Dont Mess with Minds

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Andi POV

"Hey Mr. Alanso. Have you seen Emma." I asked.

"Shes at home sick. Can you check on her real quick. I'll cover for you. Just use magic. Just check on her."

I flopped my hand saying the spell out loud...As light as a feather, bring me to Emma who's under the weather.

I stumbled and fell. I was at Emma and Daniel's spot. She wasn't really sick. Really clever Emma.

"Andi. What are you doing here." Emma started eating a fruit cabob. I grabbed one myself and continued.

"Your dad asked me to come check on you. What are you doing here." I asked. I already knew the answer. "Well, the way it looked when I got here its who are you doing here. And by who I mean Daniel."

"Please don't tell my dad Andi."

"Relax Em. I'm no snitch...your secret is safe with me." I flopped my hand and appeared in the girls batheroom.

Gigi was staring at me with her mouth gaping. I waved my hand. Ive never been good with memory erasing spells. So I said it out loud. 'The magical realm is at stake, erase her memories of magic like a piece of cake'. I deleted the video.

She was still stirring. Did I do the spell wrong.

"Hello. Where am I. Who am I." I panicked.

"Your name is Gigi Rueda. You're at Iridium High school. You are a twelfth grader. Your nickname is Miss Information. And you have a brother named Diego." I implanted it in her mind using magic.

"Who are you." She asked.

"My name is Andi. I'm going to take you to your brother."

Diego was going to be pissed.

Diego POV

I love Maddie. I love kissing Maddie. I love janitors closets. I love kissing Maddie in janitors closets.

The doorknob turned and we pulled away. We were skipping fifth period for this. I hope I didn't get into trouble.

"Diego. Don't be pissed at me." Andi said, pulling Gigi into the closet behind her.

"Why would I be pissed at you."

"You're cute. What's your name."

"Gigi stop playing games." I snapped back.

"I kind of erased her memory."

"What." Me and Maddie shouted in unison.

Maddie snapped her fingers and cast a spell out loud...I need to see what's going on please, quicker than wind quicker than sliced cheese.

"Sliced cheese." Andi asked.

"It was the first thing I thought of that rhymed. You've never cast a ridiculous spell before." Andi nodded.

Andi had erased my sisters memory. I had to remind her. Of everything. I pulled out her Miss Information videos on my phone. This was going to take hours and hours.

She watched. She seemed to be understanding. She called me Diego twice and Maddie Maddie 4 times.

Emma POV

"I think we should get going. School will get out in 2 minutes and my dad will freak if Im not home."

"Right. Transport me home too please." I took Daniel's hand in mine and stared into his eyes. His eyes...

The next thing I knew I couldn't breathe. We had landed in the pool. Again.My dad was sitting in the bleachers. He knew.

I couldn't breathe. I felt like I was falling. My world started to turn black...

Daniel POV

The pool. Dang it. Emma wasn't focused and we landed in the pool. Not again. I popped up real fast. I didn't see Emma.

I looked down. Emma was struggling to get up. She was sinking. I took a deep breath in.

I swam down. I grabbed Emma's waist and kicked up. We got above the water. She was breathing heavily and hardly breathing at all. Her heart was still beating. I started CPR.

It was working. I breathed into Emma. She was coughing again. She was fine. Her dad was beside us.

"What are you two doing here. Neither of you look sick. And you transported into the pool." I could see Emma's eyes panicking.

"Thank you Daniel." Her dad said. "But you both have detention..." And then he disappeared.

"Sorry Daniel. I panicked. I just sent my dad to limbo." Limbo. Atleast it wasn't the Abyss.

Emma POV

"Diego Diego. I sent my dad to limbo. Can you open me a portal."

"Kind of busy reminding Gigi who she really is. Andi erased her memory. Ive been stuck watching Miss. Infortmation clips for hours."

I needed a portal now. I couldn't wait. I froze Gigi.

"Hey. What'd you do that for." Diego said.

"Just open a dang portal." Diego opened the portal. Daniel and Maddie held the rope and I went in. But there was a small problem. My dad wasn't there.

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