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I remember Ian coming to bed but only because they both kissed me and it woke me up just enough to register what happened. But I fell back asleep just as quickly. For a while at least. My nightmares had started again. It's always the same. Everything is fine. I'm home with my parents having dinner. It's a full moon and I start to lose control. I always kill my mum first and then my dad. Before I hunt down Talia and kill her as well. I can never stop myself. Or change what happens. And I always wake up after I kill Talia in my dream. But not this time. This time was slightly different I killed Talia and then I went after someone else. I didn't know whom. I won't until I see them. I ended up in a hotel. I opened a door letting myself inside. I saw Ian sitting there. He looked at me terrified before I attacked him and killed him. Once he was dead Blake entered the room. I attacked him and kill him. And that is when I woke up. My eyes cleared and I had Ian by the throat my fangs bared and the vampire present on my face. Fuck. I let him go scrambling back panicked Blake and Ian looked at me worried. 
"What- what did I do?" I asked alarmed on my feet my back against the door now. 
"You were having a nightmare." Blake said calmly. "We tried to wake you." He added and I saw the scratches on his face. I looked at Ian he actually looked scared of me. 
"I'm sorry." I whispered grabbing my things and running out of there back to my room with tears in my eyes. I got to my room and locked the door before I latched it shut. The latch wasn't there when I left last night so maybe Blake or Ian put it on. I didn't care. I used it. I sunk to the ground my back against the bed as I looked at the door tears falling from my eyes. I hugged myself putting my head in my arms sobbing because I hurt them. I didn't want to. I love them I don't want to hurt them. This is why I don't get close to people. They get hurt.

I sat there until morning where I got ready for the day. Blake and Ian never came to my room. Not until all the girls had left the tower. I was pulling my shoes on when a knock came to my door and I could already smell Blake and Ian outside. 
"Gem." Blake said softly. "Let's talk." He added. No. I thought standing up opening the door 
"It would be best if you both stayed away from me." I said as I walked out of my room not even looking at them. I locked the door and kept walking 
"Wait a minute." Ian said I stopped and looked at them 
"I'll put it simply. People I care about always end up dead by my hand and always out of my control." I said bluntly. "You got lucky when I didn't kill you when we had sex. But this ends here. I'm sorry but I not going to allow myself to do it again. Not when I actually care about what happens to you both." I added and walked away. It hurt to talk to them like that but I couldn't do it. Not again. Leaving the tower I made my way to breakfast and sat down at the table alone beginning to eat. Blake and Ian sat a little further down the table from me and people started whispering. But Dante and Jason were whispering too. 
"Think she finally denied them completely." I heard Dante whisper to Jason 
"Na dude see them scratches on Blake's face." Jason whispered, "She did that. She did the same thing to me when we were still together. We can't heal from her injuries." Jason whispered 
"Why do you think she did that?" Dante said 
"Looks like Ian has some on his neck too." Jason added "and they probably tried to have sex with her. She did run out of their room at 3am this morning." Jason added 
"How do you know that?" Dante asked 
"I was in the common room getting some water when I saw her run past. Obviously she wasn't coming from someone else room." Jason whispered. "Who knows maybe she has been having sex with them both for a while and this one time she lost control." Jason added. 
"You know this is just speculation." Dante said softly and I could feel Jason looking at me. 
"It's hard to tell when she has had sex. Some girls get really happy and are mellow afterwards. Not Gemini. It's like the act has no satisfaction for her." Jason said 
"Could have just been you." Dante said and Jason growled at him. 
"If she didn't like what I did to her she would have said so. She is a bitch like that." Jason said bluntly. I ran my hand though my hair trying to ignore him but it wasn't easy now I was tuned into the conversation. "I'm going to ask." Jason said 
"She will probably punch you in the throat again." Dante said 
"Not her. I'm going to asked Blake and Ian. I can tell if they lie." Jason said walking past me and towards Blake and Ian 
"Go away Jason." Blake said bluntly 
"Did you have a fight with your girlfriend? Jason asked 
"She isn't my girlfriend." Blake said simply 
"Nor mine." Ian added 
"No but you did want her to be didn't you." Jason said 
"What do you want?" Ian asked annoyed. 
"Did you have sex with her?" Jason asked. 
"No." Blake said simply. 
"You did too." Jason said smirking now. "You can't lie to me. 
"So what. You say anything to anyone it's not us you have to deal with." Ian said bluntly. "I mean she has been listening to your conversation Incase you didn't realise. And if anyone else finds out it's your head on the line not ours." Ian added 
"I'm not scared of her." Jason said 
"You should be." Blake said simply "you say anything and it gives her a reason to hurt you and we know she really wants to." Blake added and Jason just chuckled lightly. 
"What I do with this information is none of your concern." Jason said and walked away from them. He smirked at me as he walked past me before Victor sat in front of me. I looked at him 
"Hey look I want to apologise about the love potions." He said softly "its kind of what we are taught especially at an all boys school we forget how to interact with females." Victor said. I just looked at him for a moment. 
"Go away before I find a reason to brake your nose again." I said simply. He just got up and walked away. 
"All students to the dinning hall for the next game." The headmasters voice said thought out the school name cards appeared on the table and I got up with my bowel moving to my seat near Blake and Ian. They said nothing and neither did I as I sat down? 
"Hey is everything ok?" Crystal asked as she sat beside me 
"Everything is fine." I said. She just looked at me because I was very blunt
"I was only wondering because you were in the infirmary yesterday." She said annoyed. "Sorry for being concerned about my friend." She added 
"I'm sorry crystal. I'm still not 100% because I had an allergic reaction." I said softly. 
"To what?" She asked 
"Rose extract." I said simply "I'm allergic to roses." I added. 
"Oh wow. I'm sorry." She said softly 
"It's fine. You have no reason to apologise." I added. She just nodded slightly before it went quiet. 
"Gemini." Jason said. I didn't even acknowledge him. "You know it's rude to ignore people right." He added. I looked at him. 
"You said you weren't scared of me right?" I asked him. 
"I'm not." He said smiling at me. 
"Ok." I said simply turning back to my food. 
"That's it?" He asked me 
"I expected a threat." Dante whispered 
"I don't need to threaten a little boy with mummy issues." I said with a smile. Jason looked at me. 
"You wouldn't." He said his smirk turn to angry really quick 
"Try me." I threatened him. He glared at me and I just kept my neutral expression. 
"You fucked my alpha." He snapped at me 
"Actually I didn't." I said simply. "I needed his advice on something and I knew he was the best person to ask. I didn't even know he was your alpha because he was my friend and Talia brother." I added. He growled at me and I growled right back at him it frightened him 
"You are a wolf?" He said alarmed 
"I'm a fucking alpha you asshole. So don't fuck with me or you will regret it." I said harshly. 
"I like her now." Olivia said with a smile as she looked at me. I picked up a slight sexual sense from her and winked at her. Her smile turned into a playful one now as she blushed. I have never been with a witch before so it maybe interesting. 
"Good morning students and guests. Today is the second day of the blue games." The headmaster said out over the crowd and everyone fell quiet. "I would like to give a thank you to Gemini for using her gifts of control to tame the krampus. I do warn you all tho. Her gifts to extend further then that of creatures." The headmaster said 
"What's he mean?" Dante whispered 
"I can control werewolves with selective words if I so chose." I said with a smile. 
"And now today students of blue will be challenging to tame a dragon of their own. Gemini I do ask you stays inside the academy walls. Your influence in the crowd may make it difficult for the students of blue to complete their task." The headmaster said 
"Yes sir." I said simply. Blake and Ian were looking at me 
"Your gift is control?" Ian whispered as the headmaster kept talking about the games 
"You think I'm just naturally talented at control?" I asked him. 
"Well yes." He said I rolled my eyes 
"I'm not. Control is a gift. A gift that becomes void when I'm asleep drunk or stoned. Which makes me incredibly dangerous during them times." 
"Yeah like you could be dangerous." Jason muttered. I looked at him. 
"One day you will open your mouth and I'll rip your tongue out of your head." I said simply 
"Don't threaten me." He said 
"I'm not. I am promising you that I will rip your tongue out of your mouth when you open it to speak." I said he just rolled his eyes at me. 
"Now if everyone would like to make their way outside we will begin our second games." The headmaster said and everyone got up. I didn't bother moving. I'll wait until everyone is gone to go anywhere. 
"Hey." I looked up at Olivia and smiled at her 
"Yes?" I asked as I got to my feet. 
"I'm curious why the guys are so interested in you." She said with a smile. 
"Have a taste and fine out." I said with a smirk. She didn't hesitate with my offer and kissed me. She was a good kisser. But nothing compared to Blake and Ian. They were my favourite. I pulled away when I felt eyes on us I looked over and saw the guys watching now. All five of them. 
"Oh wow." She whispered looking at me. "Care for a visitor tonight? She asked with a smirk now 
"Nice of you to offer. But I kill the people who have sex with me. So I'll politely decline for your own safety." I said with a smile and walked away. I walked past the guys and Jason spoke 
"You didn't kill Blake or Ian." Jason pointed out. I looked at him 
"I almost did. Why do you think I left? "I said simply "why do you think I left you." I added. 
"You are just a human." He snapped at me I just shrugged at him before walking away. 
"She's a real bitch this morning." Blake whispered. 
"Yeah what the fuck did you do to make her so angry?" I heard Dante ask. 
"What makes you think it was us?" Ian asked annoyed 
"Who else was it? Casper?" Dante said sarcastically. 
"We don't know what happened." Blake said simple. "Everything was fine until this morning. She had a nightmare and refused to even talk to us like we were friends anymore." He added. 
"Nightmare?" I heard Olivia whisper. "Maybe I can get into her head with permission and see what's wrong with her." Olivia added. 
"I'll let you in tonight." Ian said without giving it a second thought 
"Ian!" Blake snapped at him. 
"I don't care what you say Blake. But I'm not like you and I won't have her angry at me or treating me like I'm a stranger" Ian snapped at him 
"We will talk about this later. Until then no one goes near Gemini." Blake said bluntly. 
"What are you her keeper?" Jason said bluntly 
"I am her advisory and yours as well. So you will do as I say." Blake said bluntly before I couldn't hear anything else. I kept walking until I got to my room. Since I was in the female single room tower I decided to go see if I got cell service from the roof like I do at Blake's room. I took my phone and climbed up to the top and sat on the edge looking at my phone. Cool. I thought seeing I had enough bars to make a phone call. I called Talia because I needed to talk to someone. 
"Hey baby cake." Talia said in her regular cheery tone. I sighed softly 
"I did it." I said softly looking at the ground from over the edge. "I had sex with both Blake and Ian. I was majorly intoxicated at the time but it happened." I whispered to her and she squealed in excitement 
"I told you!" She yelled at me happily 
"Then I tried to kill them in my sleep." I added and she lost all excitement in her voice. Tears escaped my eyes and I sniffed. "I was beginning to trust myself and think maybe they wouldn't mind. Maybe they would like the idea. And then I try to kill them because I was having a nightmare." I sobbed. 
"Oh baby. I'm so sorry." She whispered. A few people saw me from the training field and I slipped off the wall back over to the small walkway and sat down there. 
"I feel like I'm cursed." I sobbed hugging myself "I hurt them because I was too afraid to risk them being harmed by my hand again." I sobbed. 
"Next week baby you will be home for a while. You parents are looking forward to seeing you and I think it's about time you tell them the truth. Especially now with the blood." She said softly. 
"I can't tell them." I sniffed. "They would worry about me and keep me home again." I sobbed. She sighed softly. 
"How about we talk about this when you get home? Over the phone won't help and until then just stay quiet and stay away from them. We will look into fixing your nightmares again." She said softly and I sighed softly wiping my eyes looking at the sky. 
"Ok." I whispered. "I'll see you next week." 
"Actually you will see me tonight I'm on my way to the school because the band was hired to perform for the Party." She said sounding happy. I groaned a bit 
"Ok. But keep it kid friendly will you. Explaining why someone who I think as a sister kisses and hugs me like we are a lesbian couple isn't easy." I said softly. She chuckled lightly. 
"Bye baby cakes." She said before hanging up. I just put my head back and look at the sky. My eyes had dried up and I was calm now. But I really didn't want to talk to anyone anymore 
"Gemini." I heard Blake call our from my room 
"What?" I said turning back into a bitch almost instantly. 
"We need to talk." He said 
"I don't want to talk." I said bluntly. 
"This has nothing to do with what happened this morning." Blake said sounding serious. I sighed softly cleaning myself up making sure I didn't look like I was crying but I couldn't do a lot about it so I'll blame the contacts if he asks. I thought before climbing back into my room. 
"What?" I asked him 
"The headmaster saw you on the phone. I have to take it away. I'm sorry." He said softly. I sighed softly handing it over to him without question. I didn't want to get him in trouble if he had no choice in the matter because I know Blake wouldn't willingly take my phone. 
"Is that it?" I asked not looking at him. He sighed softly shaking his head 
"Jason got angry and turned you in about the smokes and alcohol." He added 
"You know where I hide everything." I said simply. He just nodded slightly before he began to collect everything I had stashed in my room. I just stood there as he moved around my room. Ian watched from the door but said nothing. Once Blake was done he looked at me. 
"Carry bags are now being searched upon return to the school." Blake said softly. I just nodded slightly before he handed me three packs of smokes. I looked at him "no one has to know." He added. Trying so hard to get some kind of reaction out of me. 
"I have to quit anyway so just take them." I said simply looking away from him and he looked hurt by me refusing his offer and breaking the rules. Blake nodded slightly placing them back in the box he had. 
"He said laptop and iPod too." Ian said from the door. 
"I was getting there." Blake said simply before Blake looked at me. "He said not to leave you with anything that can connect to the outside world." Blake said looking at me 
"Just take them." I said simply. He grabbed them off the desk and placed them in the box. But he was hesitant about my iPod because he knows I listen to music when I can't sleep. I was however trying do damn hard not to brake down and cry because of this. Because I was afraid of myself. My own abilities. My eyes shifted to a window when a dragon flew past it the tail smashed the window and damaged the wall. Blake and Ian jumped from the impact before the school repaired itself. 
"Last thing." Blake said looking at me "that ball last night is also tonight. So you have to attend now that you aren't sick or injured." He said. 
"Ok." I said simply. 
"It's a formal event." He added I nodded slightly 
"I have a question." Ian said looking at me. 
"What?" I asked 
"Your tattoo. I have seen it twice but don't know what it is." He said. A tattoo that is located practically on my ass. 
"The Gemini symbol." I said simply 
"Why?" He asked
"Because. Talia wanted matched tattoos and become we are complete opposites we thought a Gemini symbol would be funny because of my name. She picked where the tattoo would go and it would have ended up on my ass if I didn't tell her no." I said simply. "Hers is on her ribs." I added. Ian just nodded slightly. 
"Well if that's everything we will go." Blake said and he went to leave but he paused for a moment looking back at me. "If control is your gift why can't you stop yourself from hurting someone?" Blake asked. I didn't look at him. 
"Because it's a lie." I said simply "I don't have a gift of control. I just couldn't deny it in front of everyone." I added. They just looked at me for a moment 
"What happened last night?" Ian asked. 
"You can leave now." I said simply and the door closed. 
"What's your problem?" I heard Blake say annoyed 
"It was worth a shot." I hear Ian say before I tureen to go to my fridge. I opened it. No blood. I sighed softly before grabbing an empty bag leaving my room to go collect more. Because I don't have my blood in the dinning hall I have to collect it myself from the blood room. Walked down to the basement of the black tower where our blood storage room was I went inside looking around. Professor Floral said my blood would but hung in Ian's section so no one else knew. I found Ian's name on a glass door and opened it up. It was cold inside. I stepped inside. O positive. Blood. And then my blood B positive at the back of it all. I grabbed a few bags down from the racks they hung on and placed them into my bag. I ran my hand though my hair looking in my bag. I could only fit six in my bag 
"Should have grabbed a bigger bag." I mumbled to myself closing it up. Before I grabbed another bag down to have now since I was hungry for my morning feed. 
"I thought maybe I would have better luck cornering you in the creature room but I didn't think you would have to come down here." I turned around and looked at Ian. He was definitely taking this harder then Blake. Or Ian was just no good at hiding it. 
"Ian I don't want to do this." I said softly not wanting him to do something stupid. But the look on his face he already was thinking about doing something stupid. 
"You aren't leaving until you tell me what happened." Ian said pulling the door closed. Fuck. These rooms are designed to be opened only from the outside. 
"Ian. This isn't a game." I said trying to be harsh. But I was growing concerned. My hunger. And the fact Ian had now locked me in a room full of blood didn't help. 
"No it isn't a game Gemini. Toying with peoples emotions like this. It's fucking childish." Ian snapped at me "Blake and I have do everything we possibly could to make you happy." Ian said 
"Just stop-"
"No." He said cutting me off. "We know that you wanted us both Gemini. You talk in your sleep and you mentioned it a few times while you were asleep how you would never choose. Blake and I don't really care about having to share. It's not the first time we loved the same girl. So we were both prepared to give you whatever you wanted without getting jealous." Ian said getting upset. I was kind of lost for words. Were they really? It didn't matter it couldn't happen. I would kill them. I'll just have to shatter them both beyond repair. I don't want to. But if it keeps them alive I'll do what's needed. 
"I told you both from the start it would never happen." I said harshly as I glared at Ian. "Having sex with you both was a mistake and I shouldn't have let you both fall in love with me. I should have never encountered it. So forget it Ian. It will never happen. I won't make another mistake." I said my tone makes my own heart break and I saw how much it destroyed Ian. I'm pretty sure he would have cried if he didn't turn his heartbreak into anger. Ian eyes went red and he moved towards me and pinned me to the wall behind me. I had to restrain myself from hurting him. 
"You are lying!" He hisses at me. "You don't feel that way so don't lie to me!" He said angry. I shoved him back and he hit the ground hard. My vampire face appeared as I looked down at him. 
"Don't fucking touch me again." I said harshly as I looked down at him "you and Blake don't stand a fucking chance against me Ian. So don't fucking push you or me will end up dead! Neither you or Blake are to speak me to again unless it has something to do with school." I added. He just looked at me but said nothing. I picked up my bag and walked to the door. I put my fist though the glass before I opened it from the outside. I stepped out of the room before Ian spoke 
"I don't believe anything you say Gemini." Ian said getting to his feet "you can be as cold and as heartless as you like towards us but it won't change what we both fell for you. We both know exactly how you feel for us. I tasted it in your blood. And Blake felt it in the way you kissed him." Ian said. I looked at him for a moment. He isn't making this easy. I thought. 
"I don't care what either of you felt from me. It's done. Don't make me do to you what I had to do to Jason." I said and walked away before he could respond to me.

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