Thirty five

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Typical me fell asleep on Blake's bed. And not only that I didn't even think about the consequences of falling asleep unguarded around them. And I also didn't think that they would get the help of Dante. Because even tho they all knew the dangers of waking me they did so anyway in the most horrible way. Firstly they had Ian's companion slither up my leg which woke me up. Only to be welcomed with ice cold water being dumped on me causing me to scream followed by a bag of flour being poured over my head. I just sat there in shock before they ran out of the room. All three of them. I'll get them back. I thought before going to shower and wash the flour off before it turned to glue in my hair. Once I was clean I got dressed into some gym pants and a tank top before I headed out with Luca at my side. Plans plans plans. I thought smirking to myself as I made my way though the halls to go outside for some training and to think about how to get them back. What mischievous way could I make them suffer? I ran my hand though my hair before I walking outside. I was in time to see all the classes outside training. Dante was training with Jason and it was basic self defence classes. I however require more advanced training. I walked into the woods to meet up with a wendigo for some training. It was pretty simple. He would attack me and I would fight back. But as i drought back against the wendigo I began to think about the last couple of days. And then I began to realise that without my shade persona living in my mind I'll no longer have them nightmares or run the risk of hurting Blake or Ian in my sleep. I smiled lightly to myself. My only problem now is making sure they don't crush me in my sleep. I thought hearing the bells ring and the wendigo ran away. I just hunched forwards with my hands on my knees catching my breath. He was an old wendigo and a powerful one. He was also very fast any faster and I might have began to damage my body. I thought before limping away from the area. The muscle in my right leg were on fire. I didn't get to far because I sat down in the grass to wait for the guys. And as I sat down to wait I massaged my leg to relax the muscles in them. 
"Hey." Dante said as he approached me from his class. 
"Hey." I said softly. "Sorry about last night I didn't mean to take it out on you like that." I added not looking at him but giving all my attention to my leg still massaging the muscles to prevent it from cramping up. 
"No you had every right to treat me like that. I had been growing jealousy if Ian and Blake and began to put ideas into their head to make them hate you because of the truth. This was before the spell was lifted. So I regretted what I did." Dante said. 
"Seriously just accept the apology don't make it worse." I said annoyed. He nodded slightly saying nothing for a moment 
"Hopefully we can still be friends." Dante said softly. 
"No one can be friends with her she is an inconsiderate and self centred person." Jason said bluntly but I ignored what he said. 
"Jason do you want to participate in the games?" I asked him calmly. He was quiet for a moment. "Well do you?" I asked him 
"Yes." He said bluntly 
"Well in that case." I said before Dante pulled me to my feet and I looked at Jason. "You will follow my orders or Blake's orders and do as you are told to being apart of this team. You are the lowest ranked in the team meaning you will do as you are told. If you have a problem with that then you are welcome to leave replacing guy won't be a problem because I already know who I want to replace you will." I said with a smile and he glared at me 
"You are weaker then me." He said bluntly 
"I said rank not power." I said harshly. "I am an alpha and I out rank Blake. So don't think for a second that just because my human power level dropped doesn't mean I am weaker then you. I am still an alpha and I am still the leader of this team. So you will respect that and be apart of the team and help benefit us. Or you can walk away now and we will replace you this is your choice. So make it." I said pushing my authority over him and he looked away from me. 
"I'll be apart of them team." Jason said simply. I nodded slightly 
"Good. Now as long as we are in training and in the games we must be able to trust you. If that becomes a problem you will be gone before you can plead with us. I do not care about how you talk about me or who you talk to. But when you work with us. You will give me and everyone else the same respect and you will be treated the same way. Do you understand?" I asked him. He nodded slightly 
"I understand." He said as Blake and Ian arrived both of them had a sheepish smile now. I looked at them 
"This is training. No games." I said simply they nodded slightly "good. Now. Dante Jason. Professor Floral is waiting for you in the creature room. You two will be working on your deep diving and underwater training. Remember the rules and no harm shall come to you." I said softly. They nodded slightly before walking away. I looked at Blake and Ian. 
"So. What are we doing?" Ian asked with a smile 
"I need to grain 200 points. So lucky you two." I said. Blake stopped smiling "I won't use a leg lock on you." I added 
"Oh thank god." He whispered as I rubbed my leg. 
"I actually don't have the strength in my leg to hold one down anyway." I said softly 
"Why?" Ian asked. 
"My body is human. So using supernatural enchantments with a human body can be damaging. My leg muscles tend too tear easily when I use too much power. As for my arms they have strengthened to the point they won't shatter or brake when I throw a hit. Maybe they will crack or brake the skin but nothing compared to how it use to be." I said softly 
"What?" Blake asked confused. I smiled at him. 
"Have you ever seen a turn werewolf before?" I asked him. "Or vampire?" 
"Once." Blake said softly 
"It takes a long time for their bodies to adjust to the changes." I said softly "I'm basically stuck in the phase. As a vampire I have human blood still in my veins but I cannot feed from myself. But it's still a drastic enhancement. And as a wolf my body will brake under enough pressure because my bones aren't strengthened like yourself which are to be able to withstand the shifting process." I said softly
"Human body." Ian said looking at me. 
"Yes. My body is fragile but I won't allow anyone to hurt me which is why people tend to forget that I am actually still human." I said with a smile. "Now. Putting that aside if you can. I need to gain at least 88 points before next term." I said softly. They nodded slightly even tho I was still rubbing my leg 
"Are you ok?" Blake asked me. 
"Not entirely." I said softly. "I damaged my leg and tore a few muscle fibres so it hurts and it will possibly cramp up if I'm not careful." I said softly. 
"Are you even up to training?" Ian asked 
"I am never up for training. I'm quite happy to just lay in bed and read or sleep." I said softly they laughed at me. "Let's just get some training done tho." I added and they nodded slightly.

After training I went to my room and had a shower again. After my shower I got dressed in my uniform to go down for dinner. I walked out of my room and made my way towards the common room but Blake was coming out of the common room and we almost ran into each other. 
"Hey you busy?" He asked me with a smile. 
"I was just going down to dinner." I said softly. He nodded slightly. 
"So no?" He asked me. 
"I'm not busy." I said laughing lightly.
"Good." he said taking my hand and taking me upstairs towards his room 
"Why?" I asked him. He didn't answer me not until after we got into his room. But he didn't answer me in words because he kissed me after the door closed. It caught me of guard and out of habit pulled away from him. "Yeah hey what are you doing?" I asked him realising I was pinned between him and the wall. His hands were on my waist and he was looking at me desire in his eyes. 
"Are we not allowed to kiss you?" Blake asked me. Right. I thought to myself I agreed to date them. 
"You caught me off guard." I said softly slightly embarrassed by the way he was looking at me. Blake brushes the hair back off my face and smiled at me 
"To be honestly both Ian and I are taking full advantage of you having lower power level at the moment." Blake said with a cheeky smile. 
"Blake. You idiot. I am not lower then you. My power level is somewhere in the high thousands. But that's if I use my wolf strength or my vampire strength. My human self is what is weak." I said looking at him. "And because of what professor Floral did to me and what I went through while I was unconscious I shouldn't hurt you or Ian by accident again." I added. 
"So what does that mean?" He asked me. 
"It means that there is nothing actually preventing me from being with either of you except the possibility of maybe you both getting hurt because of aggressive sex." I said to him. And he laughed at me. 
"So we can sleep in the same bed?" He asked me 
"Don't crush me like last time." I said simply. "Fragile body. Not a Fragile person." I added with a smile. 
"Can I just kiss you already?" He asked slightly agitated now. And I nodded at him. He didn't hesitate in kissing me. I kissed him back my fingers became tangled in his messy hair his hands that were on my waist tightened before he lifted me up making us level. My legs locked around his waist and for once in my life I loved the fact I was short. I pulled Blake closer to me and he growled in pleasure. Blake's lips were so sweet and I felt like I was on a sugar rush. My mind buzzed with excitement and my stomach fluttered with butterflies as Blake's hands slide under my shirt. I tensed up when I heard the lock on the door unlock. Blake didn't even stop for a second because he began to kiss my neck when I stopped kissing him. I ended up pushing Blake back when he tried to unbutton my shirt just as Ian walked in. 
"There you two are." He said looking at us not even phased by what happened Blake growled low mostly because he was annoyed that I stopped him and he wanted more. 
"Umm yeah. What's up?" I asked him completely embarrassed but he just smiled. 
"I was heading down to dinner when I was two you two were still here. So are you coming down or am I bringing food back?" He asked us. This stopped Blake's annoyance as he looked at Ian. I'm pretty sure Ian implied Blake and I were going to have sex. And Blake was very happy about that. "Jesus ok I'm going. I'll bring some food back." Ian said and left the room locking the door again. 
"And who said you were going to get lucky?" I asked looking at Blake. He just grinned at me 
"I don't care what we do. I just want to be close to you one way or another. Naked or not." He said with his grin. I rolled my eyes at him. 
"I literally put my uniform on to go down and have dinner. And now you are going to keep me here." I said to him 
"Hey if it's suck a problem I can help you take it off." He said casually but definitely wanting to help me take my clothes off. He didn't even wait for me to answer him because he undid my blazer 
"Hey!" I said and smacked his hands away from me. "I'm very capable of getting myself undressed. Now if I'm no longer going down to dinner I'm going to change." I said simply 
"Can I help?" He asked with a grin 
"You can stay here until I get back." I said with a smile 
"But I don't want to." He said simply. "And for you to leave I would have to let you go which I'm not doing." He said I crossed my arms now as I looked at him. Between him holding me up and the wall supporting my back. I wasn't going anywhere. 
"Then I guess you miss out because in no way are you ruining my uniform." I said simply. He just looked at me. 
"Five minutes or I'm coming to get you," he said. I rolled my eyes. 
"You are so possessive." I said before he put me down. 
"You have no idea how possessive I can be." He said kissing me again with enough force to pin me to the wall. This was a possessive kiss and I felt exactly what he was talking about. How he made that kiss feel like I was his. Black pulled away from me and he smiled at me. "Five minutes or I'll come get you dress or not." He said with a small smirk on his lips. 
"This doesn't mean I'll always do everything you ask me to do." I said with a smile before walking out of his room. I went back to my room and changed out of my uniform into my pjs and to be a little bit of a smart ass I pulled on a shirt that said 'I'm sorry. I don't take orders, I barely take suggestions.' It was a grey shirt with black writing. I pulled on some black and white checkered shorts and my grey fluffy socks. And just to prove a point I laid down in my bed. I grabbed my book from my side table and leaned back against the pillows crossing one leg over the other. Now to wait for Blake. I thought amused. I just smiled to myself and before I could even open my book Blake walked in. He looked at me
"This amuses you doesn't it." He said closing the door. 
"Of course it does." I said with a grin before he crawled into the bed and over to me leaning over me. 
"It was pretty clear sex wasn't an option so I'm just going to lay here with you." He said softly before laying down his head on my stomach. Huh. I was waiting for the possessive kiss. Or even just a kiss. 
"You ok?" I asked Blake softly as I put my arms around him. He just shrugged slightly rubbing his face into my stomach. "You know I didn't say sex was out of the question. I just pointed out that you and Ian had clearly already talked about it without considering me." I said softly. Blake moves slightly and looked at me. 
"Actually I told him I wanted to spend some time with you and not be interrupted he was the one who assumed sex was going to happen because Ian is well very sexually driven and makes a lot of sex jokes. But that's not the point. I said there was a possibility and he said he was fine with it and if it didn't happen then nothing more would be said but if something happened I would tell him" Blake said. I have a slight nod just looking at him slightly confused. 
"So you just wanted to spend time with me and Ian made the assumption we were going to have sex?" I asked 
"Basically." He said softly. "But I really don't have a problem with just being here with you like this. I consider myself lucky just to get this close." He said softly. I ran my fingers though his hair after he laid his head back down on me. 
"Just give me some time to actually get use to the idea that you and Ian agreed to this." I said softly. "I didn't even know what to think when you kissed me earlier." I said softly. 
"How long?" Blake asked softly looking at me. 
"I don't know. But you'll know when I'm ready." I said softly he gave me a small smile and nodded slightly. 
"Either way I'm quite happy to just lay here with you." He said cuddling up to me again. 
"Ok firstly you can not lay on top of me like that. You are heavy and I'm tiny." I said softly he growled at me because he didn't want to move 
"Give me a better option to lay with you." He said looking at me 
"Move for a minute." I said softly. He sighed softly getting off me and I moved slightly. I lay on my side and Blake laid down beside me wrapping his arms around my waist with his head against my chest. I wrapped my arms around his head and he made a low approving grumbling noise. "Better?" I whispered 
"Better." He mumbled taking a deep breath "Why didn't you have a specific scent?" He whispered. 
"Too many conflicts with what I am. It would just overlaps too much and cause major confusion." I whispered running my fingers though his hair and he made a small purring like noise. Blake moved my shirt just enough to expose my waist and he wrapped his arms around me again. I just grabbed my book again opening it up reading it with one arm around Blake's head. "Hey is there anything you wanted to talk about?" I asked him 
"Mm. Not really." He whispered. 
"So you just want to be close to me?" I asked he nodded against my chest. "Ok I'm just making sure because you tend to hide your feelings from me and sometimes I can't tell if you are upset or anything like that." I whispered rubbing the back of his neck. 
"Nothing is wrong." He whispered to me. "I'm just finally happy to be able to do this." He added 
"You have been mostly moody." I said laughing lightly. "But now that you are finally comfortable you seem better." I added. 
"I could be more comfortable." He said softly sounding amused. "I mean you could be naked and I would be very comfortable." He added. I laughed at him. 
"Keep it slow" I said softly 
"I will. I just want to feel more of your skin." He whispered against my chest. 
"Well later I'll change into something else that will show more skin." I said softly. Blake looked at me 
"You mean when Ian gets here?" He asked slightly jealous. 
"I mean when I have the energy to get up again." I said looking at him. "That maybe after Ian gets here because I'm actually very comfortable right now but hey if you want to ruin that just because -"
"Ok ok." He said snuggling back into my chest. "Are you seriously going to lecture me every time I get jealous?" He asked me 
"You and Ian. Every time one of you gets jealous I'll lecture you about it." I said softly before he sighed softly. 
"Can I take this shirt off you?" He mumbled to me. 
"I don't have a bra on so no." I said softly. He just nodded slightly rubbing my back with his hand. 
"Can I ask something?" Blake asked me 
"Sure." I said softly getting more comfortable but I could now smell how dirty and sweaty his hair was. 
"What was my family like with you?" He whispered to me. 
"I'll show you." I whispered to him running my finger though his hair again but I stopped and left my fingers in his hair. "Just relax." I whispered to him my lips against his forehead and I showed him some of the best memories I had with his family. I felt Blake smile lightly against my chest. That smile was followed closely behind with a couple of tears hitting my shirt. The only reason I felt them was because of how close Blake was to me. Blake took a deep breath before his grip loosened. 
"Ian should be back in a few minutes I'm going to have a shower now." Blake said softly rolling away from me. Hell no. I thought and moved off the bed so I was in front of him. "Jesus!" He said alarmed because of how quickly he moved. 
"You don't shower until midnight." I said simply. 
"And you go to sleep by 10 so I would like to be in bed with you when you go to bed." Blake said going to get up but I pushed him back on the bed stopping him from going anywhere. 
"I said sometimes I couldn't tell if you are upset. Other times it's that obvious you can't hide it." I said simply. 
"Can I just go for a shower?" He asked me. I looked at him for a moment. 
"What's wrong?" I asked him. 
"Nothing ok." He said grabbing me as he got up and sat me on the bed. "Now I'm going to have a shower." He said simply. I just looked at him as he walked towards the door 
"Fine if you don't want to talk about it Blake just says so. But stop lying to me when you are upset." I said bluntly Blake looked at me now. "I can tell you are upset right now. So if you don't want to talk about it just tell me. I'm not going to do what you and Ian do and bug you until you get angry. I'm not like that." I said simply before moving and laying back down Blake sighed before he left the room. I heard the door close and then lock. I just laid there on the bed with my book reading it. Not long later I heard the door open again 
"Gem?" Ian said softly. 
"Yeah." I mumbled. 
"Everything ok? Blake sounds kind of pissed." He said placing some food down on the table and sat on the edge of the bed 
"Blake wanted to know some stuff about his family from my perspective and I showed him. He got a little upset and left. I may have been a little mean about how I handled the situation before he refused to even acknowledge how upset he was." I said simply before sitting up moving to the side of the bed grabbing the plate of food sitting back on my knees starting to eat it. 
"How upset we talking?" Ian asked looking at me 
"He was crying but also smiling." I said before shoving more food in my mouth. Ian just looked at me. 
"Did you try and talk to him?" Ian asked 
"Yes." I said simply "I mean I asked him what was wrong he told me nothing. I said I knew he was upset and he just refused to even acknowledge anything was wrong. So I told him that I didn't mind if he didn't want to talk about it but he had to stop lying to me when he was upset." I said finishing my food and placing it back down. 
"Is he coming back?" Ian asked me. 
"He said he was." I said looking at Ian. "He claims he was having a shower now so he could sleep in bed with me." I added 
"We can do that now?" He asked me. 
"Yeah just have to remember fragile body. And not to crush me." I said with a smile. 
"You aren't upset about Blake?" He asked me 
"I am but I'm not going to take my anger for him out on you just like I wouldn't take my anger towards you out on Blake." I said with a smile. "I have Dante for that." I added with a laugh and Ian laughed as well. 
"So?" He asked looking at me. "What else?" He asked me 
"What else what?" I asked him. 
"Well what else had changed?" He asked 
"Well things will be slow simply so I can get use to the idea of all of this. So sex is something that will take time to work towards." I said softly. He nodded slightly before he gave me a small smile and then he leaned over and kissed me. I hesitated for a moment before kissing him back. I squealed a bit as Ian pushed me back on the bed. Ian laughed at me 
"I love that squeal." He said and I just pushed him off me. 
"Jerk." I said getting up. "Well if you intend on sleeping in bed with me as well you need to shower too." I said with a smile. He grinned at me. 
"Well Blake won't get out of the shower so can I shower with you?" He asked with a grin. 
"Nope." I said simply. "You can use the shower after me. But you won't shower with me." I added 
"Why?" He whined. 
"Boundaries." I said smiling. "Go add that to your little rule book. No one showers with Gemini. It's my personal time." I said before heading towards the bathroom 
"Anything else we should add?" He asked me 
"Not at the moment." I said simply and headed into the bathroom. I closed the door and locked it before having a shower. It was just a quick shower since I had one not long ago. Once I got out I pulled on some satin shorts that were really short and didn't cover much. They had a matching bralette top which exposed a lot of skin as well. Once dressed I left my bathroom and made my way to my bed since my room was empty. I turned the lights off then crawled into bed under the covers. I got comfortable and closed my eyes as soon as I did so I heard the door open then close. 
"You sure you are ok?" Ian whispered crawling in behind me holding me in his arms. 
"Yeah I'm ok." I said rolling over to face him. 
"Flashy." He said looking at me with his vampire eyes. 
"Blake asked me to wear something with more skin." I said softly laying my head on his chest for now. Knowing as soon as Blake gets here he will want to cuddle up to me like he did before. 
"Well I like it. It's really sexy." He said smiling. I just blushed a bit. 
"Thank you." I said smiling lightly. "Hey went Blake decides to come in I'll have to roll over to face him." I said softly 
"I know." Ian said softly. "I don't mind at all. I have said before that Blake would require more of your attention then I will and that's how he will get it." Ian added kissing my forehead. 
"You are very understanding." I whispered and yawned slightly 
"Just roll over and get some sleep beautiful. If Blake's decides to come in he will be able to just crawl into your arms like he wants to." Ian said softly. I nodded slightly before I gave Ian a quick kiss then rolled over so he was spooning me. "I love you." He whispered. 
"I love you too." I whispered back as Ian stroked my hair to help me sleep.  Just before I fell asleep I heard the door open and close again 
"Hey." Ian whispered. "She's asleep already," He added. 
"Shit." Blake whispered and I felt him crawl in beside me. 
"She's upset with you." Ian added in a whisper 
"I don't blame her." Blake said securing his arms around my waist resting his head against my chest "she gave me the chance to hear my families voices again after I had forgotten them. And I couldn't even thank her. I was too afraid of her seeing me that upset." Blake whispered. 
"Jesus Blake." Ian said annoyed "she loves you. You need to talk to her more about how you feel as well because she won't open up to you unless you open up to her." Ian said softly. 
"I know." Blake whispered. "I'll apologies in the morning" he added softly and kissed me lightly on the lips. 
"You better." Ian said softly and Blake chuckled lightly. 
"She's so cute when she is sleeping. She looked so happy and relaxed and just peaceful." Blake whispered 
"And I'll still rip your face off." I mumbled they bother laughed now 
"I thought you were asleep." Ian said 
"I was almost asleep until Blake came in." I said softly before wrapping my arms around Blake. "So shut up and go to sleep." I added 
"Ok beautiful." Blake whispered and kissed me again before we just laid in silence going to sleep

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