New Baby, New Powers, New Problems

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Maddie POV

"Hey mom, just thought I'd give you a call." I said through the phone, holding Rose in one arm as Diego got the carseat/carrier ready so we could go home from the hospital.

"Yeah, I've been meaning to call you too sweetie. How's Rosie? I know she hasn't met me yet since me and Francisco have been in Mexico enjoying the nice summer sun."

"Diego and I are great, thanks for asking. And Rosie is wonderful. But I do have a few questions?"

"You have a baby now Maddie, you need to be responsible for it, I cant take care of it for the rest of my life."

"No. Did I show any signs or cast any spells or anything while I was a baby?" I asked, wincing at my daughter, who had the hospital crib flying around the room sweetie.

"No, you didn't. But sweetie, it could be the mix of witch and kanay in her. The powers are fighting for dominance."

"So what do me and Diego do?"

"I don't know, this has never happened before, ask Emma's gaurdian, Lily, I think." My mom said and I sighed.

"I already tried. I couldn't get a hold of her, Ramona, or Agamenon."

"So wait, I wasn't your first choice of calling."

"Mom, I..." But the line went dead. My mother hung up on me. The room finally stopped spining, so I put Rosie in her carrier.

"Ready to go Mads." Diego asked and I nodded, picking Rosie up and we signed her out of the hospital.

                                     2 Days Later

Diego POV

Well to say the very least without swearing my head off is that babies with magical powers are a handful.

Maddie is asleep on the couch, her feet propped up on a pillow, Rosie (for practically the first time since we left the hospital two days ago) asleep on top of her. It was kind of peaceful, which means for once in the last two days, I had the chance to relax...Until I had to go to school tomorrow, with Maddie and Rosie. The teachers gave us permission to bring our baby as long as she wasn't distracting us or the others students.

My opinion: good luck with that.

Is my life ever going to get back to the way it once was...probably not, but I wouldn't change it for the world.

Maddie POV

Finally. Rosie is asleep, and Diego said I could go out for a few hours if I made sure there was enough formula for Rosie and if he could go to the swim meet without Rosie tomorrow. Fair deal.

So my opinion. Girls night.  I called Samara, Emma, Andi, Sophie, and Katie up and they said they were down for a sundown beach walk. They loved the idea. So I made a little picnic and took off for the beach.

Diego POV

Rosie woke up crying when she was laying on top of me. The next thing I knew there was a sucky thingy in her mouth.

I told Maddie she could have the night off, what do I do, what do I do? So as any guy would, I called Daniel, Jax, and Tony.

The boys came rushing in, asking what the emergency was. I calmed them down, and they totally freaked when Rose started a tornado.

We tried everything we could honk of, even several simple spells. Nope. Nada. Nothing. I. Am. Doomed.

Suddenly Maddie came in the room and everything stopped dead.

"What. Is. Going. On. In. Here?" Maddie yelled.

"Rosie started several spells. And a tornado." I admitted, looking down to the floor.

"Did you ever try giving her her stuffed bear and feeding her?" Maddie demanded. The boys gave me a nod and made a run for it.

"No." I admitted, embarrassed.

"Well, I found out it works. She calms down right away, no problem." Maddie said.

I picked up Rosie and we sat on the couch together as a family, Maddie leaning her head on my shoulder.

"What are we going to do Diego?" Maddie asked.

"I don't know Maddie. But we will get everything right. For our daughter." I replied.

"Our daughter." Maddie said and she reached over to take my hand and squeezed it.

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