Thirty three

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When I woke up again it was still dark and I still wasn't 100%. I sighed softly before I rolled over lying on my back. I rubbed my face sitting up. I had a minor headache now but still not people tolerable. I felt Luca crawl into the bed and over to me snuggling up in my arms. I sighed softly stroking his back.
"Hey little man." I said softly. "I bet you were worried about me weren't you." I whispered to him and he made a noise before snuggling into me more. I sighed and got up out of bed holding Luca in my arms making my way to the bathroom. Having a shower I remained in the dark as Luca sat outside the shower waiting for me. Getting out I got dressed in some shorts and a shirt before leaving the bathroom. I checked the time and it was early morning. 2am. I sighed again before I opened my fridge and got myself some blood. I was too hungry to wait for it to be warm so I drank it cold. Luca remained at my side the whole time. Once I finished my blood I left my room and made my way down to the common room. I expected it to be empty but it wasn't. The guys were sitting there talking about the games and the moment I saw them I pulled myself back around the corner to hide. 
"Jason you are probably the most stupidest person I know." Blake said irritated. "Taking a change of clothes is a waist of space," he added 
"I'm sorry. I don't want to prance around the woods butt naked because my clothes got ripped during a shift." Jason said sarcastically. "So I'm talking at least two pairs of pants just incase." Jason added sternly. 
"What's about Gemini?" Dante asked "she practically a vegetarian most days. I don't think she will willingly eat animals you kill." He added 
"She will eat fish." Blake said simply 
"It's that a fact or a demand towards her." Ian asked 
"A fact." Blake said bluntly. "She May be repulsed by the idea of killing a deer or some birds. But she doesn't mind catching some fish and cooking them to eat them. I already spoke to her about that last term after she found out she would be participating." Blake said simply. 
"Will we really need that big piece of waterproof fabric now?" Dante asked. It was silent for a moment. 
"Possible." Blake said simply "we may need shelter from the rain and if there is a sphinx Gemini will make us venture into the desert for it." Blake added 
"She would go for the leviathan first." Ian said laughing 
"She doesn't know there is going to be a leviathan yet. She's currently got her heart set on the thunderbird if she knew about the leviathan she would forget about the thunderbird and go for the leviathan." Blake said 
"So It saves us the effort of trying to throw her." Jason said bluntly 
"Everyone is going for the leviathan." Blake said simply "we would be targeted on the way to him and most likely lose supplies which we can't afford to do especially with Gemini." Blake said. 
"You make it sound like she is weak." Dante said softly 
"You said it yourself she dropped 200 from her power level. She is now weaker then us." Blake said irritated. What? I looked at my reflection in the window and he was right. 412 I'm not even eligible for the games and I'm lower then when I started the school year. I leaned against the wall looking at the ground. I killed my power? 
"She dropped 200?" Ian asked and Blake sighed softly 
"Gemini is no longer eligible for the games. As soon as Professor Floral and the headmaster find out they will swap her out with someone else. So we can either get her power level back and quickly. Or all our training would have been waisted." Blake said softly. I just felt like I should be sad. Or angry but I felt nothing. I felt numb. It felt like apart of me was missing now. 
"Gemini can carry her own hammock." Jason said simply
"Jesus man. We get it you hate her now but can you quit being selfish." Ian snapped. 
"I think we should change him our with someone. He may put Gemini at risk and even drop her on purpose." Dante said bluntly. 
"That's Gemini's choice to replace Jason." Blake said bluntly. 
"Says the guys acting like the leader." Jason said sarcastically.
"I'm Gemini's absence I am in charge." Blake snapped 
"And who said that because I don't remember a vote." Jason said 
"I said so because Gemini trusts me and Ian the most and I am more fit to be a leader then Ian is." Blake said bluntly 
"Slightly offended but I do agree." Ian said simply before he laughed. "Damn you are turning more and more into Gemini every day." Ian said laughing 
"I am not." Blake snapped 
"Chill man. Jez. I'll let you have her. But it won't change the fact I love her like a sister." Ian said sounding happy. "I mean. She would probably hate me within a week if dating anyway with the pranks and shit." Ian added 
"I did question why you stoped doing pranks." Dante said 
"His love for her made him responsible." Blake said laughing "now he is back to his childish self waiting for her to wake up she he can get her back for the stink bomb prank." Blake added  I wanted to smile but I couldn't even do that. I was practically void of all emotions. I knew what Blake said would have made me laugh. But I couldn't. Something was wrong. I needed to see Professor Floral but if I walked out now and having to explain I fell nothing would hurt them. And i couldn't do that. Well actually not nothing. I can feel empathy. I looked at Luca who stood at my feet waiting. He looked up at me and without saying anything he walked out. 
"Luca." Ian said sounding confused. Luca barked in response before I heard him scratching on the door. After a moment I heard it open and then close. 
"There is a magic doggy door on Gemini's room but why not the main dog?" Ian asked 
"Because smaller shifters would be able to get though it." Blake said simply "i already asked and to keep everyone's privacy they won't do it." He added. 
"I'm also not carrying any of the vampire food." Jason said bluntly before i heard a smack and then Jason groaning in pain. 
"You will carry what you are told to carry no matter what." Blake said bluntly "fail to do so I'll eliminate you myself because you will be useless to us!" He snapped angry. 
"Fuck you Blake! You aren't my alpha you can't just order me around." Jason snapped at me 
"Then fuck off. When Gemini wakes up we will replace you with someone who will actually help!" Blake snapped at him "I can't believe she spent over a week being nice to you just to have you turn around and act like an asshole." Blake added 
"Need I remind you she walked out on me."'Jason snapped. "I don't want anything to do with her anymore I never did. And because of that stupid spell I actually wanted her back and I was disgusted by it." Jason added. Disgusted? I was completely at a loss of how I should react to that. Without emotions I just. Should I be angry or hurt? Annoyed or relived? What the fuck is going on with me? Is a normal day too much to ask for? I must have run out of normal days in my life. I thought sliding to the ground and just hugging my legs. 
"I said fuck off!" Blake snapped and I heard feet heading this way. I didn't care. I didn't move. Jason walked past me without even a glance. I just assumed he didn't see me. But I didn't care. If it was anyone else I would have maybe felt something. The door slammed closed and the others sighed. 
"How do you do it?" Ian asked surprised
"Do what?" Blake said annoyed 
"Remain calm like that. I mean. Normally you would have completely lost control but you are extremely calm." Ian said softly. 
"I guess I have picked up some tricks from Gemini about staying in control especially since she is battling three different kinds of emotions and thoughts daily." Blake said calm now. 
"Great now even I think you and her would be a perfect match." Dante muttered. Blake sighed softly 
"I still wouldn't stand a chance." Blake said softly "she loves you two just as much as she love me. So she won't decide. Even if we made her choice easier she still wouldn't out of fear of losing friends." Blake said softly. 
"She does?" Dante asked 
"Well me and Ian I know for certain you I'm not sure. I think it's more of emotions of contact since she's linked to you via her angel." Blake said 
"That would be very true. Angels tend to create best friend bonds. A friend for life kind of like how you have a lover for life. Since angel don't breed we are made then there is no use for a sexual or loving partner we want a friend for life. That is most likely all Gemini and I will ever have. Just a unbreakable friendship." Dante said before he laughed lightly "ever thought about a throple relationship?" He added being sarcastic but the silence response stoped his laugh 
"I'll give you a quote directly from Gemini. 'Both of you or non of you'" Ian said simply and the he sighed. 
"So what went wrong?" Dante asked sounding sympathetic now. 
"She gave us the brake to come up with an agreement on how we would want things and we just couldn't reach an agreement on one thing so we agreed we would let her chose one of us but as recent information arose she never intended on picking one." Blake said softly 
"If it's not prying to much what couldn't you agree on?" Dante asked. 
"Who's bed She would sleep in?" Ian said simply. "Gemini has nightmares and she gets violent during the nightmares. So we know she wouldn't really allow us to sleep beside her but swapping and changing every night on who's bed she was in seemed like a big effort." He added 
"And neither of us wanted to sleep on the floor but we wanted to be in the same room as her." Blake added it was quiet now.
"I fell like Gemini would smack you both up the back of the head for that's little problem." Dante said "she has her own room. And I'm sure if you asked her she wouldn't have a problem with you both in her room that way there wouldn't be any disagreement with who's bed she was in." Dante added 
"Sleeping on the ground isn't comfortable." Ian said simply 
"She didn't seem to have a problem with you both being in bed with her last term." Dante said. 
"The was a once of thing." Blake said getting defensive.  
"And she got angry at us in the morning." Ian added. 
"Yes because you were strangling her body like a python would" Dante said laughing "I may have walked in early that morning because I wanted to know if you guys were going off academy and saw you three in bed with her." He added. Ok now I'm embarrassed. I thought to myself. 
"Maybe She will reconsider?" Blake mumbled 
"I literally just gave you permission to have her to yourself and you are open to reconsider?" Ian asked him 
"I doubt she would change her mind." Blake said simply before I heard the common room door open. 
"What are you lot doing awake at this hour?" Professor Floral said alarmed 
"Talking about game plans." Blake said simply. "Why are you here?" He asked confused 
"Luca got me I assumed something was wrong with Gemini." She said 
"It's been nothing but quiet from her room." Dante said softly before Luca rounded the corner and ran to me. He jumped into my arms and I helped him close to my chest. Love. Relief. I closed my eyes holding Luca. 
"Gemini?" Professor Floral said kneeling down to me. "What's wrong? Why are you out of bed?" She asked me. I just shrugged slightly. 
"Somethings wrong with me I just don't know what." I whispered to her feeling afraid now. 
"What's wrong?" she asked 
"I can't feel some of my emotions." I whispered to her looking at Luca and holding onto the love emotion being thankful that was still there. 
"Oh no." I heard Dante say softly 
"What?" Professor Floral asked 
"Professor Floral did she tell you she bite me?" Dante asked. 
"No." She said sounding confused. 
"She bite me first week back and she as been avoiding getting to know her angel abilities after I told her she was required to feed on peoples emotions or risk losing feelings of that emotions herself" Dante said softly. I felt like an idiot now. I remember Dante telling me that but I just forgot about it since it wasn't life threatening like feeding off blood was. And now I realise how bad it was to be without emotions. Some emotions. Anger. I felt no anger. There was some sadness and slowly I could identify each emotion. But no anger. 
"What don't you feel?" Professor Floral asked me softly. I was to embarrassed to admit I felt numb without my anger emotion. Without my anger I'm not the Gemini everyone knows me as. I am the Gemini Jason knew me as. The weak scared obedient Gemini. And I couldn't even contact my wolf or my vampire without my anger 
"Gemini." Dante said coming into view "this is necessary to know." He added. 
"Anger." I whispered.  They didn't respond. It was just quiet now. 
"That is unique." Dante said softly looking at me "anger is a complex emotion. And there aren't that many angry people around. Not without making them angry." Dante added. 
"I don't think you are helping the situation anymore." Blake said bluntly. 
"Like you could be any help." Dante said annoyed but it was forced I could tell that "for someone who has a reputation of not being able to control his anger you simmer down very quickly at the sight of Gemini simply because you don't want her to see you angry." Dante said bluntly.
"Dante. Not is not the time to pick a fight." Professor Floral said simply. 
"I'm not picking a fight. I'm just pointing out if anyone can help her right now it's me because it's an angel problem not a dog problem!" Dante snapped and it pissed Blake off royally. 
"Dante!" Professor Floral snapped I could feel Blake anger radiating now. Never call a wolf a dog. It pisses them off quicker then they can think. Which is exactly what Dante was aiming for. He wanted to get Blake angry so I could feed from Blake anger. Looking at Blake now I could see his anger around him 
"You act so high and mighty Blake but the second someone mentions Gemini you don't even act like an alpha. You act like a puppy needing its master." Dante said. Ok that's too far Dante. I thought getting angry at him now. Oh hey my angers back.
"Dante." I said simply. He looked at me "don't make dogs jokes like that. He might kill you" i added getting up off the ground. Blake was still anger and I was still feeding off that anger. 
"And I thought we were becoming friends." Blake said bluntly. I looked at Blake. 
"He did it intentionally Blake." I said softly. Blake looked at me "make a werewolf anger is easy. Dante made you angry so I could feed off your anger." I added. Blake just look at me for a moments before looking at Dante. 
"I didn't mean it. But she is right. You were already angry and on edge and Ian was stoned so there is no way he would be getting angry anytime soon. You are the most ideal choice." Dante said softly. "But I'll avoid the dog jokes next time." Dante added. Blake just growled at him. He was still angry. 
"Are you feeling better now?" Professor Floral asked. I nodded slightly 
"There are some things I need to talk to you about but it can wait until morning." I said softly. She nodded slightly before looking at us all 
"You all best get to bed now." She said simply before leaving the room. Blake glared at Dante and he ran upstairs to his room. Ian laughed at Dante's actions. 
"I'll meet you upstairs." Ian said patting Blake's shoulder before heading upstairs. Blake looked at me now. He was trying to calm down but Dante really pissed him off. 
"Are you ok?" He asked simply hiding all emotions from his voice. 
"I am now." I said softly. "I was in a panicked state because without being able to feel my anger I lost contact with my wolf and vampire self. But now I can feel them again and I have you to thank for that." I said with a small smile. 
"You mean Dante." He said angry again I held my hand out for Blake and he hesitated but took it anyway. 
"No I mean you. You always seem to be the one to come to my rescue when I need it. Even if you don't realise it yourself." I said softly before seeing his anger fade away with my doing 
"That's cheating." Blake said but he was amused by what i did and he smiled about it 
"Probably. But Dante tried to force you to help me at the risk of his own face." I said laughing lightly and Blake shook his head chuckling. 
"You mean his throat. I would have ripped his throat out." Blake said with a smile. "How long have you been there anyway?" He asked conceded 
"Since the argument about Jason taking clothes into the games." I said softly. Blake just looked at me. He was alarmed now. "Don't worry I'm not really angry or upset about you three taking about me. I mean a little embarrassed about Dante seeing us all in bed because I know how my clothes were that morning and he would have had a lot to look at. But that's really about it." I said looking at him Blake just looked at me before he growled he was jealous and angry about what Dante saw 
"I didn't even think about what he might have seen." Blake growled low. I rubbed his hand and he looked at me again. "I don't like you making my anger void like that especially when I have every right to be angry." Blake said 
"We actually you don't since I'm not officially yours." I said simply. He looked annoyed now before he smirked I didn't get a chance to work out his smirk because he pulled away from my hand and as I went to question him he picked me up so I was over his shoulder now "Blake?!" I said alarmed 
"Mine now." He said amused smirking at me. 
"No I'm not." I said annoyed 
"You are now." He said 
"Fine then mine and Ian's." He said 
"And what's makes you think he's ok with that now." I asked him as he walked into the room. 
"What are you doing?" Ian asked before he laughed lightly. "Damn then shorts couldn't be any shorter could they." He added 
"She's ours now." Blake said smirking and sounding proud 
"What?" Ian asked confused by slightly dazed 
"Stop looking at my ass. And Blake put me down." I said simply. 
"Did you still want to share?" Blake asked 
"We talk about this." Ian said 
"We can work out where she sleeps later." Blake said simply. 
"Then absolutely." Ian said 
"There your are ours now." Blake said 
"Do I even have a say?" I asked him 
"You had your say. Multiple times." Blake said 
"And were very clear about what you wanted." Ian said. I blushed slightly but did my best to avoid my smirk. 
"Put me down will you." I said acting annoyed 
"Why there is a great view of your ass." Ian said smirking 
"I literally had vertigo 24hrs ago. I like my feet in the ground." I said simply Blake put me down now but he sat me on his bed. "Thank you." I said softly rubbing my head. It was spinning now. 
"You ok?" Blake asked 
"Yeah I'm fine. I'm fucking hungry tho." I said and they laughed at me. 
"Hungry for what?" Ian asked 
"Food. You know since I'm a weirdo I have to eat that stuff as well as blood on and I have to remember to feed on anger. I'm almost at the point I'll need a schedule to remind myself what I have to eat and when." I said sarcastically. I'm testing out my emotions to make sure they are there. "So I'm going to get something to eat and do a few other things I had planned on doing at this hour." I said standing up. Blake looked at me and he looked like he was going to protest me to keep me here. 
"You have been unconscious for 8 days. I'll bring you some food but you won't be left alone." Blake said with a smile. Huh. I didn't expect him to go in that direction. I expected something a little more childish. 
"Well hurry up before I starve to death." I said sarcastically. Blake laughed before walking out of the room to get me some food. I looked at Ian now. 
"Yes?" He asked with a cheeky grin. I smirked now and stood up moving over to his bed. Time for some pay back for the things he did to me when I was pretending to me asleep. Ian stiffened up as I knelt on his bed "umm. Gemini. This is great and all but one on one sex has to be agreed upon first." Ian said I just kept my smirk on my lips before my hand gripped his pillow. And with one very hard swing of the pillow I knocked Ian off the bed and he hit the ground 
"You fucker. What's the big idea playing on my weaknesses yesterday? I swear if you had put that snake on me I would have beaten you senseless." I said bluntly as he laid on the ground groaning in pains from the impact of him hitting the ground. 
"I thought you were still unconscious." He groaned 
"I wasn't. I was just feeling like shit." I said getting up before I started hitting him with the pillow. "You asshole. And using Blake's blood like that. I mean seriously!" I added continuing to hit him as he covered his face 
"It was just a little fun." Ian said laughing at me 
"Fun? You are messing with the queen of pranks. The fact you never related I assumed you accepted defeat. But don't let that fool you. I have plenty of tricks up my sleeves and I'll happily use you as my target." I said and hit him again before Blake walked in. He looked at me beating Ian with the pillow. 
"And I thought he was childish." Blake said as I hit Ian one more time and the walking over to take the food from Blake
"I could actually hit him but then I would feel bad about it so beating him with a pillow is a safe way of hurting him." I said with a smile taking the plate going to sit down on the chair. I crossed my legs over placing the plate in my lap and started eating the fries on my plate. 
"And why are you beating him up? I was gone less The a five minutes." Blake said amused 
"Because of the blood thing and the snake thing she was awake." Ian said sitting up rubbing the back of his head. "That May have just been a pillow but it still hurt." He added 
"Big baby." I said dropping my bottom lip and battling my lashes at him before I continued to eat. Blake laughed lightly before he went and pulled a small note book from his side table 
"Here." He said handing it to me 
"What's this?" I asked grabbing it between my ring finger and pinky finger since my fingers were covering in salt from my fries 
"What we agreed on over the holidays." Blake said. I licked the salt off my fingers before wiping my hand on my shirt then opened the book. 
"Rules mostly." Ian said getting back into his bed. They didn't really have many rule. If any of us had sex and one of them wants included then they had to them the other. Example if I had sex with Blake he would be required to tell Ian or at least mention when it happened. Not all details. Dates must be prearranged not spontaneous. Surprise dates for me they have to talk about so they don't accidentally arrange the same thing on the same night. If I say no it's no. Good rule. I thought. Gemini is not allowed to flirt with Talia! That was double underlined and in capital letters and I laughed about it. 
"What?" Blake asked slightly annoyed. 
"I'm sorry. It's just funny how you are both threatened by Talia." I said giggling still. 
"You are practical all over her when she's around." Ian said simply. 
"Probably because I find it amusing how you two get jealous about it." I said with a smile. "But hey no more flirting with Talia not a problem but you two can tell Talia that." I said with a grin before looking back at the book. I turned the page but the picture of cassy fell out of the book and floated to the floor. I was wondering where that disappeared to. I thought. Blake had removed it from his cork board sometimes last term and I never asked why but I did wonder what he did with it. I'm not upset or jealous or anything I mean. They did love her and they hurt her. The constant guilt every day to remember that they killed someone they loved. I know how it feels. Neither of them moved when the picture hit the ground. Both of them were too scared to move so I just placed my plate on the desk and picked the picture up off the ground tucking it back into the book. 
"You definitely aren't normal." Ian blurted out before he covered his mouth. 
"I'm not going to act jealous or anything." I said simply. "I have hurt people I cared about worse then you two combined so I have no reason to judge or act anyway about it." I added in a gentle tone seeing that the last rule was Gemini's happiness comes first. I just smiled and closed it placing it down before I continued to eat 
"You don't talk much about the things you have done. You avoid it and say it doesn't matter." Blake said softly "we tell you things that don't matter or you shouldn't know so why don't you tell us." Blake asked. I just shrugged slightly 
"Speaking them out loud makes them fell real. The rest of the time I can just pretend it was a bad dream." I said softly leaning against the desk picking at my food. 
"Tell us something please." Ian begged. I thought about it for a moment before I settled on what I wanted to tell them. 
"My parents don't love me the way they pretend to. They only care about me upholding the family name and making sure I don't disgrace it. And now I have until the black games to decide if I should either disown my family or win them without using any of my abilities." I said softly. "With the games being internationally broadcasted live I can't just ask the headmaster to edit out my supernatural doings. And If the HPA or human proud agency found out about their president having a child who is not human then he would be cast out and abused. He already one mistake away from turning into an abusive man so I have no idea what to do." I said softly losing my appetite for food now. I leaned back in my chair looking at Blake an Ian. They looked sympathetic and upset. 
"Do you wish you were human?" Blake asked me 
"I use to. I would have given anything to be human before. But now after losing that emotion of anger and remembering how weak and helpless I use to be. What it was like without my wolf and vampire. I was actually frightened to be human again. In that moment I was terrified of being human." I said looking at the ground. "I know it's strange to hear me say that after badgering all last term that I was human and nothing would change that even if I was part supernatural. But I felt lost and abandoned when I lost contact to my wolf and vampire." I added 
"What did it feel like when you lost contact with them?" Ian asked softly. 
"It's hard to explain. It's like losing a part of yourself you grew so use to using that without it you realise you are nothing." I said softly. Just thinking about it I wanted to cry. I mean. I never want to lose my supernatural self again. I don't want to be human anymore I'll pretend to be but I'll happily accept who I am as a supernatural because that's the person I want to be now. 
"Knowing you gemini." Ian said getting my attention. "That's something you wouldn't keep a secret. Although is visibly bothers you. It's not something you would lie about every day the way Blake and I have to lie about cassy." Ian said softly. I just looked at him. I hate how they can read me so easily. 
"There are things I know that would cause problems. Problems I never want to deal with. So I'll never talk about them and just tell myself it wasn't my fault." I said getting to my feet. "It's not that I don't trust either of you because I do. I just don't want to relive the things I regret the most because of how damaging they would be." I added. 
"Damaging to who?" Blake asked 
"Let's just say if you knew. Now matter how much you loved me you would never look at me the same again." I said simply "I'm going back to bed now." I added turning to leave. As I opened the door Ian moved across the room and stopped me from leaving. Fuck. In my weakened state i can't really fight him off. 
"I have one question before you leave." Ian said simply looking down at me. "You asked where Blake was from once. And I remember the look you had on his face. You had a look of regret. So did you have something to do with his packs death?" He asked me 
"Ian. You know it was just a random attack." Blake said bluntly. But the fact I couldn't even look at either of them gave away what I knew. "Right?" Blake asked softly looking at me. 
"There was nothing I could do to stop it even tho I tried." I said simply not looking at him 
"You know who killed my family?" Blake asked he was angry. "Why? Why were they killed? Did you come here to finish the job?" He asked He was pissed now. 
"Oh please if I was here to finish the job I would have done it the first day." I said bluntly using my own anger to prevent my tears. 
"Did you kill them?" He snapped 
"No I didn't. I was held up in prison for that week for trying to stop it." I said bluntly glaring at him before I shoved Ian out of my way. "Fuck you both. You have no idea how guilty I feel for not stoping it because I was too weak to stop it. Just looking at you both for not having a family and knowing it was my fault to begin with!" I snapped and walked out slamming the door behind me. Dante was in the hall and looking at the door. He saw me and looked away from me. 
"I told you lying to them would cause problems." Dante said softly and I stopped walking 
"Then why don't you fucking tell them it was you who was apart of that slaughter not me!" I snapped at him and he looked away ashamed. "That's what I fucking though. Dante the coward. He's only good at following orders." I said bluntly 
"You don't have to treat me like that just because you are angry at them!" He said angry. I grabbed Dante by the throat and slammed him against his door hearing the woods splinter on impact. 
"You are the only one who knew what happened." I said with a growl. "And the only way they would have come to that conclusion that I was involved was if someone was telling them information." I added. He was gasping for air now. I growled again and let him go. He fell to the ground holding his neck but didn't say anything to me. I just walked away leaving the tower going to the creature room to cool off. For the rest of the night.

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