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It was late and I was sitting in the woods with a flashlight I had a packet of blood with me I wasn't yet hungry but I knew I would be later. My flashlight was turned off and I was just sitting in the tree waiting. I cheated and used wendigo pheromones now I'm just waiting for them to gather Fifteen feet away. 
"How do you expect to find her?" I heard Ian asked 
"No idea Ian." Blake said simply "I don't even know what she smells like to follow her scent." Blake added. I moved slightly in the tree and saw them not to far away. 
"She smells like peaches I think." Ian said softly 
"That just the shampoo she uses." Blake said simply looking around "jez these woods are creepy after dark. It always feels like something is watching you." Blake said. Ok I really want to fuck with them right now. I stood up on the branch with intentions to jumped down and scare them but something big moved in the distance. 
"Stop." I said both of them froze. "Don't move." I added. 
"Are you trying to scare us?" Ian asked 
"No something's out there and I don't know what." I said softly. "This is the wendigo territory and whatever is here is bigger then them." I added I was definitely worried now. I jumped from the tree landing beside them. They looked at me now. And both of them seemed to draw attention to the blood in my hand. The growl that I heard made me step back 
"What?" Ian asked 
"Go. Now. It's the other krampus." I said 
"What about you?" Blake asked 
"I'm running too." I said simply before I started running and they both followed after me not running any faster then I did. We got back to the school and I kept running until we got into the school walls. 
"Gem." Blake said and I paused looking at him. "Where are you going? He asked 
"Headmaster." I said before I took off running down the hallway both of them sighed and ran after me. I got to the headmasters office and let myself inside he looked up at me 
"Gemini what's wrong?" He asked 
"The krampus She's in the wendigo territory." I said out of breath. 
"She?" He asked 
"She's hunting because she is pregnant. Wendigo were once human so she's taking them because she needs to eat human flesh." I said before taking some breathed to try and regulate my breathing and heart rate. He looked at me for a moment before he pressed a button 
"All facility and advisories to my office immediately." The headmaster ordered. "Did you two see the krampus?" The headmaster asked standing up as Blake and Ian ran in 
"No sir." Blake said breathing heavy "but we trust Gemini's judgement" he added before everyone began to rush into the office. I moved to the side and so did Blake and Ian. They stood on either side of me. 
"What's going on?" The Olivia girl asked in a sweet voice. I turned away slightly because I didn't have my contact in and she had a power level of 900. And victor had a power level of 879. 
"My men are concerned." Victor said standing tall. 
"Headmaster?" Professor Floral asked 
"A week ago we had an incident with a krampus close to school grounds." The headmaster said and Olivia gasped in horror. "I knew of a second one further away. I just learned this krampus is a female and is hunting because she is pregnant." Headmaster added 
"How do you know that?" Olivia asked 
"Gemini is out creature expert. She knows things like this. And while she was out getting tomorrow's games prepared she encountered the second krampus hunting wendigo." Headmaster said. Everyone just stood there in silence 
"Why wendigo?" Victor asked. The headmaster looked at me 
"Wendigo Are creature yes but they are creatures that were once human and turn cannibal. I was out searching for a new wendigo one who still resembled human.  But I was only finding the old ones. I didn't realise what was going on until I heard it." I said not turning my head st all. I didn't want them seeing my ghost eye. 
"Why is Blake the advisory if she is stronger?" Victor asked 
"Gemini is only a first year." Professor Floral said. "Headmaster do you think it may be an option to kill the krampus?" She added. 
"Myself and Olivia would be happy to go ahead and take down the krampus." Victor said boldly and I let out an involuntary laugh. I covered my mouth instantly because of it and Ian tried not to snicker "do you think the krampus is out of our league?" Victor asked annoyed 
"Oh yes. I do. Even with your combined 1779 power level you don't stand a change against a pregnant krampus who is in hunting mode and her mate was killed less then seven days ago. She is prepared for an attack and had probably got herself guarded against surprises too." I said bluntly. 
"You are one rude arrogant girl." Victor said. 
"So I have been told. But I run the numbers and I'll guarantee that you both end up dead within 15 minutes of encountering her." I said bluntly 
"Sadly I believe Gemini." The headmaster said softly tapping his finger against the desk 
"You know I -"
"No." The headmaster said cutting me off. 
"Ok just suggesting." I said with a smile before crossing my arms. The headmaster sat down in his seat unsure of what to do 
"I don't know what we should do." The headmaster said 
"What about the basilisk?" Professor Floral asked 
"What basilisk?" Headmaster asked 
"Victors basilisk." She said 
"She's just a baby. She doesn't have her killer stair yet." Victor said softly stroking Nigiri head. 
"Yes but." Professor Floral said looking at me. "Someone knows how to manipulate the growth rate of certain animals." She added I looked at her alarmed
"You think I can manipulate snakes like that?" I asked her. "A wolf is easy they are obedient. A snake. There is not guarantee she will listen to me at that size. I'll be nothing more then food to her." I added. 
"You are scared of a snake?" She asked me 
"No but that's not the point. Snakes have complex minds. I could get her to grow and kill the krampus but I don't know if she would follow my authority after that." I added. 
"Are you doubting your abilities?" Ian asked me. 
"No I'm not." I said looking at him. "But it's not that easy either Luca obeys me because he wants to and I have that authority over wolves and dogs. I couldn't do that to a cat. And you want me to do this to a snake. I have not relations to a snake. I have no authority over them. I would lose control over her to easily." I said simply 
"But you control other creatures easily." Blake pointing it "the kelpie the hippocampus. The windego." He said 
"This is a snake. A simple snake. Kelpies hippocampi and wendigo's are all chimeras of sorts." I said looking at him. 
"Oh." Blake said softly. "That's how you do it." He added 
"Exactly. That is how I do it. This is just a normal animal compared to the rest of the creatures," I said softly. 
"You have a hippocampus?" Olivia asked curious. I looked at her and she gasped stepping back "your eye." She added. 
"Yes my eye. I know." I said simply. 
"Were you born like that?" Victor asked 
"Sure why not." I said to avoid the questions. 
"Is your hippocampus a male or female? We have a male at our school." She said 
"My hippocampus is too sick to deal with others at the moment. And she is mine." I said looking at the headmaster. "I'll take her and the kelpie when I leave the school." J added 
"I know." He said rolling his eyes at me. "But only if you take the other two." He added 
"I will." I said with a smile "now since we are out of options. -"
"No." He said standing up "you are not going out there to deal with it. You are too valuable to the school." He added 
"I doubt that." I muttered. Both Ian and black glared at me for that. 
"Blake Ian take her to the black tower. Do not let her out of your sight all night." The headmaster orders 
"What? Seriously?" I said angry.
"Go!" He yelled and Blake grabbed my arm pulling me out of the headmaster office before I lose my shit at him. 
"You aren't seriously going to watch me all night?" I asked looking at them 
"I'll sleep on the floor." Ian said running his hand though his hair 
"It's fine Ian. You just got a bed. I'll take the floor," Blake said. I just looked at them. 
"Why don't you just share a bed and fuck each other while you are at it." I snapped and walked away angry. They just followed me all the way to the black tower. I ran up to my room once in the common room and locked the door behind me. I grabbed some clothes and went to the bathroom taking a bag of blood with me. I closed the bathroom door and locked it behind me as I head the bedroom open 
"You know you can't hide right." Blake said 
"Let me have a damn shower you fucker!" I said angry opening the bag of blood sitting on the sink drinking it. 
"I'll wait here." I heard Ian say before I heard Blake leave. "You know I can smell that out here right." Ian said 
"So" I said annoyed. "I'll have a shower when I finish." I said simply. 
"Ok." He said before I finished my bag of blood. I climbed into the shower and just washed my hair and body before I climbed out. I roughly dried my hair and body before I got dressed in my fuck off pyjamas and pulled in my fluffy socks. I brushed my teeth quite aggressively before I left the bathroom. Ian looked at me from the chair he was sitting on. "Let's go." He said 
"You are both enjoying this too much." I said bluntly grabbing my iPod and my headphone off my desk. I picked Luca up off my bed as Ian opened the door 
"Of course." He said with a smile before he followed me to Blake's room and let me inside. Luca jumped from my arms and ran to the basket in the corner that had his name on it. 
"You got him a basket?" I asked 
"That's been here a while." Blake said simply as he throw his pillow over near the window. I just shook my head walking over to Blake's bed and sat on one side of it. 
"I don't know why the headmaster thinks I would run off to kill the krampus." I muttered 
"Because you did once already." Ian said 
"I don't remember that." I said simply. "I would hunt down and kill something without permission or reason." I added leaning back against the headboard putting my headphones around my neck.
"It's one night." Blake said simply not looking at me. 
"Uh huh." I said not looking up from my iPod. Both of them turned to look at me. 
"She knows we like the idea of her being in here." Ian said because of Blake's confused look by my annoyance. 
"It's not like we would try anything." Blake said simply before he picked up Lucas basket and put it in front of the door 
"What are you doing?" I asked Blake smirked at me 
"You won't disturb Luca if he is sleeping and if he is sleeping in front of the door you can't leave." Blake said 
"You are evil." I said kind of impressed by his methods of locking me in here 
"I learned from you." He said. I rolled my eyes at him before I got comfortable in Blake's bed. 
"Why did you end up moving in here Ian?" I asked curious. 
"Bryan took over green Dylan too over red and this other guy Henry came back and he took over red so I don't have to do anything now." Ian said with a grin. I chuckled light. 
"Lucky you. You have to babysit me now." I added he shrugged 
"Probably the best task ever." He said with a grin and Blake throw his shoe at Ian 
"Shut up." Blake said before lying down. 
"Eww you aren't showering?" I asked 
"Not yet." Blake said simply. 
"Midnight the really hot water kicks in." Ian said smiling at me 
"Oh." I said simply. "I like cold water" I said with a shrug. 
"Seriously? Why cold?" Blake asked 
"Because I'm too hot for a hot shower." I said with a grin and they both started laughing at me. "I'm not kidding. I burn hot." I added 
"Like a wolf." Blake said smirking 
"I was burning hot long before that." I said with a smile. 
"Want to play a board game?" Ian asked changing the subject. 
"What do you have?" I asked curious. 
"Monopoly. Scrabble or card games." Ian said as a message came though on my iPod from Talia. 
"Scrabble" I said with a grin before opening the message. Hey baby cakes. Need some professional help? Black or red? Was the message and then two images came though of her in lingerie. "You have issues." J mumbled to myself. 
"What?" Blake asked 
"Oh sorry I wasn't talking to either of you. My friend Talia. She's got problems and is a pain in my ass" I said looking at the two images one was a black lace body suit the other one was a large piece of ribbon kind of things that hardly covered anything. 
"Sounds like you." Ian said. 
"She's worse." I said messaging back black and to burn the red one. 
"How so?" Ian asked 
"She just messaged me two lingerie pictures asking which was better." I said looking at them and they laughed at me 
"I don't think you would ever do that." Blake said chuckling. I rolled my eyes 
"Probably not." I said softly as Ian got up he went to get the scrabble box. I got up and went and sat on the ground because that's where Ian sat. I crossed my legs and Luca jumped from his bed and ran over to me crawling into my lap. I chuckled patting his back as Ian and Blake set up the game. 
"What were you trying to suggest to the headmaster anyway?" Ian asked 
"I was going to suggest a dragon." I said collecting some of the tiles. "The only thing that can very easily kill a krampus. But he didn't want to listen because he assumed I was volunteering to kill the thing." I added 
"I thought you were." Blake said 
"I'm smart not suicidal." I said as I arranged my letters on the small shelf I had. "Besides. Females are twice as strong as their male partner. I know how hard it was for me to take down the male. I wouldn't be able to take down a female alone." I added 
"You said you didn't remember." Ian said looking at me 
"I remember fragments." I said softly. "Blood violence and how I felt when I came too. I was so physically exhausted that if I wasn't around people I would have collapsed." I said softly. 
"Who is starting?" Blake asked 
"Whoever has the best word starts." I said softly 
"I got nothing." Ian said 
"Me neither." Blake said looking at me 
"Luca." I said playing my four letters down and they chuckled lightly. 
"What's the deal between you and victor?" Blake asked placing the word lollipop down. 
"What do you mean?" I asked 
"He was waiting for you in the corridor today." Blake said 
"Oh yeah." I said softly 
"What happened?" Blake asked 
"I walked away from him after telling him I was only interested in his basilisk and have no interest in him whatsoever." I said simply. Ian snickered. "What are you snickering about?" I asked 
"Nothing. Not you I mean." He said softly smirking as he looked at his letters. I just picked up a new tile and so did Blake. Ian grabbed another tile and his smirk grew 
"He lost interest in you quickly." Blake said softly 
"Because I was a bitch to him." I said softly placing down Popsicle. Blake picked up a tile and then Ian put down popularity with a grin. 
"Aren't you a bitch to everyone tho?" Ian asked me 
"Not everyone." I said softly "well. Actually." I said thinking about it. 
"Yeah you are a bitch to everyone." Blake said laughing lightly 
"Whatever. Keeps the weak ones away." I said laughing and they laughed as well Blake reached under the bed and grabbed one of the bottles of whisky. 
"Since the games have been postponed for a day." He said opening it up and taking a drink straight for the bottle. 
"Share." Ian said taking the bottle from him and I laughed at them. It's not a small bottle either. 
"How did you get this past the headmaster?" Ian asked offering me the bottle 
"I didn't know it was in my bag to begin with." I said taking it and taking a sip "Talia stashed them in my bag along with other things that I was completely mortified in finding." I said laughing lightly.
"She sounds like an interesting person." Ian said softly 
"She's a pack less wolf who runs a club out of her basement. Lives like a poor person but could buy the town if she wanted to." I said with a smile "and she is just as obsessed with me as every other guy." I said and Blake chocked on the whisky 
"What was that?" Blake asked. I laughed at him. 
"She calls me baby cakes and is always kissing me. Especially more when people are looking. She is a very open bisexual. And when I say open the girls legs are always spread for someone." I said and they both looked embarrassed now. Ian took the whisky taking a large gulp from it to avoid saying anything. 
"Why baby cakes?" Blake asked curious. I rolled my eyes. 
"It's stupid as to why and rather embarrassing." I said taking a drink from the bottle when Ian handed it to me. 
"I'm curious now." Ian said. 
"Vanilla Baby cakes." I said simply. "She kissed me once and said I reminded her of vanilla baby cakes. A cake shop makes these little cakes and calls them baby cakes." I said embarrassed. Both of them looked at me. 
"When was this?" Ian asked 
"14." I said placing some tiles on my shelf. "The nickname stuck since." I added. I saw Blake smirk slightly and I glared at him 
"What?" He asked 
"I swear to god you call me baby cakes you'll regret it." I said and Ian started laughing at my hollow threat. I was a little spacey from the whisky so my threats were hollow. 
"I think it's cute." Blake said 
"You can't call me baby cakes. That's what Talia calls me. And only she is allowed to call me that. Only because I lost the fight." I said rubbing my face 
"You lost a fight?" Ian asked 
"Not the kind of fight you are thinking off." I said softly. "Talia is one of them girls that at fourteen she could have been mistaken for 18. So she easily over powered little ole me because I was a Tiny no muscle twigs." I said and they laughed now. 
"No seriously?" Blake asked chuckled. I grabbed my iPod and opened it before going though my photos until I got to one of Talia and me at 14. I showed it to them. 
"Damn." Ian said 
"You really were a twig." Blake said. 
"Uh huh." I said throwing my iPod back into my bed. "After they got over the whole baby cakes thing I started training to get stronger. Especially after I was told I would be going to the academy." I added and they chuckled again I ran my hand though my damp hair looking at the scrabble board. 
"Why is She pack less?" Blake asked 
"Agh that's my fault." I said softly. "I may have accidentally redirected her loyalties. She thinks I'm her alpha and she abandoned her pack to follow me around like a puppy." I said 
"Accidentally How?" Blake asked 
"Used a control word on her when she was close to flipping out in public because and old guy groped her." I said softly and he looked at me surprised. 
"Oh." He said softly 
"She doesn't care anyway. They wanted to marry her off to some other pack anyway." I added 
"Marry her off?" Ian asked confused 
"She was an orphan." I said looking at him "father died in an attack after she was conceived. Mother died during childbirth. We were born on the same day and because of an accident where we were swapped mum almost took Talia home except she had green eyes and mine were black. So mum arranged for the pack to take Talia in but they only agreed if mum raised Talia and put her though school. For the first three year Talia lived with us then she joined the pack after she became too aggressive to be around me. And mum said she would visit and raise Talia there and dad raised me at home." I said softly patting Luca. Neither Blake nor Ian said anything right away. They just sat there processing what I said 
"So she's had a rough life?" Ian asked me 
"Not really. She's had an active life and doesn't regret a thing." I said with a smile and they both smiled as we played scrabbles and drank whisky talking

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