she was joking or not but she is only mean to him because he is better then her which means it's a pride thing." He added. You aren't suppose to give him an ego boot Ian. I thought but didn't move or open my eyes. The loose lazy grip around my back made it appear as if I was asleep. 
"Seriously?" Dante asked "so there is a slime change for me after all?" Dante asked 
"Possible." Ian said 
"What about me?" Jason asked 
"The only time you name ever leaves her lips is when she says some mean about you" Ian said bluntly. 
"She hates you. And you will never come back from that. Every time you speak to her all you are doing is digging yourself deeper into her pit of hatred." Blake added amused. 
"I'll show you both by the end of the year she will be nice to me at least." Jason said and I heard his boots hit the ground he must have been standing. 
"What are you doing?" Ian asked 
"Moving her bag so she can be comfortable." Jason said simply. My foot reacted before I could thing and I slammed Jason back down into his seat away from me before it returned back to its spot on the ground. "Shit." Jason said out of breath. 
"Yeah that was a bad idea." Blake said simply "she did this to me because she was asleep." Blake added and I'm guessing he was talking about the scares on his face from me 
"And this." Ian said probably pointing to the scares on his neck. I didn't care. But I do wish they would shut up. My hearing improved drastically after becoming a vampire too and now my noise cancelling headphones don't cancel out noise. 
"Shit." Jason said again. "I think she broke a rib." He added. And they all laughed at him. 
"So who is training you guys?" Dante asked 
"No idea." Ian said simply "that Talia girl is helping us because she's on our side and wants one of us to be with Gemini." He added 
"Damn." Dante said, "Maybe I should improve my human form. Make it as better as her." 
"Aren't you already." Blake said. Dante chuckled 
"You don't know do you?" Dante asked it was just silent. "Gemini's true power is 1342. If she actually let go and wanted to do real damage she could. I saw her when she killed that krampus after Jason made her flip out. I got a glimpse of the numbers. Because I can see them as number floating above people. And even tho I never saw her face I knew by the shoes it was Gemini. Only she wears shoes with lead weights. But that was her power level." Dante added 
"She wears lead weight shoes?" Blake asked 
"She killed a krampus that's power level was 5000 with only a low level compared to him and didn't suffer a scratch?" Ian asked they were both in shock
"I think they are lead weights. And each shoe weights about an additional 5 kilogram. And she walked and runs around with them all day every day." Dante said softly. 
"What?" They other three yelled 
"Didn't you question why were shoes were so loud?" Dante asked confuse 
"I assumed she was just heavy foot to make people think she couldn't be stealthy." Ian said chuckling. 
"You May think she is slow but when them shoes come off she is fast. And the strength in her legs." He paused 
"The choke hold." Blake and Jason said when Dante didn't continue 
"I have yet to experience it." Ian said laughing. 
"She must like you more." Dante said. 
"Or she doesn't see him as a threat because he hesitates when she fights him." Blake said bluntly.
"What's that meant to mean?" Ian snapped 
"Nothing I'm just saying. She didn't hold back when she was fighting me. But she does with you." Blake said he was taunting Ian. 
"That's not true." Ian snapped. 
"I hesitate because I don't know what she can take. I don't know how far she can push her body because that one time you don't hesitate someone get hurt." Ian said angry. 
"Yeah well-"
"Maybe don't yell." Dante said calmly. "Clearly you are both committed to her more then Jason and I are. But I would never underestimate Gemini. She's only fifty points behind me in rank if she let's go and uses her real power. So don't think her fragile look is anything to mess with." Dante said 
"Why do you know so much a about her?" Jason asked angry 
"I have been watching her since the attack. Worried about her. I never knew she was part wolf. But I knew she was dangerous. I also know the girls got money." Dante said 
"How much?" Jason asked curious. 
"I'm not sure. I just know she can buy herself whatever she wants without having to think about it." Dante said 
"But she lives with her parents." Blake said. 
"You don't know anything about her personal life do you?" Dante asked them. 
"No She doesn't talk about it." Ian said 
"Ok well Gemini's parents are tactical support team. When they graduated from the academy they went straight into weapon design. They travel a lot to deal with problematic people. I know this because I worked with them twice. What I didn't know was that she worked for them too. They called her the calmer. If the situation called for it she was brought in to calm down some aggressive people. I never knew until the night she was attacked. Her parents were out of town that night and she was called in because she was the only one in the area. The STA believed Gemini wasn't skilled in combats so called me in for back up especially since it was a demon possession situation. -"
"Wait what is STA?" Jason asked 
"Supernatural Tactical agency. If you can fight they will talk to you about a trial job. If you are powerful they will mould you to how they need you." Dante said annoyed he was cut off "but as I was saying. When I arrived the wolf lashed out at Gemini creating the damage. I panicked because I didn't know it was a human and thought she was a civilian and rush in to help her. But when she saw me. She got angry and I accidentally inflicted fear onto her to avoid a scene." Dante added. 
"And?" Blake asked curious. 
"And I started watching her. I recently found out she knew and she was feeding me false information about her." Dante added and Ian chuckled. 
"Can never get anything past her." Ian said laughed. And then my phone started buzzing. I opened my eyes pulling it from my pocket and moved my headphone answering it 
"Hey honey." I said softly. 
"Hey baby cakes. When you get in again?" She asked 
"Oneish." I mumbled putting my head back closing my eyes. 
"Ok. Well I can't wait to spend the holidays with you." She said sounding fake happy and that's Talia way of saying she was in trouble and couldn't do anything about it 
"Ok bye." I said before hanging up. I sat my bag beside me and they all just looked at me. I'm probably going to regret this but I'm going to run back home. I'll get there in an hour but the price to run at that speed will cause damage to my body. Most likely tear the muscles in my legs again. 
"Everything ok?" Ian asked softly. 
"Nothing is ever ok." I said simply as I stood up zipping up my hoodie.
"Ok why do you look like you are going to kill someone?" Ian asked bluntly 
"Talia has a gun to her head. Most likely will be dead by the time the train arrived." I said simply rubbing my neck 
"So you are now stressed because you can't do anything about it." Blake asked me sounding sympathetic for me. I smiled at him 
"Talia maybe an omega. But she is equal to Jason. If not slightly better." I said with a smile. 
"So what are you going?" Jason asked me. I kicked my shoes off 
"You know how I say if you can't run fight?" J asked 
"Yes." They all said simply I smiled now 
"I don't actually follow that. I just tell everyone else that so if they have to run from me." I said with a smile.
"But you said you couldn't run fast." Blake said. 
"That's really a choice thing." I said as I pulled some joggers from my bag and pulled them on my feet. 
"So how fast can you run?" Dante asked. 
"Who said I was running?" I asked with a grin. Before I grabbed my bag and shoved it into Blake's arms. "Lose it I'll kill you." I said harshly 
"Ok." He said softly slightly confused. But the bag moved and Luca popped his heads out of the bag. 
"Shit. You managed to get him onto the train?" Jason asked 
"Obviously." I said softly going to open the door. "Oh. By the way." I said turning to look at them 
"What?" Dante asked because I was mostly looking at him 
"You don't know this but the other two do. I can hear you when I wear my headphones so talking about me in confined areas isn't a smart idea." I said with a smile. The thought of consuming Dante's blood to gain angelic abilities came to mind. But I decided it wasn't worth it for now. 
"What are you going to do out run a train?" Jason asked 
"I know I can." I said simply. "I am literally lighter then air if I choose to be." I said with a smile before opening the door. 
"Hey?" Ian said getting up 
"What? I don't have time for this. Every second I waist the closer Talia gets to dying." I said looking at him. 
"How do you intend on getting there?" Ian asked 
"I'll tell you when you all get there since everyone is getting off at the same stop here." I said before leaving the room and going to the back of the train. But they did all follow after me in a hurry to try and stop me so I just ran out the back door and jumped off the train. With the use of air I lightened my landing before I took off running slow at first until I was out of sight. I paused for a moment to pull my headphones on to protect my ears from the pressure that happens when I move too quickly. And pulled my glasses on to protect my eyes from the wind. Once I was set I took off running at full speed.

Sweet Mary Jesus. I thought arriving out the front of Talia house. My legs were on fire. I have ripped though my shoes so badly that they were destroyed. I took my headphones off ignoring the pain in my legs from my straining my muscles before I headed inside. I instantly went to the basement and saw Talia tied up sitting on the ground. Thank god I was quiet entering because the guy was standing right there with his back to the entrance. Talia saw me tho. 
"So what do you want with Gemini?" Talia asked 
"I don't want her. I want something from her." The guy said simply. "The blue Diamond she wears around her neck." The guy added. This was a human 
"That was a gift to her." Talia said bluntly.
"I don't care. I want the Diamond." He said bluntly before checking the time. It was only ten now. 
"The Diamond is at the academy." I said. The guy turned around looking at me alarmed. "Why do you want it?" I asked him
"Because. I don't need to explain myself to you." He snapped glaring at me before pointing a gun at me. I growled now before I moved towards him quickly. He put a bullet though my shoulder before I knocked him unconscious instantly with a head butt. I looked at Talia before I cut the ropes. 
"My hero." She said all dreamy like. But I collapsed from exhaustion passing out.

When I woke up my arm was bandaged and in a sling. One of my legs bandaged and I was in Talia bed. I sighed softly getting to my feet looking at the time. Almost one. I should get to the train station. I thought getting up out of the bed the pain in my arm made me side against pulling on a proper shirt rather then the tube top I had on. And my lack of movement in my legs made me side against putting longer pants on. I sighed again and limped out of the bedroom 
"Honey!" I called out before Talia came up from the basement. 
"Hey baby cakes what's wrong?" She asked grabbed one of the crutches and bringing it to me. 
"I have to go get Luca off Blake so can you drive me to the train station." I said softly. She nodded slightly before we headed outside to the car without question. 
"Thanks for getting here so quickly." She said softly "at the expense of your own body again." She added 
"It's ok. I'll always come to save you." I said with a grin as she started driving. The drive to the station was quiet. We didn't need to talk sometimes. Sometimes we just needed to sit in silence and that was one of these times. Pulling up at the station we got out of the car and I went to lean against the hood of it. "You got a smoke?" I asked her. 
"Of course." She said handing me the packet and I took one placing it between my lips before she lit it for me as I protected it from the wind. I took a long drag before blowing it out. 
"Jesus." I whispered. "Blake and Ian took away my smokes so I have been trying to quit but damn I didn't realise how badly I needed one." I whispered. 
"Damn." She said softly before the train began to pull up. I yawned slightly before I moved off the car and looked at Talia. 
"Should I tell mum and dad about me?" I asked her. 
"you might have to now that you require blood as sustenance." She said softly I sighed running my hand though my hair nodding. 
"Yeah. I'll try." I said before looking at the train as it came to a complete stop. "I'm going to get Luca and some how explain a bullet wound and a torn muscle to four obsessive guys." I said she giggled as I walked away from her towards the train. I got into the train and move down the corridor before anyone could leave their rooms. I reach the guys and opened the door 
"Jesus what the fuck happened to you?" Blake asked alarmed 
"I got shot." I said grabbing my bag off him and then grabbed my shoes from off the chair. 
"And your leg?" Ian asked 
"Have you never run to hard you ripped the muscles in your leg?" I asked 
"How the fuck?" Dante said. I just smiled and walked out of there and down the corridor before everyone moved out of their cabins. I got off the train before searches were done. I meet back up with Talia with a smile. 
"Sneaky." She said. 
"Gemini honey what happened?" I heard mum yell as she jumped out of the car that pulled up. I headed over to her meeting her halfway. 
"I'm fine mum. Just some injuries." I said with a smile.
"They are pushing you too hard at the academy. This is because you are in the black class isn't it. Jesus you don't belong there. Then vampires and werewolves are are cruel harsh people." She said fussing over me and checking me for injuries. 
"Mum I'm fine I swear." I said before she wrapped her arms around my head. God I'm so embarrassed right now. 
"Oh my poor baby. You are being beaten up aren't you?" She said sounding like a mum. 
"Her get beaten up?" Mum pulled away slightly looking at Jason. "Gemini does the beating up. None of us can even get a scratch on her." He added. 
"Then What the hell do you call these injuries!" Mum snapped at him. 
"She is a human! And you fucking dogs and leeches are monsters if you think that hurting a human is ok!" She yelled and everyone was looking in our direction now. I just looked away in shame at her lashing out. Yes my mum has an extreme temper. 
"No it's not-"
"I bet it was you wasn't it!" She said shoving Jason back "I swear if you touch my daughter again I'll rain hell down upon you so fast you wouldn't be able to run away!" Mum yelled at him. 
"That explains were Gemini gets her temper from!" Dante mumbled 
"Who the fuck are you!" Mum yelled at him. 
"Well ma'am. I am an angel. And Gemini-" 
"And I don't give a fuck! You angels are disgusting self-centred creatures!" Mum snapped at him. He looked surprised. "So which one of you pull the strings to have her put in the black class!" She yelled looking at Blake and Ian 
"Umm." Blake said softly. "Ma'am with all do respect. She did it herself." Blake said 
"You are a liar!" 
"Ma'am please." Blake said calmly "Gemini is actually quite powerful. She has this ability to control creatures and it is extremely strong which is why she is in the black glass. In the first term along you daughter has gained the loyalty of a wolf Cerberus a kelpie and a hippocampus." Blake said trying to stay calm. 
"She is there to study and learn. Not to compete in your power battles." Mum snapped. Everyone was looking at me now. The guys had no clue what to say. "Normally I would have encouraged her to date one of you because you are strong and can protect her. But you are all asshole who don't care about a humans safety!" Mum snapped again.
"Ma'am-" Ian was cut off with mum raising her hand to him 
"Gemini gets in the car. I'll collect your things." Mum said looking at me before walking away. I just turned away from the guys. 
"Now you know why I have to keep it a secret." I whispered. "She won't even accept any abilities I have as an enhancement of who I am. So like hell I'll tell her the truth about the full extent of my abilities." I added they just looked at me. 
"She doesn't know huh are a werewolf?" Jason asked 
"Of course not." I said looking at him. "She didn't even know I could control creatures. As far as my mother knows. I can calm down people and that is my gift. Nothing else." I said softly. They nodded slightly looking at me. 
"Sorry." Blake said softly. 
"It's ok. You had to experience it to know why I can't tell them the truth." I added and walked away from them to the car. I got into the back off the car and dad looked at me 
"Friends of yours?" He asked me with no expression on his face or emotions in his voice. 
"Two are my advisors. Dante works for STA. And Jason lives in town anyway." I said looking out the window. 
"Did you tear you muscles again?" He asked me 
"Yes. I run laps during training and injured myself because I pushed to hard." I said softly. 
"Your shoulder?" He asked me. 
"Doing my hair slipped on some water dislocated my shoulder when it hit the toilet." I said looking at him. He just nodded slightly before mum got into the car and they started driving. Almost instantly out of town. My bag stirred slightly and I stuck my hand inside it patting Luca. I don't know if they will get angry or upset about Luca being here. But I didn't care. He doesn't like any of the teachers. And Professor Floral said it was ok I took him. 
"I can't believe she is in the black class." Mum said to dad in a hush tone after I pulled my headphones on. 
"I'm beginning to think maybe she is a vampire." Dad whispered to mum. "Why else would she ask you to make blood tables? Or why she is always injured in unexplainable ways." He added they looked at each for a moment before dad turned back to the road. 
"We are about to spend two weeks with her. If she is a vampire we will notice. And if she is then what?" Mum asked concerned. Dad tapped his finger against the steering wheel just thinking about it. 
"If She is it would explain why she is in Black. And why the vampire never spoke. He must have been the one to turn her and she would be his pet. But I don't think Gemini would do so willingly. She is too strong headed like you to surrender to someone unless she loves them." Dad said. His voice gave me Goosebumps. I hate it when he gets so serious like this. 
"But what do we do?" Mum asked again sounding concerned. 
"If She isn't in control of her actions then we will deal with it. If she is." He paused for a moment and clenched the steering wheel "we will tell the STA and they will advance her training." Dad said bluntly mum gasps. 
"You would make her work for them?" Mum asked. The STA. The kind of people who will kill your family if you refuse something you were selected for. You could have worked five days in a row of bone braking work and if they asked you to do another job you would say yes because if you said no. The people you loved would start dying. I didn't say anything because I didn't want them knowing. 
"She will need the job." Dad said softly "especially because I won't support any blood of mind that became a dog or a leech." Dad added and that priced my heart. Dad looked at me in the mirror and I guess he worked out I was listening especially since I couldn't hide my expression of hurt. I just looked out the window away from him. 
"You can't be serious?" Mum asked him. 
"I am. Human and proud that is our family. Having someone in our family who isn't fully human is a disgrace to the name." He said harshly. 
"Honey no." Mum said softly. "Gemini is our only daughter. Our only child. You can't be serious about disowning her." She added upset.
"Well hope she is human." Dad said bluntly not even looking at her. Mum was absolutely stunned. 
"Well if she isn't human then I want a divorce!" Mum said bluntly crossing her arms. What the fuck? Where is this coming from? I known my parents to be the perfect couple they hardly ever fight because their level of intelligence makes fighting useless. They also like to have fun, which is where I get it from. It's either all serious or everything is a joke. Never anywhere in between. Which is why I know what they are saying is true. I mean- I didn't know what to think or even to say. Neither of them said anything else mum just glared at dad and he just looked at the road. I thought I was going to be sick. 
"We wouldn't be having this conversation if you just told her to stay at the academy over the holidays." Dad said bluntly. "We agreed she wasn't to come home until she graduated." He added 
"Fine. We will send her back and say the STA has a classified case for us." Mum said annoyed. "But you can tell her." Mum said turning to her phone. I forgot so often mum and dad only sees me as a child and not the woman I am. They try and ignore how much of an adult I actually am. But I would rather that then have them get divorced. I don't mind staying at the academy. I mean. I have my babies and I can just train until my body brakes down.
"Fine. We will get to the next train station now." Dad said simply before turning down a dirt road. I took my headphones off 
"Everything ok?" I asked. I knew it wasn't but I had to play along.
"STA has a classified mission for your mother and I. So you will have to go back to the academy." Dad said softly 
"I can stay with Talia." I said softly 
"Not while she has them two boys staying there. And you need to focus on your studies." Dad said bluntly 
"Yes sir." I said softly before we pulled up at the train station. Dad got out and ran to the conductor. Mum sighed softly. 
"Let's go honey." She said softly and we got out. My things were back on the train and so was I without A goodbye from either of them. A round trip to the academy. I thought falling asleep on the train for the next twelve hours

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