The Break In

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Samara POV

"Are you sure about this." I whispered to my sister. Mia pushed me and then started to sigh. I hate it when she does this.

"We cannot wait for loverboy any longer to come and help us. Besides he's God only knows where in Africa. Samara. We need to do this. For Níco. He is our father after all."

"I'm starting to think Jax is right. He may be wrong about that Andi chick, but this is wrong. And I have done a lot of horrible things in my life." I replied. Crawling through this tunnel is not fun.

"Oh stop being such a wuss and lets get this job done. And shut up will you." Mia complained. I didn't want to do this.

"I don't want to do this Mia. I want to do something better with my life."

"Oh shut up. Stop it."

"Mia, I am a year older than you."

"And a year older than Jax too."

"Jax has the right to choose who he loves and so do I."

I looked down at myself. I am a monster doing the things I am told to do. I am wearing a black leather jacket over a black t-shirt and leather jeans. Then these really quiet sturdy boots. What have I become. When I was younger I was so different.
"Mommy." I whispered.
"Yeah baby."
"I don't get it. Why am I so different from Mia. Shes my own sister."
"You and Mia are two different people. You like glitter, but baby you need to hide that fact."
"Because daddy doesn't like things that are different."
"How am I different from Mia."
"You have a secret to you."
"I do."
"You have a different daddy. But Mia's daddy must not know that. Ever. You musn't tell anyone, especially daddy."
"What did daddy look like."
"Here." Mom said, putting a locket around my neck and opening it to show a picture of a man.
"Now you'll always have daddy with you."
End of Flashback

"Níco isn't my father. He never has been."

"Good. One less tie I have to you."

"Why do you hate me Mia." I shouldn't have said that.

We had finally made it to the room with all of the power bottles. Mia fired several spells at me and I fired some back. One of hers hit me.

My world floated into darkness.


I had to move quickly. I grabbed as many bottles and stored them in the bags I bought. Then I went a little over the top.

I turned myself to look like Jax and blew the front of the vault up. I knew there were censors, and it would tell me to stop. I ran as fast as I could firing spells at people. I made sure some saw me as Jax so he would get blamed for it. The less blame I had the better.

I transported home. Jax's dad and my dad were sitting at a table with Desdemona, discussing a final price.

"Good job Mia." Desdemona said. Yes. I completed my task.

Samara POV

Ohh. Great. The abyss. My own sister (well half sister) sent me to the abyss, where all lost things go. I grabbed at my neck for the key I nabbed from Jax. Nope. Gone. Jax mustve stolen it back.

They gray room was empty except for a woman. She looked old and helpless. I should ask her if she needs help.

"Ms. Do you need any help." I asked.

"No. I just want to stay here until I die. Of course I need help getting out of here. Maybe you can help me."

"I'll surely try mam."

"Don't call me mam, it makes me feel old."

"Okay. What do I call you."

"The principle."

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