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Emma POV

"Dad. Dad." I screamed. No answer. Diego could only keep the petal open so long. I had to hurry.

But the answer was obvious. He wasn't here. How wasn't he here. I sent him here but who could've gotten him out already.

Did I send him to the Abyss instead. I crawled out of the portal. They all just looked at me.

"He wasn't there." My dad was missing. I could try a summoning spell. I waved my hand. He appeared in front of me.

"Dad." I wrapped my arms around him. Something felt awkward about it though. Almost like it was a glamour.

I swooped my hand. The principal.

"Hello Emma. Never thought you'd see me again did you. Well we all have to have our surprises."

"Where's my dad." I demanded.

"He's safe. Hes fine just...hidden with the rest of the missing things."

"The Abyss." I screamed.

"You are so foolish Emma Alanso. I will take your powers. And this time I wont fail!!!" She fell.

Daniel had tackled her. He rolled away quickly and I trapped her in a cage. I handed her a bottle.

"Powers...now." I said. She put them in. She fell to the ground. I opened the cage. The bottle was empty. She faked it.

And with that she was gone.

Gigi POV

I was frozen. I couldn't move. I could see light. Bit I couldn't hear. It was awful. Then suddenly I could move.

I pulled out my phone. I hit record.

Emma was screaming at the formal principal. Daniel tackled her and Emma caged the principal. Then she disappeared.

"Shes gone. She used magic to disappear."

"You know none of this would've happened if you didn't move to Miami. Thank you. Its so much better this way." Maddie said.

"Your welcome. Come on guys, we need to tell Lily."

"What are we going to tell her." Daniel asked.

"That the evil witch showed up and tried to take my powers. That she kidnapped my dad. I don't know." Emma said.

"We better clean up in here." They were all snapping their fingers till Diego started a...cleaning tornado.

The room was clean. Then last year all flooded back into me. Witches and wizards at Iridium High.

They all held hands and transported...I guess. This was going to make an amazing scoop.

I looked at some past videos. I tried to reveal magic before. I had Emma, Maddie, Jax, and Former coach Desdemona on tape casting spells. Now I had Diego, Daniel the former principal and Andi.

I turned my camera on.

"This is Miss Information here. The following videos haven't been edited or anything. It is all real."

I looped in all the videos.

"There are witches and wizards at Iridium high. Be careful." And I pressed post.


My phone was buzzing. I took my phone out and watched. It was horrible. Gigi remembered.

This was horrible. I had to call Emma.

"Emma. We have a problem."

"Yeah, I know. My dad is missing and Andi erased Gigi's memory."

"Are you sure about that Em."

"What are you talking about."

"Call me back after you guys watch Gigi's new blog post."

Emma hung up. Two minutes later I got a call back.

"Jax. You need to use magic to delete that video."

"Ive tried, I cant. Its really weird."

"Try again."

"Even if I did erase it we'd never be able to figure out who watched the video to erase their memory of it."

"How many views."

"Over 200." There was silence.

"Crap. We cant erase that many memories. Magic has been...exposed."

Silence. It would be the end of the magic realm.

Emma POV

News of magic had spread. The council wasn't taking action. They said let magic be around.

That was stupid. Magic needed to be hidden.

Magic was known. Atleast we're getting an interview on the Today Show.

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