2. Blue

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"The stars have seen worlds begin and end in an instant, yet they shine on for centuries. We humans can never be like stars, we will never be able to handle that kind of pain." -Koharu Shirogane


Before, if I had known what space was really like, I wouldn't have left. It might've been because my team had to train alone, but we never stood a chance. I felt a tear slip down my face as I looked up at the regal blue lion that had been sitting in the cave since I was twenty-one. I heard a loud thudding sound, then footsteps and voices. Five people walked into the cave. They yelled a lot and were clearly from the Garrison. I recognized the oldest man as Takashi, Koharu's older brother. The Spanish looking boy knocked on Blue's barrier and it went down. I finally cleared my throat, making myself known. "Whi are you?" The one with the mullet asked. "How did you find this place?" I glared at him. "I've been here this whole time, so I believe that it is I, not who, who should be asking the questions!" I told him. There was silence and my voice echoed around the cave. Blue leaned down and opened her mouth, scaring the five. I nodded. "I suppose if you believe they are worthy, then they must be." I said, I stepped aside and the five boys eagerly packed themselves inside. Blue didn't close her mouth, though. I stared at her until I realised what she was trying to say. "No way." I said. "I am not going back up there." She didn't move. I sighed. "Fine. But I want to go back to the castle." I said, climbing in. I stood against the wall as Blue took off. As we shot past Kerberos, I felt something wet on my cheeks. As the boys figured out how wonderful the lions were, I realised I was crying. "It's been so long." I whispered, smiling.

A wormhole and a few million miles later, we arrived at the planet where Koharu, Calla, and I had left the castle. We went inside after Blue landed. I bounded straight through the darkness, the others reluctantly following. I entered the control room and flipped on the tech. I heard a strange noise and turned just in time to see a girl fall out of a strange pod from the floor, and she fell into blue dude's arms. He flirted with her a bit, but I was in shock. The girl looked at me as a red haired man does from the floor. She gaped. "You turned on the ship!" She exclaimed.
"You rose from the floor!"
"You know Altean!"
"You were there the whole time!"
She stopped. "The whole time?" She asked. She had a nice accent and pretty white hair. I nodded. "My name is Zara Thompson, previous paladin of the black lion and leader of Voltron." She gaped. "How did I not awaken?"
"I don't know." I told her. "My team and I taught ourselves everything we knew. We had no idea you were there." I said.
"Are they your team?" The girl asked, wrinkling her nose in the direction of the boys. I chuckled. "No way. My team was do much better than these amateurs." They glared at me and I smirked. I clicked a few buttons on the controls and a picture showed up, I zoomed in on each person in turn.
"Levi Miller. Paladin of the red lion." I sucked in a shaky breath. "Fate unknown, presumed dead." All in the room gasped. "Elliott Sawyer. Paladin of the yellow lion. Died in battle, cause unknown." I heard someone start to cry. "Calla Shrogane." I saw Takashi freeze. "Paladin of the green lion. Died in battle, protecting her sister and I from the Galra on our way back home." Takashi had no idea that Calla and Koharu were paladins, I could see his heart break. "Koharu Shirogane." I heard Takashi gasp. "Paladin of the blue lion. Died in battle protecting Calla." I honestly felt bad for Shiro at this point, but I had to continue talking for the sake of all the people in the room. They had to know the past of Voltron. I sighed and spoke quietly. "Zara Thompson. Paladin of the black lion. Alive as far as I know." I attempted a cheeky smile. No one responded, that only stared at me in shock. "Wait, hold on!" The small one said. "You're a paladin of Voltron?" They asked. I nodded.
"You knew Calla and Koharu?" Takashi asked in a small voice. I placed a hand on his shoulder. "They were wonderful pilots, excellent people, and very smart. I enjoyed having them on my team." I told him. Takashi smiled.

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