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Emma POV

I wrapped my arm around Andi shoulders. I felt like I could puke.

"You okay Em." Andi asked. I nodded and waved her on. I ran to Lily's office. Only to run into my dad.

"Emma. What are you doing out of class. The bell rang a minute ago." He said. Oh God I had to puke.

"I don't feel so well. So I was going to the nurse." I said.

"Do you have a pass from your teacher Miss Alanso. Miss Cruz." Behind me was Andi. Of course she was there. She was always there for me. She was the best friend anyone could ever have.

"Em why'd you run ahead. I said I would take you to the nurse."

"Go to the nurse and get back to class. Now." He said and we ran towards Lily's office.

Voices. Was that Agamemnon in there.

I opened the door and immeadeatly I puked into the nearest trash can. They all stared at me.

"I think I have food poising." I lied.

"Sit down Emma. Take the trash with you." Lily said and took my temperature. She nodded.

"Well your temperature is fine. Are you sure Emma." She asked.

"Positive. Can I go home." I said.

"Not so fast Emma. Cast a drawing spell." Lily said.

I drew the first thing on my mind. A baby rattle.

"Andi. Can you draw one." Andi drew one. It looked like a swimming pool. Typical Andi the shark.

"Emma." Andi, Agamenon, and Lily all said at the same time. I ran out of the office. Daniel was at the water fountain and I ran past him, to the bathroom.

Daniel POV

Did Emma just run past me. Without thinking, I chased after her and crashed right into Maddie and Diego making out.

"Hey." They both yelled at me, but I turned into the girls bathroom. Emma was standing there, crying at the counter.

"Emma. Its okay. Did someone find out."

"I think so. Lily, Andi, and Agamenon." She said, sobbing into my shoulder. Andi walked in.

"May I talk to Emma. Alone." She said. I nodded and left the bathroom.

Andi POV

"Can you explain the baby rattle to me Em." I said. She nodded.

"Im...having a baby. Andi, Im so scared. We're still in highschool."

"Em. We're graduating in a few months. Like six tops. Its not so bad. We'll get through this. We always will. Besides. Maybe I might know two other pregnant women." She said.

"Andi. You're..."

"Yeah. I Am." I said. Maddie was too.

"Me and Maddie. Both pregnant. Oh, Em, well get through this together.

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