Mayuri and Birdway's Proposal: At Long Last, The Heroes Return Home

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"What is the meaning of this!?" Yamamoto demanded. "And my patience is wearing thin...explain yourself Leivinia Birdway!!"

Mikoto felt stunned. She looked at Birdway. "You know him!?"

"What can I say?" said Birdway. "I know a lot of people. The Birdway family has had it's influence over many situations...even that with Soul Society, though that's been kept mainly a secret until now.."

"If you are done reminiscing." said Mayuri. "I would like to get started with the proposal...little rat."

Birdway just smiled deviously at Mayuri. "Why of course Kurotsuchi. As you might well know, Captain Yamamoto, the reason your Soul Society is currently in a state of emergency, besides the various guilds causing chaos, is due to a certain god of darkness, whose influence spreads far beyond the normal influence of the Soul Reapers...

"That corrupt angel indeed is the reason for this yes.." said Yamamoto.

"Well then, and you of course heard that Asgawerath want's Railgun for an unknown reason that none of your investigative units have been able to find oout.."

"Your point girl?" said Yamamoto.

"Her point." said Mayuri. "Is that to imprison Railgun and hide her from Asgawrath is a perfectly useless strategy. As hard as it is for me to admit, given I alone created and designed Soul Island myself, The reitsu shields I created are completely useless against one of Asgawrath's power."

"There are laws to prevent dieties with his might from.." Yamamoto began.

"That is useless." said Birdway. "For we have discovered the true goal of Asgawrath...and the reason for why Othinus needed us to find Angelus Etwatia, who actually sleeps within the very center of Soul Society..."

"And that is..?" said Yamamoto.

"He wants to create a True Lance of Gungnir." said Birdway. "And only the Numensapiens remember how it is made...that is why we need Angelus."

"N-numen-what?" said Touma.

"A Numensapien is the race from which Diablo and Angelus hail." said Mayuri. "They were a god-like species that were so powerful, that their very planet distorted reality with just it's presence. Their leader Supremos, was said to be powerful enough to devour angels  with a mere gaze. The Numensapiens are each unique, bearing traits according to what aspects of magic they represent or use...believe it or not...Othinus is a Numensapien (Numen means divine or God in latin).

Othinus suddenly poked her head out of Mikoto's high cloak collar, much to the surprise of many who were there.

"It is true...The ritual I used to obtain my power didn't just give me the body of a magic actually allowed me to absorb the DNA of a Numensapien who was sleeping within the lake where Egeskov Castle now stands...Her name was Lignum Bratus, a gaurdian of trees and growing was said her three purgatory forms could each bring to life a forest to serve as an army against those who wished to harm things that grew. After I absorbed her essence, I became a Numensapien of whose ability stemmed from 50% success."

"Numensapiens were the ones who originally invented the Lance of Gungnir." said Mayuri. "Each lance affected reality on a universal scale, and changed their abilities according to their wielder. With Othinus, it altered her ability to that of 100% success instead of just 50%. However, these are just replicas of the true Lance of Gungnir which was wielded by Supremos, king of all Numensapiens. His Lance altered everything within the multiverse...however, he was wise enough to use it in only times of great strife or need. It is currently unknown why Asgawrath wants to recreate the true lance...but he needs Railgun to do it..."

A Railgun In Fairy Tail, The Soul Slayer Chronicles. Book 1: GhostsWhere stories live. Discover now