Thirty eight

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I woke up in the morning naked cuddling with Blake and Ian. Semi naked. I had my underwear on and the guys were in boxers but Blake's face against my exposed chest and the Ian's breathe on my neck. The throbbing between my legs reminded me of the sex we had last night and how it was my doing. How I made the first move on Ian. Before Blake walked in on him telling me no. Blake question and three little words had them both up against me last night. 'Let's have sex' was the last thing I had said to them and neither of them disagreed with me. We were at it for a few hours simply because I wasn't satisfied with it all and wanted more. They ended up just taking turns by the end before we under up in bed like this. There was blood on the white sheets and our bodies mostly from when Ian and I had sex because we kept biting each other. And also the one time Blake got really aggressive because I wouldn't let him dominate me and he crawled my hips before I bit him. Now just lying in bed with them. I didn't think any of us would be getting up at all today. My body was really sore and I was still healing from the roughness of it all. I felt Blake's arm move slightly from my waist and he ran his hand over my hip slowly. I think he was feeling for any injuries. Other then the bruises on my body I had no serious injuries. Blake lets out a sigh of relief before he wrapped his arms around me again. But then I felt Ian's hand move he also sat up slightly 
"Shit." He whispered 
"What?" Blake asked 
"One totally jealous of you. Two look at her." Ian said softly Blake moved away from my chest and I heard him suck in some air. 
"Jesus." Blake whispered, "I didn't know there was this much blood either." He added. 
"Despite the damage she actually looks happy." Ian whispered. 
"Dude. I think I black out for a bit last night. There is like a fragment missing." Blake said softly before getting up and Ian followed after covering me up with the blanket. I shifted slight from their absence but got comfortable again. 
"Yeah. I think I know when you are talking about." Ian said softly. "You didn't hurt her. Nothing more then when you were actually in control anyway." Ian added 
"What about you?" Blake asked 
"There was a lot of biting involved. Some in places that made her aggressive with me." Ian said 
"Jesus She did that." Blake said alarmed 
"You really did black out. Go look at your back." Ian said before he laughed lightly "I'm stealing your spot." Ian said 
"Only for the morning." Blake said simply before I felt Ian crawl back into bed with me wrapping his arms around my waist and pressing his face up against my chest. He made this noise that told me he was pleased with his choice. 
"I'll forever be jealous that you get to sleep like this." Ian mumbled after Blake crawled back into bed with me cuddling up to my back. 
"I thought you didn't mind where you sleep." Blake said softly 
"Oh I don't mind at all. I love it. But this is like. Well you get it." Ian said and Blake chuckled lightly 
"I do." Blake said softly before I felt his breath against my neck. "I can tell why you don't complain either." Blake whispered. 
"What?" Ian mumbled. 
"Holding Gem like this. I get why you don't complain." Blake said soft. 
"Yeah. The feeling that you know she is safe there. And you feel like she depends on you." Ian whispered. 
"Yeah." Blake said softly 
"But then again." Ian said before he cuddles back up to my chest "I'm loving this too much." Ian said softly. Blake laugher lightly but it was right in my ear so I swatted him one 
"Shut up." I mumbled. 
"You are mean." Blake said in my ear. 
"I'll turn into a nightmare if you don't shut up." I muttered to him. He just nuzzled his face into my neck. I yawned before cuddling up more. Ian had to pull away. 
"Smothered by boobies best way to die." Ian said being a smart ass 
"I'll strangle you how about that?" I mumbled. 
"If it's by you I wouldn't care" Ian said amused by it. Blake chuckled lightly before Ian went quiet for a moment "how are you feeling anyway?" He asked softly. 
"I'm fine." I whispered to him 
"Just fine?" He asked. 
"I'm not in pain or anything. But you are annoying me." I said softly. He chuckled lightly but cuddled up to me again. It fell into silence amongst us and i fell back asleep.

When I woke up again I could hear the tv on with gunfire. I was still wrapped up in bed but I had a shirt on this time. It wasn't my shirt. By the way it smelled it was Blake's. It was just a simple black shirt and I questioned how they got it on me. But at the same time it was that big on me it would have been easy. Looking up slightly I saw them both sitting in the ground at the end of the bed playing call of duty number 4. I ran my fingers thought my hair before I looked over at the time it was almost midday. I moved from my spot and leaned at the end of the bed looking at the TV as they played the game. Both of them paused for a second before instantly both of them kiss my cheek 
"Hi." I said simply surprised by their actions. 
"You slept for a long time." Blake said softly as they turned back to their game. 
"Well I'm feeling better. I don't have a headache." I said with a smile "if anything I'm hungry so I'll get up and get lunch soon." I added. 
"Oi mate. Priorities." A guy yelled though the headphones both Blake and Ian wore. They were on a team match with other people. 
"Who are you yelling at?" Blake asked simply. 
"You and your friend. Ignore the girl and focus." The guy yelled. He had a very thick Aussie accent. I held my hand out and Ian handed over his controller and headphones. I put them on and then took out the other guys who were shooting at the team while Blake ran to heal the Aussie guy. "Thank fuck. The only thing females are good for are screwing and cooking." The Aussie guy said and that made Blake angry. 
"Well this females just save your life by killing your enemies. This female is the owner of this game and console and this female just woke up. So unless you want me to do 'accidental' friendly fire at you. You'll do yourself a favour and shut the fuck up." I said simply 
"Where did the other guy go?" He asked simply 
"To get me food." I said simply "I mean he is my boyfriend and he loves me so he does everything to please me like a real man should." I said amused. Blake looked at me. 
"Hey." Blake said slightly offended. 
"What?" I asked him. "You got me dinner last night. Very yummy by the way." I said licking my lips. 
"Does your boyfriend know you are cheating?" The Aussie guy asked us. 
"Which one?" I said simply "I have two boyfriends." 
"Your are such a whore." The Aussie guy said. 
"I am not. We are just in a throuple relationship." I said with a smile before Blake kissed me and I smiled at him. 
"Go you two!" The other guy listening yelled though the mic and we laughed before returning to the game. But it didn't take long for the Aussie guy to die off. Then Blake then the other guy and lastly me because I got hit with a mine. But Ian came back and took over while I started eating while they played the game. 
"I'm probably going to head out and train some time soon." I said softly eating some more. 
"Really?" Ian asked looking at me. "You don't want to just relax for the weekend?" Ian asked 
"I do but I feel like burning off some energy." I said simply 
"I know other ways you could burn of energy." Blake mumbled I looked at him. 
"I thought Ian made the sex jokes." I said simply Blake grinned at me 
"What can I say? Last night was fun." He said with a grin. I rolled my eyes at him. 
"I also very clearly remember both of you unable to keep up with me." I said with a grin.
"You really are mean." Blake said I just smiled and kissed his cheek 
"I'm only mean when you can't take a joke." I said before I got up and headed for the bathroom. Blake's shirt fell mid thigh on me now as I walked away from them. 
"Hey wait." Blake said. I looked at him as I reached the bathroom door. 
"Yes?" I asked him with a smile. 
"You told me you weren't ready to do anything and then you started it." Blake said looking at me. This got Ian's attention and he looked at me now. 
"I just wasn't comfortable with the idea someone could walk in and knowing no one is here to just barge in makes it easier to get past the embarrassment of being caught." I said softly 
"Embarrassment?" Ian asked me. "Embarrassed about what?" He added I gave a small smile. 
"Despite How I act most of the time. I am embarrassed to be seen naked or with a lot of skin showing. Around you two I slowly grew more comfortable. But around other people I like to keep myself covered." I said softly my eyes on the ground because I was embarrassed to admit it. 
"And dancing around on stage half naked?" Blake asked. I rolled my eyes now 
"That's a whole other person. The mask the wig. I mean. They just turn me into someone else completely." I said looking at them again "I pretended to be Talia then. But it's not me. That's just the music I like to sing and dance too. None of it means anything." I added. 
"Hey." Ian said. I looked at him. "Why are you embarrassed by the way you look?" He asked me. My mind wondered a little at Why before I looked back at them 
"Other then Talia. Jason is the only other person to see me naked." I said softly "He was the first and last person I had sex with. But don't tell him that he doesn't need to know. I'm quite happy with him believing I screwed my way across town." I said with a small smile. 
"Why Talia?" Blake asked growing jealous. 
"Because we grew up together and she spend more time helping me thought traumatic things that made if difficult for me to function enough to shower myself." I said softly hugging myself leaning against the doorframe. "Talia May act like she is helplessly in love with me like you two were. But she isn't. I mean. She loves me just as much as I love her. But it's a best friend sister thing. We act we mess around. Experimented once before the attack but that is it. She protects me I protect her. It's how it's always been. If you are going to be jealous of Talia for any reason it would be because she would take my time away from you or me and her end up falling asleep on the couch watching a movie." I said softly 
"Why would you two falling asleep be a problem?" Ian asked 
"You know my violent reflex's when I sleep?" I asked them they nodded slightly looking at me. "Well. If I fall asleep beside Talia moving me would be lethal. You both know I'm protective of her. And if you must move me wake me up. But never pry me off her while asleep." 
"You know that really doesn't help knowing you care more about her then us." Blake said softly. I looked at him and realised what I had said. 
"It's not like that Blake. The wolf claim you have on me. I have one on Talia. Because I know she can't protect herself being an omega." I said softly. "I don't know how to remove it or change it to someone else. But even if I did. Talia is all the family I have now. And I'm all the family she has. So yes I will say it she comes first to me." I added and Blake just turned back to his controller 
"Good to know." He muttered. It upset him. I just shook my head and sighed before going into the bathroom closing the door. After having a shower and getting dressed in some gym clothes I went and sat on the edge of the bed and put my shoes on. Neither of them looked at me. I could tell they were really upset and I don't blame them. I mean. I did basically say they would always be second to me. 
"I'm going for a run with Luca." I said getting up grabbing my iPod and headphones. 
"Alright." Ian said softly and gave me a half smile He was upset too. I left the room and headed outside of the school without Luca. He didn't even move from the bed and I doubt they noticed. I reached the main gate as stretched my legs out before I ran off to go home. Well to Talia. I did want to go home this weekend to see her I just forgot about it. She was also expecting me as well.

Arriving at her house I limped inside because of the pain in my leg. It was mid afternoon now and I needed some blood. I thought walking into the house. She was lying on the couch just looking at the TV. When I walked in she looked up at me with a bored expression. 
"What kept you?" She asked turning back to the TV. I walked over and sat on the couch putting my feet up on the coffee table 
"I forgot this weekend was the long weekend and Blake and Ian didn't tell me they just wanted to keep me to themselves all weekend." I said softly rubbing my thigh. 
"Looks like they got what they wanted." She said simply I looked at her. I was covered in hickies and bruises. 
"They did but so did I." I said softly "either way they are getting annoyed because I told them no matter what you would always be first to me and they got moody so I went for a run." I added 
"Really?" She asked me. "You are meant to lie about that stuff Gem. Make them think that they come first." She said softly. 
"You got any blood around here?" I asked changing the subject. 
"Gin you awake!" Talia yelled. Gin I'm pretty sure is Talia current girl toy. And the girl I bite when I was learning. 
"Yes." She said walking in. I looked at her. I automatically licked my lips because of the smell of her blood. "Oh hey." She said with a smile looking at me 
"Hey." I said softly 
"You hungry?" She asked me. I gave a slight nod and she walked over to me sitting down in my lap and I bite her neck without a second thought. Just after that I heard Talia phone ring. 
"Hello." Talia said answering it 
"I don't like having to ask you but what would Gemini do when she is angry or upset for 4hours. We can't find her." I heard Blake say 
"You didn't tell them you were coming here!" Talia yelled at me as I let go of Gin's neck. Gin got off me and went to clean herself up. 
"I didn't know I needed to ask permission." I said bluntly feeling my leg heal from the frayed muscles. 
"Pissed her off didn't you." Talia said looking at me but talking to Blake's. I just wiped my mouth with the back of my hand. 
"We don't even know what we did." I heard Ian respond and Talia looked at me. Her look told me she was annoyed at me. And then She was going to take their side. 
"Fuck you Talia." I said getting up and walking out slamming the door behind me. I walked down the street looking at the ground as I kicked a rock across the ground. They are such hypocrites. Tell me not to lie to my family so I tell them the truth and I lose my family. The only person I have left who is family they don't like because we mess around and act like lover. I mean. I'm trying my best but I don't know how to do any of this. I just wanted to come to school and see how it went. If it weren't working I would have left but now with the games I have committed to I can't leave. I sighed running my fingers though my hair looking around I saw a real-estate shop up ahead and in the window were sheets of homes listed for sale or rent. I headed over to it and looked at the window at everything for sale on the window. But I didn't see anything I liked so I walked away to just go walk around the shops and keep myself distracted for a few hours until I either calmed down to face Talia or dared to go back to the academy and face Blake and Ian. 
"Gemini." I stopped walking and looked around for who called my name and I saw mum. 
"Hey." I said softly looking at her as she approached me. She just looked at me for a moment before she sighed 
"So a werewolf huh." She said softly. 
"Part werewolf." I said softly looking at the ground. "I'm not a full wolf. I can't shift my body like turned wolves can." I added in a whisper. 
"What?" She asked me. I sighed now and looked at her 
"I know you got me from the breeder." I said softly. She looked ashamed now. 
"You were just a human baby." She whispered 
"I wasn't tho." I said softly. "I was a shade. You locked that ability away when I started lashing out. But that wasn't the only thing." I added but paused 
"What?" She whispered 
"I was his perfect chimera." I whispered, "he doesn't know. But I am the perfect creation that he is after. I'm not just a wolf or a shade I'm also a vampire and an angel. My blood has different DNA codes for each species. And I can use each ability at free will." I said softly. 
"So the blood tables?" She whispered 
"For me. But I worked out the formula already." I said pulling the mint tin from my pocket showing her. "It doesn't prevent the thirst or help with healing. But it's got the nutrition to survive for a few days on them. They aren't a permanent fix. Just a substitute for those who have problems getting access to blood since it's not ideal to feed off the same human for more then 6 times a month." I said softly and sighed again shaking my head. 
"What's wrong honey?" She asked touching my arm. 
"Nothing everything is ok." I said forcing a smile and she looked at me. 
"Did you want to talk about it?" She asked me and my smile fell as tears threatened my eyes now. I just gave a single nod and we walked to her car and climbed in for some privacy. "What's wrong?" She whispered to me and I just broke down into tears sobbing into my hands. 
"I hate what I am." I cried. "I just wanted to be normal. I can't even look at anyone because of my eyes having their own magical enchantment on the. I'm always angry and I can't have a conversation with anyone. And after an incident I temporarily lost the ability to feel any anger and I felt weak. I couldn't summon forth my wolf or vampire without my anger and I felt weak and I was scared. I also am in love with two guys and they both love me. But I don't even know if I want that. I just wanted to go to school and remain invisible to everyone and just hide out. But I couldn't." I said sobbing and just spilling everything all at once as I cried. Mum just sat there taking it all in as she listened to me cry. 
"Normal is over rated." Mum said and I looked at her. "Your father may be human proud Gemini but you must have questioned once why we didn't have children." She said. 
"I didn't." I whispered. 
"I'm not human honey. I'm a fairy. Your father keeps me around because fairies are creatures of life. He takes me on his mission to guarantee his own return. We don't actually love each other it's just a business partnership. He allowed me to keep you because he knew I wanted a child but he wouldn't give me one because he didn't want his blood tainted with supernatural." She said softly and I just sniffed looking at her. 
"What?" I whispered she gave me a small smile. 
"I did notice you changed. And I noticed that pack you had been spending time with. And well." She paused now 
"What?" I asked her. 
"Without your fathers knowledge we managed to get as many underground as possible. We were unable to save that alpha they wanted tho." She said sadly 
"Blake." I whispered 
"What?" She asked 
"The wolf you screamed at. Blake. He is the alpha. I erased his existence." I said softly. She looked at me now both of us had similar shocked expressions "please can I see them?" I asked her. She nodded and started the car driving off in a hurry
"The current alpha believes his son is dead." She whispered confused. "He's only at the academy right?" She asked. I nodded 
"Yes. He never left after finding out about the massacre." I whispered. She nodded slightly turning off into the woods they were thick with trees. And the road was long. After fifteen minutes we crossed a large stonewall that was 15 feet high. And after another five minutes we pulled up at a two-story house mum shut off the car and my heart launched into my Throat seeing Blake's mum and dad just sitting on the stairs. Before we could get out mums phone rang. We both looked at it. Talia. "I'll answer it." I whispered mhm nodded and I answered the phone 
"Have you seen Gemini?" She asked 
"I'm here." I whispered. 
"Oh thank god!" She yelled at me. "Blake and Ian has one of the teachers teleport them here." She added. 
"Can I call you back?" I whispered any eyes on mum talking with Blake mum and dad 
"Absolutely not!" She yelled at me. 
"Can I talk to Blake?" I whispered. My voice was failing me every second 
"Why did you leave?" He asked me. He sounded upset. 
"We will talk about it later." I said softly. "But there is something that is more important right now." I whispered before I gasped lightly seeing Blake's little brother. He was missing an arm. 
"Gemini what's wrong? Are you in danger?" He asked alarmed. 
"No." My voice hardly a whisper now. "I-I'll have Talia bring you to me." I whispered 
"What's wrong?" He asked angry. 
"You'll just have to see." I whispered 
"Gem?" Talia said confused 
"Bring Blake to me." I whispered to her.
"And Ian?" She asked 
"Yeah." I said softly before hanging up. I climbed out of the car and just looked at them. Blake's mum looked at me and tears welled up in her eyes before she ran over to me and hugged me crying. I hugged her back crying myself. 
"Oh my god. I thought you were killed by the STA." She sobbed hugged me so tight she was beginning to hurt me but I didn't care. I needed her embrace because my own mother would never embrace me like this. 
"I thought you were dead." I cried before my legs gave out and both of us fell to the ground. 
"Gemini." I heard a male say looking up it was the guy Talia absolutely loved but she believed was dead. And he was scared up more then I remember. Both Blake's mum and me got out out feet as I looked around at the surviving ten of them 48 pack members. One by one they each show their wolf eyes and I showed my one wolf eye to them. 
"Gemmy." I looked down at Blake's little brother. He would be 8 now and instantly I wrapped my arms around him. 
"I'm so sorry." I said holding back my tears now. He hugged me back with his arm and I felt so bad because he had probably lost his arm in the fight. 
"We missed you." He whispered 
"I missed you too." I whispered back. He let me go first and I got back to my feet as his father began to usher him inside because of the coming car that could be heard. They were all ushered back inside in a hurry now and Blake's dad got a gun and held it up "no. I called them." I said softly. He looked at me 
"We are safe here. This place is hidden with magic so the STA can't find us. Inviting people here isn't a good idea." He said bluntly mostly because he was just protecting his pack 
"Please. Just put the gun down and trust me like before." I said calmly. He narrowed his eyes at me but lowered the gun before Talia's car pulled up. The dark tint prevented them from looking in but the hesitation from the car was understandable. The drivers' door opened and Talia got out looking at Blake's parents in shock. Ian got out next bit understanding but the vampire on wolf territory was a massive threat. I heard the gun click and without thing I grabbed the end of it as he fired the gun. The bullet ripped though my hand creating extreme damage. The sound of the gun rang in my ear and I couldn't hear my own screams of pain. But those simple actions had Blake out of the car with both him and Ian running towards me. Everyone was just in too much shock to say anything and me. I was able three seconds off from losing control from the pain 
"No stop!" Talia screamed before his parents cut off Blake and Ian before they could reach me. 
"Let me go!" Ian yelled 
"Stop!" Talia yelled at them "she's lost her senses. You touch her she will hurt you." Talia said calmer now. 
"She's loosing too much blood." Blake said panicked. "Let me go Gemini needs help." I just looked at the grass on the ground because I was on my knees holding my hand to slow the bleeding down. Focus Gemini. Focus. I thought before closing my eyes. I separate my blood within my body so my hand was bleeding vampire blood and my other almost instantly from my recent feed my hand began to heal rapidly. Still hearing them yelling in the background I tuned them out to focus on my healing. And then once I was sure my hand was ok I pulled it away from my chest looking at it.  Five fingers. They all bend. Just major scarring on my hand. I got to my feet and everyone calmed down. 
"I'm ok." I said softly. I did however feel very weak and would need to feed soon to replace what I lost. Blake and Ian stepped back now just looking around. Blake looked between his parents and he had no expression on his face. 
"I thought you were dead." Blake whispered to them. 
"We thought you were dead." His mum said softly. "You were the target and they knew you were at the academy. We couldn't get in contact with you either." She added sounding like she was going to cry again. Blake looked at me now 
"Did you know?" He asked I shook my head no 
"I just found out." I said softly before everyone began to come out. 
"Tyler!" Talia said alarmed and ran to him. He hugged her tightly as she started crying now. As a wolf when you claim someone you can only do it once. That person will forever have your love and you will never love someone else the same again. I just looked at the ground away from Talia. 
"Come inside everyone. I'll get some drinks and we can catch up." Blake's mum said taking Blake's arm and pulling them inside but Ian was left behind there as everyone walked away from him but I didn't move from where I was standing. I looked at Ian and he looked upset now. 
"Are you ok?" I asked him. He looked at me. 
"My best friend just walked away from me like I didn't exist and my girlfriend is angry at me and I don't even know why." Ian said softly. I just walked over to him and I hugged him. He sighed in relief and hugged me back. "Are you ok?" He asked. I shrugged slightly. 
"You know. No matter what I do I love you and Blake. They won't change. Just when I was learning to be a wolf Talia was my lifeline and I made a claim on her without knowing what I was doing. So yes I will always love her. But I do love you and Blake just as much." I said softly. 
"I understand." He said softly. "Talia explained to us on the drive here how you and her have always had each other when no one else cared about you both. She taught you how to kiss and you were the one who taught her how to cook." Ian said laughing lightly 
"Yeah don't ever eat anything and cooks tho. You'll probably die." I whispered. He laughed again. I smiled and stepped back from Ian looking at him. "They train doesn't leave until lunchtime tomorrow did you want to go see your coven? I'll come with you and maybe they will consider allowing you back." I said softly 
"Are you trying to get ride of us?" He asked not amused at all. 
"We have a six week holiday coming up. I have training and the club plus I want to find my own place. So I think it maybe a good idea to try and reconnect with your family because I know Blake will." I said softly. He looked at me. 
"You want us to spend six with with our own families?" He asked me 
"What? No. I want you both in my bed at night. I'm not that mean. I can only tolerate Talia for so long myself. I don't expect you two to spend the whole six weeks with them. But a few days to reconnect to know you have a family." I said with a smile and Ian smiled at me now. 
"You are way too good of a person." Ian said softly 
"I literally just ran away from you both because I wanted to make you both angry and worry." I said in a monotone. Ian smile at me 
"We worked that much out. Blake and I got into an argument about it and after Talia explained everything it made more sense." Ian said softly before he moved closer and kissed my forehead "there are probably going to be a lot of jealousy fights amongst us. We just have to work though then tho. And not run away when things get difficult." He whispered to me I nodded slightly 
"I'm out of practice with relationships." I said softly before laughing lightly "I tend to run away from my problems until I want to deal with them." I added he nodded slightly before Blake walked out 
"Are you two coming inside?" Blake asked approaching us. 
"Yeah sorry. We were just talking." Ian said softly having Blake a small smile. Blake looked at me and I hugged him.  
"I swear I had no idea about you family still being alive. If I did I would have told you straight away." I whispered to him as he hugged me back 
"I know." He said stroking my hair. "And I'm sorry for always thinking that you would leave us for Talia. She's your best friend. I'm not going to get jealous about it anymore." He added softly kissing my head. 
"I won't be able to stay very long." I said softly as Blake let me go. "It took a lot out of me to heal my hand so I'll have to feed soon." I whispered 
"You know you got me right." Blake said 
"You lost a lot of blood because of me last night Blake. You will become fatigued if I feed off you again so soon." I said softly.
"Really?" He asked me 
"At this particular moment yes because I didn't feed this morning. I had less the half a feed earlier and I'm literally running on empty so if I bit you I would lose control of myself. So if is safer if I don't." I said softly and he nodded At me. 
"An hour then we will go." Blake said softly 
"You don't have to leave because I am Blake." I said softly "although a sweet gesture it's not necessary. I'll just check into a hotel and you can meet up with me when you are ready." I said softly. 
"You didn't mention Ian." Blake said 
"You father almost killed him." I said simply 
"Right so it would be best he doesn't stay without you." Blake said laughing lightly I rolled my eyes 
"Come one. I have about 30 minutes left in me before I have to leave." I said softly and they nodded before we all headed inside to talk

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