5. Ash

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Zara's POV
I've only ever dated one person in my life. He was a transboy called Ash. He had blonde hair and green eyes and the sweetest personality. He liked to draw and he loved music. We dated for two years, from when I was seventeen to when I was nineteen.
He didn't go to the Garrison. Ash went to a fancy rich kid school called Hearthstone that had funny breaks. Instead of several random days off during the year, they got out a month early. He would always meet me off Garrison campus everyday when he was out of school.

We kissed for the first time when I was almost eighteen. It was his birthday and we had gone somewhere to play laser tag. He had cornered me in the dark halfway through the game, kissed me, then shot me and disappeared. When we met later, I kissed him and left.

We broke up the day before I left for Voltron. Sobbing, he told me that he had been engaged when he was younger. He thought that changing his gender would make them change their minds, but they simply decided to force him to change back to a girl. He was also moving to England.

He spent the night with me, talking and crying until the early hours of the morning, and I promised that I would help him get out of this marriage.

I left for the Garrison and never saw him again.

When I returned, I went to his sister, the only one in his family who knew about us. She told me that he had already gone and that his new husband had banned any contact with anyone but his parents. Not even she had spoken to him in years.

I went home and cried binge watching Netflix for hours straight. He didn't deserve this. I hated how unfair it was and how I could never speak to him again.

I never forgot him, and I never fell in love again.

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