Twenty four

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I woke up in my bed and not in the hall but it had only been an hour. I had only been asleep for an hour. I sighed softly sitting up in my bed. My body felt better and looking at my arm and leg I had healed. Damn. I thought getting to my feet and going to the window. I saw some of the Black class outside and they had just started to gather as well. I suppose since I'm feeling better I should go downstairs. I thought before changing into some appropriate clothes. But when I went to leave my room I fell to my knees as this new presents in my head tried to make itself known. This must have been from drinking Dante's blood. I must have taken on some angel traits. I thought before pain ran though my back followed by wings ripping out of my back. I gasped from the pain of it. My whole body was hurting from it but I managed to gain enough control to bring them back in. I sighed softly getting to my feet. I had to change my shirt now because it was ripped apart. And I had to push past the pain in my back now. Once I had a new shirt on I headed downstairs and outside to the training field. Everyone looked at me for a moment as I approached them. 
"Oh Gemini. I was told you wouldn't be joining us." Professor Floral said softly.
"Changed my mind." I said softly crossing my arms across my chest just looking at the ground. 
"Ok everyone now that I have everyone's power level numbers we will be selecting the first team and then a back up team Incase someone in the first team can not participate." Professor Floral said softly. Everyone moved around slightly now before Professor Floral looked at her piece of paper "First team. Gemini. Blake. Ian. Dante and Jason." 
"Yay me." I said sarcastically 
"Second team. Clair Jake tony Toby and Crystal. If I did not call you name you are free to leave." Professor Floral called out and everyone else left. I just stood there for a moment looking at the ground. I couldn't look at Dante. Not after what I did. And the fact he was wearing gauze on his neck and trying to hide it with the use of his collar standing on end. "Alright. We found out over the holidays that this year you are requiring working together as a team. And to force this to happen they have turned this into a Calvary battle." Professor Floral said 
"A What?" Jason asked. 
"A Calvary battle. Amongst your team one of you is not allowed to touch the ground." Professor Floral said. 
"What about water?" I asked looking at her.
"As long as your feet don't touch the ground the rules are very pliable. You will be given these special shoes to wear. You won't be allowed to take them off for the duration of the games. Taking them off and you will be disqualified. Your entire team will be disqualified." Professor Floral said I nodded slightly before she held up a pair of shoes "these are training shoes. Over the holidays we developed a large training room simulator. It will be very similar to that of forest and you will be tasked with catching creatures in these simulators as well as fight against other simulator students. Any questions?" She said looking at us 
"Does it matter who is wears the shoes?" Crystal asked. 
"No. But once they are on they won't come off so you can not change who was selected." Professor Floral said looking at us. 
"Not much of a question who will be the one in the shoes on our team." Jason said simply 
"Just to clarify its only the ground the shoes can't touch right?" I asked looking at her. 
"Correct" She said 
"So tree branches are ok?" I asked 
"Yes Gemini." She said amused. She knows I had been working on moving though the trees undetected. "As long as your feet do not touch the ground you will not be disqualified." She said softly. 
"Then the rules are very loose and don't really force team work. I can very easily go off on my own without any assistance from the others and still not touch the ground." I said simply. 
"You have yet to see the area you will be training on Gemini. So do not give yourself too much credit yet." Professor Floral said throwing me the shoes. They were weighted and heeled boots like what I always wear. 
"Do all the shoes look like that?" Crystal asked 
"No. Once you decide who will be the one to wear the shoes they will be custom made to how you like to so they are comfortable enough. We already knew Gemini would be the one selected in her team." Professor Floral said softly. I sighed softly holding the shoes by the laces. I tapped my toe against the ground just thinking now. "Any more questions?" She asked. It went quiet. 
"What about to sleep or to use the bathroom?" Crystal asked. 
"To sleep I suggest using a hammock. But for the bathroom the orb that will follow you around to show your actions is linked to your shoes. When you dismiss the orb for a bathroom brake you will have a few minutes for your shoes to be deactivated for you to use the bathroom. You will be counted down and if you run out of time you will be disqualified." Professor Floral said softly. 
"Is that the only time we are allowed to deactivate the orb?" I asked looking at her. She looked at me for a moment before she gave a slight nod. Damn. "And this is broadcasted across the whole supernatural world too." I said softly. 
"Yes." She said looking at me. Damn. I thought softly. No doubt about it my secrets will get out and then there will be problems. Maybe I shouldn't participate. I can't afford this getting out. "One other thing. Any creature you capture in your crystals alive you get to keep." She added I looked up at her now. 
"Keep?" I asked sounding excited now. 
"Yes. You can keep everything you catch." She said. Ok now I'm definitely participating. I thought looking at Professor Floral. I ran my hand though my hair. I'm going to regret this so much. I thought. 
"When does training start?" I asked. 
"Tomorrow after classes the first thing you are all to do is go to training together in your teams. Team two decide who will wear the shoes and let me know by morning." Professor Floral said softly. They all nodded slightly and walked away leaving Professor Floral with me and the guys. 
"So what now." Blake asked looking at us all. 
"I think maybe we should talk about how we are going to win this." Ian said softly. 
"I just assumed we would wing it and follow her orders since that's basically all that will happen anyway." Jason said simply. I rolled my eyes now. 
"My intelligence can brake down a situation and come up with a winning solution in less then sixty seconds. So that does make me ideal to give orders." I said softly. "But please. If you think you are better then me go ahead take charge." I said with a smirk. 
"No." Blake said bluntly. "Gemini is right She is the best one to lead the team plus the way she can tame creatures will guarantee us a win." Blake added. 
"He is right." Ian said softly. 
"That and Gemini wasn't selected because of power level. She was selected because of skill. As far as anyone will be concerned. She is the weakest one in the games." Professor Floral said. I looked at her "she will appear to be the weakest one in the games." She corrected. 
"Alright." Dante said softly. "I agree with Blake and Ian She should be in charge." Dante looking at Jason 
"Fine." Jason said annoyed. It was quite between us for a while. 
"Ok. Do we have some rules to cover now? This is the bag each of you is allowed to take into the games. What you fill it with is up to you. Everything will be checked and approved by me. But no one else will know what is in your bag. So I suggest collaborating as a team to make sure someone is carrying something of importance. You are also allowed to steal other players bags for their belongings." Professor Floral said simply. I just looked at the bag for a moment. "I can not tell you what to take or even give suggestions you can not make the bag magic to carry more then its designed to." She added. We all nodded slightly. 
"Now what?" Blake asked softly. 
"I suggest going to talk about who should carry what. And some training tactics." Professor Floral said softly. We all nodded and then headed off. 
"Yo Jason help me raid the kitchen for some snacks." Blake said dragging Jason off to the school and Ian followed after them leaving Dante and me. 
"Nothing was said to Jason." Dante said softly and I sighed softly. 
"I am sorry for what I did. I don't normally lose control like that." I said softly he nodded slightly. "Did Blake or Ian say anything else to you about it?" I asked him 
"No they said that if you though I should know you would tell me yourself." Dante said softly. "So do I deserve to know?" Dante asked looking at me. 
"Long story short. I'm a chimera." I said softly. "If I get DNA of another species into my system my own blood can brake it down and make it apart of me. The attack that was your fault. The venom turned me part wolf. That prank last term with the blood. That was vampire blood and it got into my mouth and I became part vampire." I said softly 
"You bit me." Dante said softly. I nodded slightly. "Does that mean you'll be an angel?" He asked 
"Not really. You see I take specific traits. For the wolf. I take on the eyes. Lashing out to protect those I care about and the claws. That is it. For the vampire I have the fang the appetite and the eye. I also have the speed and strength of them both. But I can't use them at the same time." I said softly. 
"What did you take from me?" He asked.
"Wings." I said looking at him. "That's about all I know at the moment." I added he nodded slightly. 
"In that case you should know. Angels require feed from a life force of others. I don't know if it will affect you but you should know." Dante said softly. 
"Life force?" I asked confused 
"An emotion from someone. I feed off the misery people feel. That's why so many girls are happy around me because I take away the sadness they feel and that gives me energy." Dante said softly. 
"You must get a lot from me then." I muttered and he laughed at me 
"I need to be able to touch someone to feed from them. So earlier when you were crying was the first time I took anything from you and I didn't mean to. It just happens. Sadness is the easiest emotion to feed from as well." Dante said softly. I sighed running my fingers though my hair. 
"How do you know when you need to feed?" I asked him. "Or what emotion." I added as we started climbing the stairs to the tower. 
"What emotion depends on the shape of your wings? And how will you know because you will state to lose the feeling of that emotion." He said softly. "I didn't really choose to be a demon devourer. That's just been just the best work line for me. Yes the more demons I devourer the more I began to look like one. But for someone who consumes misery. Demons carry the most. One demon can sustain me for an entire year." He added. 
"That makes sense now." I said softly. 
"Still blame me?" He asked 
"Yes." I said simply. "Who else am I going to blame? Especially since I know it wasn't my fault." I added. He just shook his head as we walked into the common room. The other team was sitting there arguing about everything. I rolled my eyes at them. 
"Do you have any ideas for the games?" Dante asked 
"Unless I know what terrain the games are on I don't know what to plan." I said softly as we made our way upstairs and I headed towards the guys room. 
"Where are you going?" Dante asked 
"Blake and Ian's room." I said simply. "You all aren't going into my room. So we will talk in there" I said with a smile before I pulled the key from my necklace and opened the door going inside. 
"You have a key?" Dante asked 
"I stole it." I said simply as I went to sit down on the window seat. I pushed opened the window before I pulled the packet of smokes out from under the pillow opening the pack I pulled a smoke out and the lighter out as the door opened. Blake and Ian looked at us for a moment before I light the smoke up 
"I though you quit." Blake said simply as him Ian and Jason dropped some food in the desk. 
"I tried." I said simply 
"I see you made yourself at home like normal." Ian said laughing. 
"Anyway." Blake said simply throwing me a packet of skittles. I caught them before Ian began to hand out beers. I took one as he handed it to me. 
"Now. Who has some plans?" Blake asked sitting on his bed Ian sat on his bed and Jason sat on the chair. Dante was sitting on the window seat with me. 
"What types of terrain would we have a chance to fight on?" I asked crossing my legs 
"Dense forest. Desert. Volcanic areas. Deep water with no land. But judging by the fact we have to wear the shoes which can't touch the ground them deep water won't happen." Blake said. 
"Actually it might." Ian said softly. "Deep water and some land area. I mean. If you think about it. Having to swim constantly and when you come upon land the first thing you want to do is just rest on the ground. But we couldn't since one of us isn't allowed to touch the ground." Ian said 
"And that one of us can survive several hours under water without the need for air. So water terrain would be my greatest strength." I said softly. 
"Yes but what about the rest of us?" Jason said. "We won't survive in the water that long." Jason added. I rolled my eyes. 
"You can. And if that is what happens then there are ways to make sure you survive. If I'm feeling nice that is." I said opening the bag of skittles. 
"Well. It's the least likely terrain we will fight on and we will find out a day before what area we will fight on and if it is deep water then we will talk about how to survive that then." Blake said simply. I placed a few of the skittles in my mouth just looking at them. 
"We do have to work as a team Gemini. So you will eventual have to give up and work with us." Jason said simply annoyed as he took a drink from his beer. 
"I'll work with them but not you. I don't like you and I'll never like you again." I said simply. 
"What about food?" Dante asked. 
"That's the problem." Blake said simply. "Normally we can hunt from the land. Some animals for meat and blood. They always have fresh water available on the land that's just a requirement and a way to lure everyone to the same area and promote fighting." He added. 
"How's that a problem?" Jason asked. 
"For three days. It can trigger animalistic behaviour in some people." Ian said simply "the wolves are so easily manipulated into giving into their urges they tend to go against their own team mates. Especially because it will be a full moon as well." Ian added. 
"So they are just asking for trouble." Dante said. 
"Big trouble." Blake said as he looked at me. 
"I'm the least of your trouble." I said simply. 
"I know. I'm just concerned because you will be pushed to use the wolf side of you on international supernatural TV. And anyone who knows who you are and who you are related to-"
"I'm not that weak Blake. I'm very good at pretending to be human." I said with a smile. Dante looked at me. His look told Blake and Ian my smile was fake. 
"What are you trying to hide?" Ian asked. I looked at him before looking at Dante 
"Do me a favour and not point out the obvious lies like that." I said bluntly. He looked away from me now "my parents aren't talking to me anymore." I said simply taking a drink from my beer 
"What do you mean?" Ian asked. 
"Because of my brilliant idea of compressed blood tables they assumed I was a vampire and stopped talking to me" I said simply. 
"So the blood tables are no go?" Ian asked, "I was kind of looking forward to seeing if they would work." He added. I pulled a mint tin from my pocket and throw it to Ian. 
"I was waiting for you to come back to see if they were any good since you bitch a lot about the quality of blood." I said with a smile 
"And where did you get blood to make these?" Ian asked 
"Raided the blood supplies downstairs." I said simply 
"You need a key to get down there." Jason said. I looked at him 
"I have a key to their room. What makes you think I don't have a key to every other room in the school." I said with a grin. Ian laughed lightly. 
"So how are these intended to be taken?" Ian asked 
"Chew them or you can mix them with some water or a liquor of your choosing. It's basically dehydrated blood with enough nutrition in them that a normal feed supposes to be. Professor Floral helped me with the formula" I added 
"When did you have time to do that?" Blake asked I looked at him "my parents sent me back to the academy within an hour of leaving the station." I said simply before Ian placed one of the tables into his mouth chewing it up. He washed it down with some of his beer. 
"It's not terrible." He said softly. "I mean. It dry and all right for what it is. Not satisfying but tolerable." Ian said closing the tin he went to throw them back 
"I don't need them." I said simply. Ian looked slightly confused before he looked at the tin. His name was on the bottom of it. 
"You made them specific for me?" He asked 
"Don't feel special. Professor Floral made me make them for every vampire. One bag of blood makes about 30 tables. So one regular feed can be multiplied into 30 feeds with added nutrition. So it should have the taste of your desired blood." I said softly. He looked at me for a moment. 
"Damn. So it's a desperate blood supply." Jason said 
"Yes. But Professor Floral said it wouldn't heal. To heal you need fresh blood because only fresh blood has the living elements to heal. They can't be manufactured and they die in bagged blood." I said softly. 
"Ok then." Blake said softly. 
"How did you heal?" Jason asked. 
"What?" I asked 
"You could hardly stand four hours ago and now you are perfectly fine." Jason said softly. Damn took him long enough to notice. 
"I still think of myself as human. So when I fall unconscious without choice my body will heal itself." I said simply. 
"So after four years you still refuse to accept you are a wolf." Jason said. I took a drink from my beer looking at him. 
"I was raised so that if I was ever turned I was meant to take my own life just like two of my aunts did. But I learnt that if I don't accept it and give into what I am then my parents would never know and I wouldn't be forced into taking my own life. So I will never accept what I am and I'll always see myself as a human because then everyone else will. The moment I don't everyone will begin to notice I'm not a human." I said softly. 
"Damn. You really don't like being a wolf do you?" Jason said looking at me. 
"No I don't." I said simply "don't get me wrong I can kick ass as a wolf and know exactly how to use it to my advantage. But I don't like that I am one." I said before I got to my feet. 
"Are you going?" Dante asked 
"If we aren't talking strategies then yes." I said simply running my fingers though my hair. 
"Before you go." Blake said, "we never finished the essay on the Loch Ness creature and what we believe it was." Blake said softly. 
"Of course not." I said rolling my eyes. "I'll be back," I said before leaving the room. I made my way to my room and opened one of the boxes I looked though the books before grabbing out the correct volume of monsterology before I returned back to Blake and Ian's room. Jason has left and Dante was about to leave as well. 
"What's that?" Dante asked looking at the old book in my hands curious 
"It's mine. Damage it and I'll bleed you for everything you have to replace it." I said bluntly looking at him Blake and Ian they all nodded. "This is one of the original copies of monsterology. It is worth more then any of your lives and I'll happily kill any of you if you damage it or lose it understood." I said 
"Yes." They both said softly before I handed the book over to them with a smile 
"Now if you excuse me. I am going to bed. I'll collect my book first thing in the morning." I said softly. 
"Hey before you go are you sure you don't need these?" Ian asked holding the tin of blood tablets. 
"I have my own." I said with a smile. 
"Before you go here." Dante said handling me a small book. 
"What is this?" I asked looking at him. 
"Just read it," He said before leaving going to his room. I rolled my eyes before looking at Blake and Ian. 
"Fine I'll tell her." Ian said getting up off the bed. 
"What?" I asked him. He opened a draw and pulled out a stack of envelopes. 
"These keep coming for you." He said handing them over to me. I looked at them. They were from victor. 
"And I thought he was kidding when he said he was going to write every week." I mumbled. "Thanks. Night." I said walking away looking at the letters there were five of them. I got to my room and sat on my bed opening the letters. I read though them and it was just him telling me about his training. A few sickly love poems and talk about Nigiri and how she got her deadly stair so she has to wear covers over her eyes now. Getting to the second last letter I smirked now. I'm not meant to tell anyone but I know what terrain the games will be on. It will be a multi terrain with deep-water desert and dense Forrest that will change at midnight each night. I jumped to my feet running out of my room over to black and Ian's but not before bashing on Dante and Jason's door before going into a Blake and Ian 
"What's the rush?" Ian asked 
"And why did you hit our door so aggressively." Jason said annoyed. 
"I know what terrain we are fighting on." I said 
"How?" Dante asked 
"Remember victor." I said 
"Yes" they all said annoyed. 
"Well he can't keep a secret and he knows what the terrain is apparently he wanted to give me the edge so he told Me." I said 
"And how do you know he's the truth?" Blake asked. I rolled my eyes. 
"Would you lie to me?" I asked. He shrugged 
"Not really If I was him I wouldn't." He said with a smile. 
"Well he said it's a multi terrain. The terrain will change a midnight. He doesn't know what order they will occur in but it will be dense forest desert and deep water." I said softly. They looked at me. Ian rubbed his head in annoyed. 
"I can't believe I'm going to suggest this. But write back to him and try and get more information from him if you can." He said looking at me. 
"Really. You want me to use my influence to try and get more information?" I asked. 
"Yes." Blake said I rolled my eyes again before opening the last letter. This was from Olivia. I smirked now reading over the very detailed sexual story she had written about what she wants to do to me. The second page however was details on the games and how she knew the point scoring system. I put my hand on my hip now 
"I guess I influenced Olivia too. She told me about the point scoring system." I said softly. 
"Is that all she wrote about?" Jason asked smirking. 
"The other information you don't need to know about." I said with a smile. "The stronger the creatures we capture the more point. If they are alive more points then if dead. Each terrain will have one large point creature that will guarantee a win for that level. She said that these large creatures would have their own conscious." I said before I paused. 
"What?" Dante asked. 
"I can't manipulate creatures with a conscious." I said looking at him 
"You can manipulate wolves." He said simply 
"I am a wolf. I was made into an alpha though power. That's just easy because I don't have a pack and those without a pack I can manipulate. Or those with a weaker alpha then me." I said simply. He just nodded slightly. 
"Can you practice tho?" Ian asked, "at manipulating them?" He added 
"Do you plan on catching one for me to practice with?" I asked him. 
"Right." He said softly. "Don't you have the book on creatures with consciousness?" He asked. 
"No. The guy won't sell it to me. Well not unless I give him something he wants in return." I said crossing my arms. 
"What does he want?" Blake asked me. 
"I can't say." I said simply "Well now everyone's up to speed I'm going back to bed we can talk more about this at breakfast or whatever." I said leaving going back to my room to just think.

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