You Cant Use A Bobby Pin To Break Into The Magical Realm, Sorry

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Andi POV

"Are you stupid or something?" I say, and Evil Emma and Mia jerk around, surprised to hear my voice. "You can't break into the magical realm using a bobby pin. And don't even try a safety pin, that doesn't work either, believe me, I've tried." I say, and they look at me, angrily.

"Get her. Send her where we put Emma." Evil Emma said to me. They have Emma. I have to get to Daniel. But even if I use magic, Mia will still be able to trace me. Think Andi, think. 

"Maddie's powers can mask mine." I say, running out of the school building and hop on to my motorcycle. The reason I went to the school is so that I could use the gate to get to work. Did I mention that I am working at W.I.T.S. Academy?

Mia is close behind me, on a motorcycle too. "Shit." I mutter, and take a thin corner. I have to get to Maddie and Diego, and fast. That way we can find Jax and Daniel, and we can all get Emma.

I open a magic portal and drive my bike through, and then I realize. I'm in Maddie's backyard. Maddie and Diego come running out of their house, not realizing its only me, and they start yelling at me.

Maddie POV

"What the hell is going on Andi?" I ask, Andi is out of breath. I kind of feel bad for yelling at her, but then again, she did just ride through my backyard with her motorcycle.

"Mia and Evil Emma are trying to break into the magic realm. And they have Emma. I don't know where, but this is serious." Andi is able to say.

The three of us join hands and we appear at the mall, where we all land inside Jax and Daniel's shopping carts. Poor Diego, he landed in the middle of the two carts, he must be in pain.

Daniel POV

"Diego, are you okay?" Jax asks, and he shakes his head no. I mean, who would be okay if they landed in between two shopping carts. I certainly know that I would be.

"Emma is in trouble. Evil Emma clone and Mia kidnapped her and we don't know where she is. They're trying to break into the magic realm." Maddie explains, helping Diego out of in between the two carts. Emma's in Danger. I have to save her.

"Come on, we have to go." I say, and we all join hands.

Emma POV

"HELP!" I scream, but I know its useless. No one can hear me. I'm all alone. If nobody saves me quickly, all of my power will be drained. But I have to keep trying. "HELP!"



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