The Dragon and The Heartless Arrancar.

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Mikoto stared at Ulquiorra with a suspenseful fear clutching her heart. "You..."

Ulquiorra continued to walk forward as Nel and the other hollows started to look fearful. Nel hid behiind Mikoto's legs and clutched them. "Thwat's....thwat's....Ulquiorra...the number 4 Espada...but he's suppwosed to be dead!"

Ulquiorra looked at Nel for a moment. "Nelliel Tu Odelschwanck...I never thought you would be here...away from Hueco Mundo, land of the hollows."

Ulquiorra then looked back at Mikoto. "You are the Railgun...the one who has defeated Dravis...I know you now...I see you...Don't move...stay right where you are, you have no choice in the matter. You have come here to be destroyed, and nothing more."

As Ulquiorra continued to get closer, Mikoto tried to activate her wings, but she couldn't, a fear seemed to have grabbed hold of her heart. This man, the pressure coming from him was almost as strong as Diablo....almost...but this man still wasn't as powerful as her old enemy. Still he was strong, cold, and calculating. He had none of Diablo's pride, no emotion whatsoever. This man, with this combination could be even more dangerous then many of the other enemies she had ever faced.

Ulquiorra stepped close to Mikoto and prodded a finger on her chest. "Stay right there...and do not move. It is your turn...your turn to be without a heart. I sense one in you...a heart...and yours is about to leave..."

Ulquiorra's finger began to glow with energy and Mikoto could tell that he was about to fire that strange energy blast called a cero through her heart.

Mikoto could feel cold sweat pouring down her face. What was she doing? Why was she losing her cool before this man? She couldn't die here, she had friends who depended on her...needed her...but here she was...losing her edge to a man who had nothing beneath his merciless unfeeling eyes. But did he really have nothing? Or was there something more?"

Ulquiorra leaned her head close to Mikoto's ear and whispered...."Die."

But before the energy in his finger could fully charge, Elli shot at Ulquiorra's face. "GET AWAY FROM HER BULLY!!"

Ulquiorra removed his finger and caught Elli in her face. "Away from me...trash."

That set Mikoto off. Her eyes flashed with anger as her wings and halo burst to life and she let loose a lightning engulfed fist at Ulquiorra. A powerful blast of lightning exploded from her fist at point blank range. But Ulquiorra flashed out of the way with amazing Sonido, reappearing behind Mikoto as the lightning exploded down the desert terrain.

"Such power...yet lacking so much." said Ulquiorra. "Are you really the one who beat Diablo three times in battle? I just don't see it. Were they lies? deceptions? I could never hold a candle to the Demon Emperor. seems all that talk about you....was just talk after all."

Mikoto turned around and launched herself at Ulquiorra, moving her lightning engulfed fists like a machine gun. However, Ulquiorra merely dodged each and every single blow.

Mikoto puffed up her cheeks. "ROAR OF THE THUNDER DRAGON!!!" A powerful beam of lightning erupted from Mikoto's mouth and barely missed Ulquiorra as once more he reappeared behind Mikoto.

Mikoto wasted no time whirling around and turning her electrically charged fist at the Espada. There was a massive booming sound as lightning shot into the sky as a result of the tremendous impact. When the dust cleared however, Ulquiorra was holding Mikoto's fist in his hand.

"Don't be foolish...girl." said Ulquiorra. "Like I said before. You are nothing..your only purpose, is to be be demolished and put down like a mad dog. You are nothing...girl. Stay still, stay there, do not move, do not speak, do not even breathe, you won't need to in a moment. You are mine, mine to kill, mine to slaughter."

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