14. Strangers

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The new Voltron was being trained.
They were doing awful.

"You know," I said through the radio as they attempted to form Voltron. "My team and I got it on the third try, and we didn't have Allura and Coran."

"Yeah, I doubt that." Lance said. I rolled my eyes. "All you have to do is-"

"No!" Allura cut me off. "They have to figure it out themselves!" She shouted. I never thought she really liked me much. I shrugged. "Their loss." I left the room. Suddenly, the castle was hit with a laser blast from a Galran ship. I sprinted down the hall and into a fighter pod. I hit buttons until the pod shot out of the ship and into the sky.

"Zara!" Someone called from the ship. I shut off my radio in response. I began shooting at the ship. A single blast hit the pod and pushed it into the side of the castleship, causing even more damage. I slipped out and held my breath, running into the ship. Oxygen masks were left in the weapons area just in case. Armed with one, I returned to the remains of the pods and jumped out of the hole in the wall. I landed on the side of the Galra ship and slipped inside quietly. I crept around, looking for the central power room so I could shut it down.

I found something else though.

A group of humanoid creatures conversing in whispers around a corner. I vaguely recognised a voice.

"How do we even know if the other ship is the enemy? What if the Gara have a reason for attacking." He said.
Another voice responded quickly. "Because, that i an Altean ship. The Galra and the Alteans have hated each other forever. If there are any Alteans on that ship, there is the reason for attacking."
And a third voice. "But the Alteans were all killed by Zarkon."
"We don't know that for sure." The second voice replied.

They whispered a bit more before they decided to split up to search for prisoners while the Galra were distracted.

And the one I thought I knew was coming towards me. I pressed my body against the wall and watched carefully as the person turned the corner.

I couldn't believe my eyes! He looked older, but otherwise the same. He had his shaggy black hair and his dark eyes. He was taller though, and more muscular.
I gasped too loudly.

He spun around, searching for the sound.

We made eye contact.

"Zara," he whispered.

It's been a long time. We're getting close to the end actually. There will be a sequel at some point, I already know that. I have a bit of a plan for the second book already. See you in the next chapter!

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