A Whole Lot of Nel

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"HOLY CRAP RUN!!!" Lucy screamed as another gray skinned monster wearing a skull mask burst out of the sand and pounced at her.

It had only been about 5 minutes since the group had let Mira fight Grimmjow, now they were running chaotically all over the desert as random hollows kept on popping up out of the ground and making mega mayhem out of the entire group.

Accelerator was currently running around blind as Happy and Charle clung to his head.

"GET THE HELL OFF OF ME!!" Accelerator yelled.

"SAVE US!!!" Happy yelled while Accelerator ran past a massive worm-like hollow that roared and began piledriving it's way through the sand after them.


Meanwhile everyone else were fending off the hollows. Everyone except Lucy, who it appeared her memory wasn't coming back as quickly as Mikoto and Natsu and therefore she hadn't remembered how to use her magic.

Lucy was waving a golden key around in the air shouting. "How in the world do I work this thing!!?"

"Lucy!" Mikoto shouted. "You have to say, Open! Gate of....MMMFFF!!!" A Hollow grabbed her in the face.

"GATE OF THE WHAATTT!!?" Lucy yelled.

"GET OFF OF ME YA FREAKING PERVERT!!!" Mikoto screamed as lightning coursed through the hollow and the creature dissintegrated into a dark cloudy aura.

"She said you need to say.." Elli began just before a hollow grabbed her and began running away from the battle scene.

"HEY!! COME BACK HERE WITH ELLI YA FREAKING MONSTER!!!" Mikoto yelled as she ran after the hollow in a fitful rage.

"Mikoto come back!!" Lucy yelled. She then turned to Natsu who was blowing a massive flame blast at another group of hollows that were erupting out of the sand. "You wouldn't happen to remember would you?"

"Actually." said Natsu. "I never really pay attention when you call out your spirit key guys...It sounded like...Open! The Way To Mcdonalds!!"

"That is totally not how I said it!!" Lucy cried furiosly as she kicked Natsu in the leg. "You're only saying that because you want a Happy Meal right now!!"

Meanwhile, in the chaos, Mikoto had become seperated from the group, not yet knowing this as she was still chasing after the lone hollow that had grabbed Elli.

"Mikoto help!!" Elli shouted as her friend dashed up to the hollow, huffing and puffing.

Mikoto jumped onto the Hollow's back and she rammed two lightning engulfed fists into the top of it's white masked head. The hollow let out a moaning cry as the mask shattered and it dissapated into black energy and dissapeared.

Mikoto dived down and caught Elli in a rolling catch. Mikoto looked at the pink cat with immense concern. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah.." said Elli. "But where is everyone else?"

Mikoto looked left...she looked right..she looked behind her..she looked in front of her. "DARN IT WE'RE LOST!!!"

"Why don't we just head back the way we came?" Elli asked.

"Oh...sure." said Mikoto a little sheepishly. "That was actually a pretty obvious solution..ehehe.."

Mikoto let Elli climb up to where she was sitting on top of her head and began walking back from where she had come. As she walked though, her enhanced dragon hearing began to pick up something odd...it was some sort of...yelling.

A Railgun In Fairy Tail, The Soul Slayer Chronicles. Book 1: GhostsWhere stories live. Discover now