Thirty one

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The days just seemed to drag out and fell like they were taking forever. But eventual we were back on the train heading home and I did take the winter clothes because they looked good on me and I wanted them. I was slouched down in my seat with my eyes closed and feet up on the chair across form me next to Ian. God I was hungry. The blood tables were workings but I had run out. Unable to have actual blood my hunger worsened. They are just a temporary solution not a permanent one. I have been trying to hold off from feeding until we got back as a test to see if I could last three days without real blood but by yesterday I was chewing on a tablet every hour. Ian noticed too. He was aware of my growing hunger but I don't know if he told Blake or Dante. I looked out the window at Blake talking to this guy he made friends with. Some wolf I don't recall his name or even if I was told. But him and Blake got along really well. Dante however was hitting on some girls. But I knew better he was feeding off their fear from the recent events and how aggressive some guys got. And some reason it's was always the same six guys. No one else tried anything but the same six continued to push it. But halfway though the second day here I put all six of them into the infirmary needing a week to recover from the extensive damage I did to them after they all ganged up on one girl. That girl happened to be Talia and I was very close to killing them if not for the guys who stopped me. Ian placed his hand on my leg and I looked at him. 
"You ok?" He asked me. I just shrugged slightly "hungry?" He asked me. I gave a slight nod. It was just us in the room at the moment. I had no idea where Jason was. None of us did. Dante walked into the room and looked at us. He looked back at Ian and Ian gave a slight nod. Ian must have told him. I though 
"Hey Gem. If you are hungry-"
"No." I said cutting him off. Dante offered himself to me last night. I refused then too because well. It's Dante. He's an angel. Angel blood can get addictive. If I'm going to feed from anyone it will be Blake because I know his blood will satisfy me without me having to fight the rush. But Blake's been a little distant from me since beating the crap out them guys. I think it was the choke holds I put one in. He does have bad memories about that. Dante didn't say anything else he just sat down at the other end of the seat Ian was on leaving a space between them. It went quiet again well it was until Jason walked in. He smelt of vodka and was flustered and drinks. I'm so glad he isn't a truthful drunk. He's a shit talker drunk. Talk shit lies like a professional and boasts. Nothing that leaves that guys mouth when he is drunk is the truth. 
"Hey sexy. How about-" I glared at him and he stopped talking and sat down like a good boy between Dante and Ian. The whistle for the train blew before Blake opened the door but didn't come in. 
"I'm going to the food cart you guys want anything?" Blake asked with a smile. He was way more relaxed now then he was at breakfast. They all were. I'm pretty sure they were just relived to leave. I know I was. 
"No I'm good." Dante said. 
"Yeah I'll have -" the rest of Jason sentence turned into a slurry of word before he passed out hitting the ground. 
"I'll have a soda." Ian said laughing at Jason. Blake looked at me but his look told me to go with him. I tried to pretend not to see but I doubt that would work. 
"Gemini can I talk to you for a minute." Blake said in a serious tone unlike the joy he was displaying before. I just sighed and got to my feet. I stepped over Jason and followed Blake out of the room and down the train into the next cart that was completely void of people. "Hey?" He said taking my hand 
"What?" I asked annoyed pulling my hand back crossing my arms so he couldn't do it again. 
"Don't get angry with me. I'm just trying to help." He said softly 
"I'm fine Blake I don't need help-" 
"It's obvious you are hungry and out of blood tables Gemini. So save everyone the next agonising 24hrs with you and just feed from me or from Dante." Blake said softly 
"I already told Dante no." I said simply. 
"Will you feed from me?" He asked softly. I hesitated. I didn't want to say yes. But I was so hungry. I caved and gave a slight nod not looking at him. "Are you that embarrassed by it that you don't want to?" Blake asked noticing my embarrassment. 
"It's not that simple Blake." I said simply. "I have feed from you Ian and Dante. And I know you all enjoy it. You can't make that anymore obvious how much you liked it. Dante has offered himself to me several times since I bite him by accident. Ian can't even control himself as soon as he smells my blood because of that night and you." I paused. Blake's actually never mentioned it. 
"What?" He asked softly soundly a little concerned. Blake's never mentioned that I bit him but no matter what I can still taste his blood in my mouth and the pleasure he felt from me biting him. 
"It's been a while since that night and I can still taste the pleasure you felt from me biting you." I said softly embarrassed by what I was admitting. I can still taste Ian too but Blake was more present then Ian was. And that's only because I didn't get a good taste of Ian since he was the one who did the biting on me. Blake just gave me a small smile. 
"I won't mention it. But you do need to feed and since there is no blood on the train you have a choice or me or Dante or you tell someone else." Blake said I signed and nodded slightly. But didn't move "don't make me force you Gemini." He added 
"Like you could force me to feed." I said sarcastically. He saw that as a challenge and nicked his neck. That single trickle of blood triggered my fangs and I couldn't resist. My throat was on fire and I needed the blood. I grabbed onto Blake and bit into his neck I didn't realise my legs were wrapped around him until he held me up. His warm blood filled my mouth and my eyes fell closed as I enjoyed the taste of his blood. Jesus. Why did he taste so good? All this did was wreck havoc on my emotions and remind me how much I loved him and Ian. Something I managed to bury under work and distractions. The train jolted slightly and Blake stumbles his back hit the wall. He just stayed there holding onto the railing with one hand and me with the other. 
"Gemini." Blake said softly it snapped me out of it because I was going to drink every last drop of blood his body had to offer me. I struggled to pull away from him and he ended up forcing me off him. Blake looked at me as I held a blank expression on my face. I'll admit I was annoyed he stopped me. But the only reason he was able to stop me was because I let him. "If you are going to feed like that you'll have to get Dante to feed you too." Blake said softly. I shook my head wiping my mouth 
"I'll be fine until we get back to the academy." I said simply looking away from him "thank you Blake." I added before walking away from him. I got back to the cabin and Dante and Ian looked at me. I said nothing as I sat down slumping back in my seat putting my feet up next to Ian again. He looked at me before he pointed to the corner of his mouth I touched the corner of mind and there was a bit of blood there. I just cleaned my mouth with my sleeve before I turned to look out the window. Blake walked in with food and drinks for everyone and handing them out giving me one two before he sat down beside me and put his feet up on Jason chair since he was still passed out on the ground snoring. 
"Think He said anything?" Ian asked kicking Jason 
"Na Jason's a shit talker when he is drunk. It's impossible for him to say anything truthfully when he drinks." I said softly before I saw a paper airplane flying outside the window of the train and then into the open window at the top of the window. I caught it as it flew towards me and opened it up. 
Thanks to your friend Jason and his loose lips as now know that the games will be focusing on individual survival along with many air creatures. 
"What is that?" Ian asked leaning forwards I just handed it over to Ian and since Blake read it over my shoulder he was laughing. Ian and Dante both read the note and started laughing. I placed my drink in the cup holder before I crossed my arms across my chest slumping down more to try and get comfortable but it didn't help. I could very easily go to sleep but every time I close my eyes all I can see is that manticore being whipped. And my multiple attempts of braking into the creature room failed. So I don't know how he is. But I did find out all creatures are to be released into the black games if unclaimed by someone. 
"You ok?" Blake asked me 
"I'm fine." I mumbled closing my eyes 
"You say that but none of us believe you." Dante said softly but also being an ass about it too. 
"There are over 50 cabins on this train. Don't make me find somewhere else to sit." I said bluntly. They just looked at me for a moment before Ian spoke. 
"So what is wrong?" Ian asked me 
"Nothing I am fine ok." I said annoyed. 
"And each time we ask you get more aggressive." Blake said 
"Ask me again and there will be a problem." I said bluntly glaring at him. 
"You won't be able to ignore us forever tho." Blake said smiling at me. 
"No but I can take away the training Talia provides you with." I said simply looking at him 
"And." Dante said I looked at him now 
"Because without her training you'll never be stronger then me no matter how hard you try." I said simply before I got to my feet. "And if you aren't stronger then me then you wont have a chance with me." I said before I left the room. I walked down a few doors and into an empty room going inside. I closed the door and closed the blinds before grabbing a blanket and pillows off the shelf above the seat. The door opened and I looked at it seeing Wes and Luca. I let them inside before I closed the door and locked it from the inside. 
"Are you ok?" Wes asked me as I lay down on the chair 
"I haven't slept since the incident with the manticore." I whispered as I got comfortable and Luca jumped up into the chair before climbing up to lay on my hip since I was laying on my side looking at Wes who was across from me "and my hunger was keeping me awake plus the paranoia." I said softly 
"Why not just sleep where the guys were?" Wes asked me softly 
"They would keep talking and since my headphones are missing I can't just tune them out with music like I did on the way here." I said softly. He nodded slightly looking at me with concerned eyes. 
"You care a lot for creatures don't you?" He asked me. I nodded slightly. "I know a way you can attract all creatures of dragon or fire breed." He said softly 
"How?" I asked him. 
"Long story short. It's a song. It will draw in the creatures that hear you sing it but you have to get the pitch exactly right." He said looking at me 
"What?" I asked sitting up. 
"Each original has a song that is specific for attracting their own kind. It's used to bring them in for safe keeping since they are our responsibility. It's been centuries since I have had to use my song. But I am willing to teach it to you but only for you to use it to save them." He said softly and I just nodded at him "you are only human so you will need to find a way to amplify your voice though the forest to attract them." He added 
"I know exactly how to do that." I said with a smile. "But first I need to get permission for this particular method." I said softly 
"Once you can guarantee that you method of amplifying your voice I'll teach you the song. But this isn't a song for anyone to hear. So practice it with caution." He said in a serious tone. 
"I will." I said before I yawned. 
"Get some rest. You are going to need it especially since you have to go directly to classes tomorrow." He said. I rolled my eyes laying back down on the chair falling asleep after he cuddled up with me.

I woke up to something slithering across my neck. My first thought was Ian's companion Theo. I opened my eyes but saw the face of a snake it hissed at me and I screamed throwing it off me running out of the room instantly in a panic. I didn't really see whom but someone grabbed me before I could run away. 
"Gemini." Ian said. I looked at him he looked concerned "what's wrong?" He asked softly. Before I could answer him the hiss came again and I felt it touch my leg. I panicked and practically jumped on Ian to get away from the snake. He laughed at me 
"I swear to god if you set this up I would hurt you." I said bluntly but still panicked. 
"That's Jason's companions remember." Ian said holding me up because my legs were wrapped around his waist. 
"Good thing I didn't kill it." I mumbled. 
"Would that have been such a bad thing?" Ian asked amused 
"It's a hydra snake. Cut it in half and one snake becomes two. So on so forth. But either way. That fucking thing scared the shit out of me and I hate it. I hate snakes." I said bluntly 
"You know you are actually cute when you are scared. And I know you aren't scared of much so this is really cute." Ian said and I glared at him he just smiled at me. "So am I putting you down or are you just going to stay there?" He asked me 
"Is the snake gone?" I asked looking around. 
"Looks like it." Ian said softly 
"Then you can put me down." I said softly he nodded and set me on my feet and I straightened out my clothes scanning the area making sure the snake was gone. 
"What are you going to do in the games with all the Wild snakes?" Ian asked 
"That's what you guys are for." I said simply. He laughed at me shaking his head. 
"Yes I guess it's probably the only time we will see you get scared." He said scratching his neck. Something he does when he's hungry 
"How long have I been asleep?" I asked him 
"12 hours. Roughly. It was my turn to come see if you were awake. We had been checking on you even hour" Ian said softly. I nodded slightly. 
"I'm going to get something to eat did you want anything?" I asked him 
"Not unless they have blood." He said simply. 
"Don't you have your tables?" I asked him 
"Ran out." Ian said simply. I looked at him 
"How? I know me running out is basically expected but you should have gotten 2 weeks out of them." I said looking at him. He shrugged slightly. 
"I started chewing them like mints the last couple days like you did because of the stress of everything." Ian said softly 
"I was starving. Not stressed." I said simply. He shrugged slightly 
"I know It was that or smoking and I couldn't get my hands on any smokes." Ian said softly. I raised my eyebrow at him 
"Do you really think I go anywhere without smokes?" I asked him 
"You needed them more." Ian said simply. I rolled my eyes at him. 
"Why doesn't the train carry blood?" I asked him 
"They use to. But last year the train was hijacked and all the blood stolen from the food cart and a lot of students hurt some killed. And turned vampires ones who can't control themselves so did the headmaster forbid the train to move blood for everyone else's safety it. Some vampires arrange for a human to feed on for long trips but we weren't given that luxury." Ian said simply. "Well I mean you have Blake or Dante to feed from so you are good." He added and walked away. I was actually a little stunned by his sudden change in attitude. 
"Ian wait." I said softly he looked at me now. 
"What?" He asked. It's his hunger. I can see it in his eyes how agitated and hungry he was. Damn. Ok. It's ok. I'm sure Blake won't mind. I thought. 
"Feed of me." I said softly. He shook his head 
"You are part vampire -"
"I'm part human and wolf. I know my blood can feed you without any problems." I said simply. 
"You can't know that for a fact." He said simply I just looked at him 
"Half of your blood tables were my blood. So yes I know for a fact it can. But hey if you don't want to fine. I'll just go get myself something to eat." I said simply crossing my arms. He just looked at me for a moment. 
"I can't." He said looking away from me "Blake would hate me if I did." He said simply I rolled my eyes 
"Well the offer is there. But as soon as this train stops i won't offer again." I said and turned to walk towards the food cart. I heard Ian growl in annoyance 
"Wait." He said. I looked at him. "I'll tell Blake I asked you." He said simply 
"Or you can tell him the truth. He will understand." I said simply. 
"You don't know that." Ian said 
"Blake didn't really give me a choice in feeding off him today. He knew I was hungry and he would have made me feed from him or Dante one way or another. So I think he will understand." I said softly. Ian shook his head slightly 
"I'm not feeding off you unless he is ok with it." Ian said looking away from me again. I just looked at him confused. "Blake asked me if it was ok you feed from him so it's the least I can do in return." He added. 
"Whatever Ian. You do what you want. I'm going to get some food because I'm hungry." I said and walked away from him. They both still ask each other for permission before they do anything with me? Why? I mean. They don't have to. I got to the food cart and got myself a chicken salad sandwich and bottle of water before I went to leave but Blake walked in. He looked at me and smile 
"Feeling better?" He asked
"Yes I am." I said with a small smile. He smiled at me for a moment before he spoke again turning serious
"I have been meaning to talk to you about something." Blake said softly 
"What?" I asked taking a bit from my sandwich because I was too hungry to wait. 
"Dante followed you once because he was concerned about you. He said you were talking to Wes and the things he heard you say." Blake pauses as he looked at me and I just lost my appetite. I felt sick now. I felt like I had lied to them and cheated on them. Even tho it wasn't like that. 
"I told you from the beginning that it would never happen." I ask throwing my sandwich in the bin walking out of there. 
"Wait." Blake said grabbing my arm and making me look at him 
"Wait for what Blake? I tried to be mean to you all so you wouldn't like me. I told you over and over again it would never happen and you kept trying to make it happen. Both you and Ian. So I thought maybe if I was your friend. Maybe if we hung out and spend time together you two would eventually grow sick of me when you realise the love you have for me isn't real." I said annoyed. He just looked at me now. "That's right Blake. The love you all have for me isn't real. Your are just inflicted to love me because of my eyes. Because that's what they do. That make people love me or hate me. No in between. It doesn't work on humans but everyone else it does. So please for the sake of your own emotions give it a rest and just stop trying." I said and walked away from him returning to my cabin. I wrapped the blanket around myself as I curled up in the corner laying my head against the window. Tears threatened my eyes now. I fell in love with two people who don't even really love me. I thought I learnt my lesson. There was a knock on the door and it made my heart ache. "Go away." I yelled out. But whoever it was ignored me. 
"I'm attracted to grief and sadness I know when you are upset." Dante said softly 
"Fuck off before I hurt you." I growled and he just left in a hurry. I squeezed my eyes shut to prevent any tears falling from my eyes. Stupid idiot. What made you think any of this would work? No one ever loves you for real. It's always fake and it always goes away as soon as I stop looking at them for a long period of time. I pulled my glasses from my blazer and out them on my face. No more. No more hurting me and no more hurt them even if it's not real for them.

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