Thirty four

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In the morning when classes had started I had already begun to read and grade the few essays I had already one passes an the other four needed more work. So after marking them I went and placed them on the desk where I had put peoples names since I'm no good with names. The one who passed I left a vip card with their essay. After a few minutes people started to walk in and take their seats remaining quiet because I left instructions on the board for them to do work on. 
"Exuse me gemini?" I looked up from the book I was reading at a girl. Cate was her name. 
"Yes?" I asked her. 
"The last page of this book is blank and all is says is jorogumo." She said softly. 
"Yes. They are extinct now so no longer apart of the curriculum." I said simply. 
"Do you know what they are?" She asked me I nodded again. 
"Yes a jorogumo is a shape shifting spider. They start out as regular spiders but keep growing until they reach the size of a bull. And when the spider turns 400 years old roughly. They are able to shift back and forth as a woman. Since they have been extinct for a few hundred years no I have never meet one but they said that the woman would take shape of what the man desires. And then once seduced the woman would take the man back to her cave where she would paralysis the man and lay her eggs inside of him for her millions of baby's to hatch and eat the way out of the man while he is still alive." I said casually and they looked at me horrified. "Japanese creature tend to be the most violent ones." I added. 
"So you are 100% curtain that they are extinct?" A guy asked 
"No I'm not. It's just what everyone's told. I mean no doubt a collector somewhere would have have one if not one in a frozen state. But they can not reproduce without laying their eggs inside a human man which isn't really humane because the body has to stay alive." I said softly yeah they just nodded slightly. 
"What's a collector?" Jason asked me. 
"Someone who collects creatures. I would be classed as a collector." I said simply. They just nodded softly "any more questions?" I asked them. 
"Yeah I have one?" Blake said from the door. I looked at him. "Why are you giving out vip cards to an illegal club?" He asked. He was still angry at me. 
"My club is not illegal." I said simply 
"You are only just 18." He said simply crossing his arms and I smiled at him. 
"Yes. I'm very aware of my age. You remind me every week about me being so young. But being 18 just means I can not drink at my club. Doesn't mean I can't own it. I have a liquor and business license. The cops are very aware of my club and where it is located." I said with a smile as everyone started whispering about my age. Everyone believed I was 23. 
"Wait. So when we were together you were only 16?" Jason asked me. 
"You didn't know?" I asked him. He was a little pale now. Jason was 20 when I meet him. 
"No." He said simply. "You definitely didn't act 16." He added. I just smiled at him. 
"You don't even act 18." Crystal said. 
"Shouldn't you still be in high school?" Jewels asked me. I rolled my eyes. 
"Home schools because I had no interest in regular school and I was. Well." I paused trying to think of a word other then violent "intemperate." I said with a smile 
"What's that mean?" Ian asked. 
"Lack of self control." Dante said looking at me in confusion. "You were seriously sixteen?" He asked 
"You want a fucking birth certificate?" I asked him mostly being sarcastic but it occurred to me I don't actually have one. I have never seen my birth certificate. I mean. I know I must have one to go to normal school. But. I never saw one. "Any questions?" I asked. A few people raised their hand now 
"I have one!" Ian said 
"Questions that actually involve this lesson?" I clarified and everyone put their hands down now. I rolled my eyes because everyone was interested in me now. Ian didn't say anything. But I already knew what his question was going to be about. It was going to be about Blake's pack. 
"Professor Floral wanted to see you too." Blake said simply. I nodded slightly before looking at everyone else. 
"If there are no other questioned. Please continue to work on your essays." I said softly getting to my feet. "If you have been passed you are allowed to leave or use this time to do other class work." I said with a smile 
"You know you would make a good teacher." Dante said 
"No I wouldn't everyone is just frightened of me so they listen to me." I said simply and walked out of the room. Blake and Ian looked at me after the door closed. I simply turned and walked away from them not wanting to talk about Blake's pack. 
"She doesn't want to see you we only said that to make you leave the class." Blake said simply. 
"Of course you did." I muttered as I stopped walking. 
"What happened? That's all I want to know." Blake said softly 
"I was given the assignment to assist with the slaughter. I refused because I'm not a killer. Well. I wasn't then. Because I refused the STA do what they always do and threaten my family. They were going to kill them so I agreed to help but instead I tried to warn the pack. After I was discovered trying to alert the pack of the coming danger I was put under facility arrest. I couldn't leave the compound so I did the only think I knew how to. I tried to make the pack disappear in their systems. But I was only successfully able to erase one name before I was caught and throw into prison. After the slaughter they realised the name I erased was the one person they were after. So they tortured me for a week demanding the name. Lucky me I wasn't good with names so I had forgotten it by the time they came to torture 
me." I said simply looking at them 
"Then how do you know it was me?" Blake asked me. 
"Dante." I said simply. "He was also assigned to that mission but as an angel he could legally refuse and they had no one to use against him. He was the one who caught me erasing the information and the only person who knew the name of the alpha that needed to remain alive. He was the one who so kindly enlighten me that it was you. Even tho I had my suspicions." I added crossing my arms hugging myself. 
"Why lie about it then?" Ian asked me 
"You automatically accused me of being the cause of the whole thing and acted like it was my doing. Like I had lost control and slaughtered a pack. I mean. Seriously. I'm not an idiot Ian. You both look at me like I'm two seconds away from exploding and killing someone. So of course I didn't want you knowing because even if you knew the truth you would still blame me out of association." I said sounding upset. "I knew Blake's parents I worked with them many times. I knew the pack. And they knew my secret. In the 6 months of working with them they were the ones to teach me how to be a wolf. And they accepted me into their home. They were willing to take me in if my parents abandoned me. So I feel Blake's lose just as much. Only I knew it was happening and I couldn't do anything to stop it and I wasn't even allowed to greave about it because I was thrown out and I couldn't tell anyone about what happened." I said my voice broke at the end and I was going to cry any seconds. Ian looked guilty now. 
"I'm sorry." Ian whispered. "I didn't mean to upset you or accuse you of anything." He added. 
"The wolf who hurt you?" Blake asked. 
"Your brother." I said softly looking at the ground "he was possessed as you know and that is the reason you family helped me because they felt like it was their responsibility since it was his doing" I added. 
"Dante killed him right?" Blake asked. I nodded slightly. 
"4 months after the attack Talia taught me to hide it from everyone. And I did she just was seeing someone from your pack at the time and accidentally let it slip that it's was the alphas son who hurt me. I was visited by your mother who apologised for him hurting me until I explained to her what happened. She was so upset and proceeded to tell me how she wanted a daughter. I told her I needed help to lean how to control my wolf so she happily helped me and treated me as if I was her child." I said softly Blake looked at me. 
"I remember her coming home some days with a happy smile saying she was with Gem all day. I asked her a few times who Gem was and she said a girl she actually wanted to set me up with her. But I refused because I wanted to go to school." Blake said softly before he laughed lightly "all this time and we had been around the corner from each other.@ Blake added with a laugh. 
"Wouldn't know anything about my clan would you?" Ian asked 
"Whats it called?" I asked him he looked embarrassed now 
"Don't judge." He said simply 
"Uh huh. Says you." I said with so much sass I was disgusted by myself. 
"Black Marks." He said softly. I accidentally let out a little chuckled but quickly composed myself 
"I'm sorry." I said trying not to smile. Black marks. The most lust driven clan in the state and just walking into their property can turn anyone on. I have been their once. Last years. Just before Christmas I was following up on a dancer at the club who hadn't been in for over a week. She was actually dead. But I do remember the place very well. 
"Stop it." Ian said 
"I didn't say anything." I said smiling. 
"I'm not like everyone in the clan." Ian said
"I wouldn't have guess." I said sarcastically laughing lightly "I'm sorry. I can't help it. You from black marks. Please tell me you were just one of the lower ranks." I said almost in tears from laughing Blake snickered now 
"Prince." Blake coughed and I laughed harder now. 
"Oh god!" I said wiping the tears away holding my ribs from the stitches in them. 
"You are throwing this way out of proportion." Ian said annoyed as I began to compose myself again. 
"No I'm not." I said smiling at him. "Your father is an inconsiderate asshole who tried to buy me to use me to make you come home." I said laughing again 
"He did what?" Ian asked smirking now. I stopped Laughing looking at him 
"You aren't that lucky boy. I would have whooped your ass then too. This was just before last Christmas. I was meant to be your 'Christmas present ' if you went home only I can't be compelled or have vampire infliction used on me" I said simply
"Damn. You would have made a fine Christmas present." He said with a grin both of them wore similar looks now as they looked at me 
"You two are perverts you know that." I said crossing my arms. 
"Says you who doesn't knock when she walked into our room." Blake said. I shrugged slightly but couldn't help the smirk on my lips. 
"Hey I know no other girls would be in the halls when I open the door. You never know who would see me if you opened my door unannounced. Or what you might see." I said 
"I have a pretty good idea on what I would see." Ian said with a smirk and I blushed lightly. "you sleeping because that's all you ever do." He added amused 
"Ass." I said bluntly 
"Just have to ask." He said 
"No fuck you both go away." I said embarrassed turning my back to them going to leave 
"You already did." Ian said. Ok He is pushing his luck I thought before I looked back at Ian and smirked at him. 
"You need a shower." I said with a smile 
"No i -" He was cut off by the pixies dumping Minotaur shit on him. "Oh I'm going to get you back." He said looking at me. 
"Bye." I said waving him off as he walked away to go shower and clean up as Blake laughed. "Oh you think you get off easy do you?" I asked him he looked at me alarmed before he was covered in Lucas shit. 
"I didn't do anything." He said gagging. 
"But it's still funny." I said laughed
"Oh just you wait gorgeous." He said amuse now before leaving and I just returned to my classes.

At lunch I went to see professor Floral about what happened when I was unconscious. I was concerned about what I might have done to myself without knowing. Approaching her office I saw her walk out. She looked at me for a moment before she smiled lightly 
"How are you feeling?" She asked me. 
"I'm fine physically but i need help with what happened." I said softly. 
"Well I'm going to check on ivory's babies they all successfully hatched and are growing nicely." She said with a smile I nodded slightly and walked with her "so what's wrong?" She asked 
"I lived my nightmare. How I kill everyone I care about." I said softly. "Only this time when I tried to stop myself I separated myself from another me. And she spoke to me like we were two different people." I added 
"What did she say?" She asked concerned. 
"She said she was sealed inside a box in my head when I was a child. And as a child I was found in the hands of the breeder. My parents killed my twin and took me and raised me. And then after arguing I killed her." I said looking at her she stopped walking and looked at me
"What was she to be sealed away?" She asked me 
"She said she was a shade." I whispered. She looked at me shaking her head. "You killed your shades persona. You would still have the abilities but not the evil voice. And you would only be able to use your shade in times of crises. Life or death situations. Without a persona it takes a great deal of energy to cast the shade way more energy then it does to contain a wolf. It would be something that would hurt you physically to try and do." She said softly. I just nodded slightly looking at the ground. 
"That explains why i lost so may power points." I whispered. 
"I'll deal with you evening classes. You need to get your level back up or we will have to replace you." She said softly. I nodded slightly 
"I'll do my best." I said softly. She nodded slightly before we parted ways at the creature room. I would go and see ivory but I did spend a few hours last night in the water with her and Thurso. Walking into the dining hall I had my eyes on my feet just thinking I was that deep in thought Ian had stoped me to make me sit down. 
"You ok?" Ian asked 
"Yeah just a lot on my mind." I whispered leaning against my hand looking at my empty plate. 
"Care to share?" Blake asked 
"Not yet." I mumbled putting some steamed green beans on my plate begging to eat them. I love green beans. 
"Why?" He asked frowning. 
"Because I'm still trying to understand it myself. What's the point in saying something if I don't understand it." I said softly before I sighed rubbing my eye. The contact lens was irritating my eye now. I finished eating my beans before I looked at Blake and Ian who looked like they were waiting on something "I have some things to do. I'll talk to you both later." I said getting up from the table 
"You hardly ate." Blake said simply. I looked at my plate and the food around it all. Now that I was paying attention they had put black ink inside the chicken leg that was on my plate. 
"You can eat it I'm not hungry." I said softly. 
"You didn't eat breakfast." Ian said simply. 
"I did I was just early to the food this morning. And I'm too preoccupied at the moment to even think about eating." I said softly. "But please I don't like waisting food so eat it." I said offering it to Ian 
"I have had enough to eat." Ian said refusing. I offered it to Blake 
"You are still eating and I know you are still hungry." I said softly. "Besides you never had a problem taking my leftovers before." I added. Blake was stumped now. 
"You need to eat some meat. As a wolf you can't lives off veggies." He said simply. Dante and Jason Who has been here the whole time were watching us. 
"How about you dante. You want it?" I asked him. "You Get jealous when Blake's gets my lefts overs." I said 
"Sure." Dante said taking it with a smile and instantly bite into it. Blake and Ian were horrified now because of the black food dye that squirted out of the chicken. "What the fuck?" Dante asked and I laughed lightly
"I seriously though you knew." I said laughing at him and his mouth stained black. "Blake and Ian are trying to get back at me for a prank. They put black food die in the chicken." I added 
"And you assumed I knew?" Dante asked 
"Yes I did. You had been here longer then me so yes." I said still laughed. I looked at Blake and Ian. "You'll have to do better then that." I Added before walking away laughing. Calmed down after leaving the dining hall and returned to the tower. I let myself into Blake and Ian's room searching for my phone that took away first day back. I climbed up to the top of the tower and instantly called mum. She answered on the third time. 
"Hey Gem what's wrong?@ she asked. 
"Why do you assume something is wrong whenever I call? Can I not just call because I miss my mum?" I asked her. She was silent for a moment 
"Sorry honey. I'm just not use to you calling without there being a problem." She said softly. I sighed now. 
"Can I come home this holidays? I mean it's the long holidays and I don't want to spend it alone." I said softly 
"You father and I will be busy and out of town." She said. 
"Find ill just go stay with Talia." I said annoyed now 
"Don't pull that tone with me." She said bluntly. 
"I know you don't want me home. And if you cared you would have noticed my things aren't there anymore the room is empty and all my belongings gone." I said simply. She was silent and I heard her moving around in a hurry now. "Don't bother. You and father are just better off going ahead and disowning me. Better yet just tell everyone you adopted me out of pitty because I know I am adopted. It doesn't take a genuine to work that out." I said bluntly. 
"Watch your gone young lady. Adopted or not I am still your mother." She said. 
"I'm a werewolf." I said simply. "I was turned from that attack four years ago and you never noticed." I said. She went quiet again. 
"You want no association with us do you?" She asked me 
"No." I said simply. "You would be ashamed of me and it would make me feel ashamed of who I am and I am proud to be a werewolf. I wouldn't change what I am. So to make it easier on everyone. Just tell everyone the truth." I said simply. 
"Very well." She said softly before hanging up. I sighed softly rubbing my eyes to prevent tears. After a few deep breaths calming myself I called Talia. She answered instantly 
"Hey babycakes." She said sexually. 
"You can't call me the anymore. Blake and Ian have forbidden flirting between us if i date them." I said softly and she whined. 
"Ok." she added laughing "whatcha calling for?" She asked 
"Congratulations you know have a temporary roommate specifically three. Can you arrange for some house viewings over the holidays? I need my own house one in the woods. With plenty of space and able to have a magical room for creatures." I said simply. 
"Sure can do hun. Are you sure you don't want a hotel while you stay?" She asked sounding mischievous
"And waist my money. No thanks." I said simply and she laughed at me 
"I'll arrange everything for you." She said softly. "Why tho?" She asked 
"Parents disowned me." I said simply. "Don't fuss about it too much. I'm not. It was bound to happen the day I became a werewolf. So I'm not too worried. But i dont want to have to sleep above a club every night especially since I like to be in bed by ten." I said she laughed again 
"Yes grandma." She said sarcastically. 
"You are so not funny." I said simply. "But anyway love you but I have to go." I added 
"Alright. I'll see you when I'm looking at you. Love you." She said hanging up. I sighed softly before climbing back into Blake and Ian's room they were there waiting 
"Agh shit how long you two been ease dropping?" I asked looking at them 
"Long enough." Ian said dropping down into his bed. 
"Long enough when?" I asked. 
"We caught the end of the conversation about your parents disowning you." Blake said. I nodded slightly "and you talking whoever you were in the phone to that you loved them." He added jealous I rolled my eyes 
"Seriously it was Talia. And she is practically my sister. We fake flirt to keep guys away on my behalf and attract guys on her behalf. You are jealous of her for no reason." I said softly. 
"You swear that there is nothing actually going on between you two?" Blake asked me 
"I swear Blake. There never has been. We just pretend in public or around people. In private well. Yeah we are just lazy slobs if left alone" I said laughing. "We have spent an entire week on the couch in pjs binging on Netflix food and alcohol. I think we maybe showered twice in that week too." I added. 
"And you call us gross." Ian said laughing. I shrugged 
"Talia brings out the laziness in me." I said laughing. "Girls night normally consists of four wine bottles chocolate and chick flicks." I added with a smile. 
"And the fluffy socks and offensive pjs." Blake said. 
"That's just a given any day of the week." I said sitting on the end of his bed. "She wears more colour then me tho. I like my grey and blacks." I added 
"We noticed." Ian said laughing. "But Black is a good colour for you anyway. Well really any dark colours are good in you." He added. 
"You think the uniform looks good on me." I said simply. He grinned at me 
"It does. You suit it very well and look like the poster girl of the school." Ian said 
"So I have been told." I said with a smile "I'm pretty sure if I win the games they will use me for the school posters next year." I added. 
"I think they would even if you lost." Blake said smiling at me. "I have been meaning to ask. When do you intend on graduating?" He asked me 
"Not until after the third year so I can catch as many creatures as possible. But you two would have to graduate a year before me. And I'm sure if you still liked me then I would have a place and some creatures to look after in my absence." I said softly 
"Really?" Ian asked me "you would have us work for you?" He added. I looked at him for a moment. 
"I already allow you to drink for free at my club. Assisting me in caring for the creatures would be something I expect you to help me with if you still loved me then. Obviously the more dangerous ones would be left to me to deal with but with creatures who are harmless simply feeding them isn't too much to ask is it?" I said softly 
"No. But I didn't think you would allow us near your 'babies'" he said using finger quotes 
"Going near ivory's pups is different. She is in protection mode and would hurt anyone who approached the cave that she didn't trust. I mean she hurt me last night because she didn't realise it was me." I said softly 
"Hurt you how?" Blake asked concerned. 
"Rammed me in the stomach and chest with her head." I said softly 
"Did it hurt?" Blake asked me 
"A 400 pound animal charging at me at full speed. Yes it hurt and she did brake a few of my ribs too." I said softly. They looked at me concerned now. "I'm mostly healed now. Just some bad bruises." I added leaning back on my hands before the bell rang 
"Don't you have classes?" Ian asked 
"I have the afternoon classes off now since my classes are all doing their end of term essays." I said softly closing my eyes. I should have asked Talia for some training tips. But then again I can just get her to help me over the holidays and relax for now. "Shouldn't you two be doing work?" I asked them. 
"Well we did come here to work." Ian said and I felt him looking at me. I opened my eyes to looked at him. "But there is a distraction in the room." He added amused. 
"Well maybe the distraction should go somewhere else and leave you two to work." I said simply. 
"No." Blake said rather quickly and it made Ian laugh. I ran my fingers though my hair pushing it back. 
"If I stay you both do your assignments." I said simply. They nodded slightly before Blake sat on Ian's bed across from him as they both worked though a math book. I just laid down on Blake's bed simply because I could and I closed my eyes to relax.

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