Thirty six

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I woke up in the morning wrapped up in Ian's arms but no Blake in bed. Ian was lying on his back and I was lying on his chest with his arms around me and the blanket over us both. Ian was asleep I could tell that easily. I yawned slightly and rolled over away from Ian to stretch but it woke up him. 
"Everything ok?" He mumbled covering his eyes hardly awake 
"Yes." I whispered before I felt eyes on me. I moved slightly and saw Wes sitting on the end of the bed looking at us. "Can I help you?" I asked annoyed at him because he was starring. I propped myself up on my elbows go look at him better but Ian without thinking obviously got protective covering up my very exposed body with the blanket and he locked his arms around me to 'keep me safe'. I could help but laugh at Ian's actions. Once he came to his senses he saw Wes and relaxed 
"She's mine." Ian said poking his tongue at Wes making Wes laugh I just looked at Wes for a moment as he calmed down. 
"Blake has some things to arrange for the up coming black games next term." Wes said looking at me 
"That sounds like a lie." I said simply.
"It's true." Ian said simply "I'm meant to be helping because the black games all students from all schools come here. We are arranging accommodation at the moment and we agreed that if we arranged the rooms during school hours our lack of work would be overlooked." Ian said softly
"Don't you need you education?" I asked him. 
"Shh don't tell anyone but Blake and I aren't that smart." Ian said with a smile before laughing "Sure battle tactics and survival shit we can do with our eyes closed. But mathematics and literature and studying. I mean. Between my lack of normal education. And Blake's lack of schooling altogether we aren't that great." Ian said just looked at him blankly 
"I'm sorry what?" I asked him 
"Blake never went to school He was too 'aggressive' towards other kids. I mean they sent him one day in I think 4th year and him and this other girl in a younger class got into this brawl. Well she was in the 3rd grade but looked a lot younger then the other kids. But anyway they were both hospitalised. And I was there that day I mean I had known Of Blake back then. But my coven hatted wolves so as soon as they found out a wolf may be in my classes I was pulled from school and home-schooled with lack of enthusiasm." Ian said softly 
"Uh huh and what school was this?" I asked him 
"Jez umm. I can't remember." He said before looking at the door as Blake walked in half dressed. He only wore pants. 
"You two slept in. First class already started." Blake said yawning. 
"What?" I yelled and jumped out of bed. I ran to the bathroom skipping the shower and changing into my uniform before running out. Blake looked at me amused before I paused "it's fucking Saturday." I said bluntly. 
"Yep it's also the long weekend and everyone but us is off academy grounds." Blake said amused 
"Asshole." I said going back to the bathroom and changing back into the clothes I had on and crawled back into bed laying face down. 
"It's was a little funny tho." Blake said laughing and Ian tried not to snicker at Blake's trick. 
"If it's the long weekend why did you get out of bed?" I asked him 
"Woke up. Decided to go get ready so you and Ian could spend a little time together even tho you were sleeping." Blake said with a smile. "What were you talking about anyway?" Blake asked 
"That time you were hospitalised your first day of normal school." Ian said chuckling 
"Not funny." Blake said bluntly. "That crazy girl needed to be locked up. I still have bite mark scares from her." Blake added pointing to the back of his shoulder where a small bite mark scare was. Oops. I thought looking at Blake. I think that was I. It's a little fuzzy but I do remember being taken out of school for six months after I ended up in hospital. And I so remember being involved in a fight. 
"It was still the most funniest fight I had ever seen." Ian said laughing, "can I show her? Please?" Ian begged 
"No." Blake said 
"She beats you up every day why should this matter?" Ian asked him and Blake rolled his eyes 
"Yeah ok whatever." Blake said. Ian took my hand and almost instantly imagines ran across my eyes of the fright from Ian's perspectives. Yep. That was I beating the shit out of Blake because he pulled my hair first telling me long hair was ugly. I strangely him with my hair bit him scratched him and he did fight back. He actually scratched the back of my head where there were scared. It hidden by my hair. I started giggling at the thought of how much I use to hate Blake now. 
"Yeah ok laugh it up." Blake said sarcastically "I hope that girl got mental help." He added I moved so I was now looking at Blake lying on my stomach. 
"Concerned?" I asked him 
"She was crazy." Blake said simply. "I mean what human child in their right mind would use their hair to strangle someone. Or even bite someone." He added 
"Well at that age biting was still the best defensive weapon. I mean. Any human would have latched down instantly if they felt it was necessary. I know I use to be a biter until I was 14 if I got into fights." I said smiling at Blake before thinking about what I said. "Ehh who am I kidding I still bite." I added with a grin and Ian laughed now
"You have a reason to bite now tho." Blake said softly before he sighed. "Actually my family went back to talk to the parents of the girl about the whole thing and try and make us apologise but she was gone. Mum tried the hospital but that wasn't even successful because the girl was released before me. My injuries were worse then hers." Blake added 
"What would you do if you saw her again?" I asked him he shrugged 
"Pray she doesn't bite me again." Blake said before he laughed now. 
"Normally violent kids like that especially girls simmer down after extreme fights. So she probably isn't as violent now." Ian said laughing 
"I don't know." Blake said simply. "You may have seen what happened but I felt it. That girl wanted to kill me." Blake added 
"Why did she attack you again?" Ian asked chuckling and Blake rolled his eyes before sitting on the other side of me 
"I called her long hair ugly." Blake said simply. "But I was like 9-10 years old and she was like I don't know maybe seven." He added. Ian laughed even harder now I just looked at Blake 
"It's still the funniest things I have every heard." Ian said laughing. 
"You don't find this amusing?" Blake asked me 
"A little but not as much as he does." I said simply. "Why did you think her hair was ugly?" I asked him out if curiosity 
"It was a mess and look unbrushed. And in all honesty I repeated what my mother said because she was the one who said why have a girls hair so long it you aren't going to braid it or tie it up." Blake said and now I laughed. Which confused them both. But I thought it was funny because that was when I was rebelling against my mum because she refused to cut my hair and I hated long hair then too. I just shook my head before getting to my feet. 
"I'm going to get changed." I said laughing. 
"Do you have to?" Ian asked. I looked at him 
"Yes I have to." I said with a smile. "I have to go feed Thurso and ivory. And I have to go feed Wes and Luca. Plus I'm hungry myself. So unless you two want to do my chores for me all weekend as well as feed me then I'm going to change into something more appropriate." I said with a smile. They just looked at me for a moment but said nothing before I went into the bathroom. I have a quick shower to wake up properly before changing into a simply black bikini. I also pulled on some shorts and a lose white see though shirt that was stretched out with holes on it. The words that were on it were long gone now. But you could see the outline of what it use to day, which was fuck off. It was an old shirt. A very old shirt. I walked out of the bathroom trying my hair up seeing Blake and Ian. They were glaring at each other. When I walked out they stopped. 
"Want a hand with Thurso and ivory?" Blake asked with a smile. 
"What are you two fighting about?" I asked simply ignoring his offer before I sat down in my chair pulling on some flats. 
"Nothing." Ian said looking at me 
"You were just looked at each other like you were going to kill each other." I said standing up grabbing Lucas tie off the table and kneeling down to him to secure it around his neck. 
"He was making fun of me because I'm apparently always being beaten up by girls." Blake said annoyed. "You and that little girl." Blake added. 
"It's true tho." Ian said 
"Two girls. Who knows how many girls have beaten you up." Blake said bluntly and I just laughed getting to my feet looking at them. 
"I have only been beaten up by Gemini." Ian said angry. "You have been best up by two girls." He added. I rolled my eyes opening the top draw to my desk and pulled out a small photo album. I opened it up and found the picture of me the day after I beat up Blake. Dad was proud of me and wanted to remember my first fight. I took the photo out of the album and handed it to them. They looked at it for a moment and they were confused. 
"You know the girl?" Ian asked 
"That's me." I said simply and they just looked at me blankly. I took the picture back putting it away.
"But you had brown hair then." Blake said confused. I just looked at him for a moment 
"Right so a while ago. Like maybe 11 years old for me. There was this accident when my hair got caught in this machine. I'm not sure what it was. But it ripped a massive chunk out of my head. With how bad it was the hospital shaved my head and kept it shaved for three months to help my scalp heal from the damage. Unsure if my hair would grow back over that spot so they kept a close eye on it during healing and then when it finally grew back my hair was black." I said simply before I opened the door. "You coming or what?" I asked leaving the room. I make my way down to the common room. Blake caught up to me first. 
"Ian is going to change." He said with a smile taking my hand in his. I'm not a hand holder. I don't like it. "Is something wrong?" Blake asked me 
"Not really. I have just never been a hand holder and you won't be able to hold my hand when everyone gets back." I said softly. 
"Did you want me to let go?" He asked me. He didn't want to let go. I could tell that. 
"No it's ok. But don't get to use to it." I said softly. He nodded slightly before kissing the back of my hand. We left the common room and made our way Downstairs. It was silent between us as we walked towards the dining room. Just before we reached it Ian caught up to us.
"Hey so other then feeding the creatures do you have any other chores or jobs?" Ian asked with a smile. 
"No. I'm pretty well free for the rest of the day." I said with a smile. They nodded slightly before we walked into the dining room and didn't even bother walking all the way across the room to our normal seats. We just sat down at the end of the first table and started eating the food. 
"Well I have to go fix a few things for the green glasses since their games are next week. I should be done around the time you are done with everything." Ian said with a smile. 
"Yeah ok. We can meet up in the common room or whatever." I said smiling at him. 
"I'll come help you then." Blake said looking at me. I nodded slightly as we continued to eat.

After breakfast and after feeding Thurso and ivory. Blake headed off to help Ian leaving me to feed Luca and Wes outside since they were both really hungry and wanted to hunt their own food. So I just waiting outside with them while they did that and when they were full I hosed the blood off them. Heading back inside with Luca and Wes we made our way back upstairs to the black tower. I yawned now rubbing my eyes I had showered and changed in the creature room and now wore some pyjama. Because I intended on lounging around all day. Walking into the common room of the black tower it was empty. They guys mustn't be here yet. I thought before making my way to my bedroom. Walking into my room it was dark. I'm pretty sure I left my curtains open. I thought flicking the light on to see. I was stunned. My bed had been changed and now was a king size one. I rolled my eyes but didn't care. It would be full a lot. I went to crawl into bed but stopped when I saw the massive TV. Ok? What the fuck? I thought before I flicked the lights off and went and crawled into the bed. I smiled lightly to myself before I just lay down in bed the new bed and it was so soft and luxurious I just melted into the bed basically disappearing under the blanket and amongst the pillows. I'm so cosy right now I could go right back to sleep. But I wasn't there that long before Blake and Ian had come in. I remained as still as possible now. 
"Any idea how far away Gem is?" Ian asked 
"Maybe ten minutes. Should be enough time." Blake said simply. 
"Ok. Hopefully she doesn't care about the changes." Ian said laughing to himself 
"A bigger bed her own TV and internet. I don't think she will care." Blake said laughing. With how soft this bed is the amount of pillow and the fluffiness of the blanket. My small body was practically invisible in the bed. Which made this the best hiding place ever. A knock came to the door, which silenced them 
"Yes?" Ian said as the door opened 
"Hey Ian Blake. Where is Gemini?" I heard Professor Floral say 
"Not here yet." Blake said softly "do you need her?" He asked 
"No her specifically but just some information about the games. And I assumed you two would be here since no one answers your door." Professor Floral said laughing lightly. 
"Yeah." Blake said awkwardly. 
"Don't worry. It's pretty understandable for me at least. So you don't have to try and explain in. But anyway. Dante and Jason aren't here are they?" She asked. 
"No they aren't." Ian said softly. 
"Ok well it can wait until they get back. I let you three enjoy your weekend." She added 
"Ok." Ian said softly and I heard her leave and the door close. 
"That was weird." Blake said softly. 
"Yeah just a little." Ian said softly before the blanket moved slightly. 
"What are you doing?" Blake asked. 
"I'm taking a break is that ok." Ian said annoyed but there was no answer 
"Get off your ass and help me." Blake said. Ian moved off the bed. I heard them move around but said nothing else. I just relaxed to fall asleep again but there was movementt on the bed. 
"What's that?" Ian asked 
"No idea but it says it from T?" Blake said confused 
"Talia." Ian said simply "she calls herself T at times." He added. I started thinking on what they could have found from Talia. 
"If having fun with you isn't an option. Then have fun with them and don't get pregnant. Love T" Blake read out and my face turned red. I was so embarrassed by Talia note. 
"What's in it?" Ian asked. 
"My guess condoms." Blake said laughing. 
"That's a big box." Ian pointed out. Fuck now I'm really curious. 
"It's Talia. She probably went and brought Gemini lingerie or something like that." Blake and before they both laughed. 
"That sounds like something Talia would do." Ian added as they laughed "just leave it on the bed for Gem." Ian said before I heard something drop. 
"Don't break that!" Blake said annoyed now before I felt something heavy drop on my leg and I automatically recoiled from it. It went quiet now pretend to sleep I though closing my eye. The blanket was carefully pulled back and it was still rather dark in my room I could tell that from the lack of light that showed though my eyelids. 
"She is seriously asleep?" Ian said alarmed 
"Looks like it." Blake said softly "throw me that." Blake added. 
"Here." Ian said. Oh no what are they doing? I heard a click after that. A click of a camera. "Back to taking pictures again I see." Ian said laughing lightly. 
"So what." Blake said simply. "If I wish to take pictures of Gemini I will." He added 
"I don't mind but you have to show me them." Ian said sounding amused. They can be so childish at times. I thought before I felt something touch my cheeks and I panicked jumping away from it and my hand collided with someone's face. Looking up it was Blake 
"Shit I'm sorry." I said alarmed looking at him as he held his face in his hand. I had got him good and there was a red mark on his face now. "I swear I didn't mean that at all. You just startled me" I said I felt so bad from hitting him again. Like really bad especially since all he was trying to do was kiss me.
"It's ok." Blake said softly "but how did I startle you. I mean you normal hit Ian when he does stuff like that not me." He added slightly upset. I think. Maybe he is hiding how much it upset him. 
"Umm. Lack of dream when I was asleep I was just in the dark and felt something touch me so I panicked." I said softly looking at him. He nodded slightly and smiled st me 
"How long have you been here?" He asked kneeling on the bed to look at me better. I just shrugged in response. 
"Not Long I think." I said softly before he kissed my cheek "what's with everything anyway?" I added looking at him then Ian. 
"In short." Blake started then paused "favouritism." He added with a laugh 
"Professor Floral knows of you not being able to go home anymore. And she knows about us. So she provided us with things we don't normally get. TV bed Internet. But you can only use your Internet on the long weekend or holidays." Ian said softly before he sat down on the bed as well. 
"Huh ok." I said with a shrug and lay back down on the bed face down. They both laughed at me. 
"I said she wouldn't mind." Blake said laughing. Ian laughed as well before I felt a hand run over the back of my leg. I identified it as Ian's because his hands were softer then Blake's that had very rough hands. 
"Anyway. We are just waiting on a few more things to arrive." Ian said softly. 
"Like what?" I mumbled before feeling Blake's hand on the back of my neck.
"A gaming system and all new games." Blake said sounding happy. And I sat up slightly to look at him. 
"Yep. Should be here in a minute." Ian said 
"What system?" I asked them 
"Well since we both have the Xbox collection we got the PlayStation 4 and some of the new games. Talia was very helpful in suggesting the games." Ian said and I laughed at them. 
"Please say something good?" I said softly. 
"We have no idea." Blake said softly. "Just kind of bulk ordered games. We don't know what is coming." He added. I nodded slightly before I yawned. 
"Wake me up when everything is ready. Because this bed is just way to soft to stay awake in." I said lying my head back down on the pillow. They laughed lightly. 
"Ok then." Ian said softly.

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