17. Break Up

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In place of having a flashback, every other chapter is now Ash's POV until further notice. Thanks for reading!


Ash's POV

I slept restlessly, my arm stinging and burning all night, keeping me half awake.
In the morning, I sat and ate with my family, putting on a smile.
When asked why I had a bandaged arm, I answered, "I fell getting out of bed."
As I was not a morning person, neither of my parents questioned how I hurt myself in a room with no sharp objects.

Later, Alison and I sat in my room planning how to get me away so I wouldn't have to go back.

"You could stay with me." She suggested.
I shook my head. "That's the first place anyone would look."
Alison nodded. "What if you got your own place?"
I shrugged. "That's a good idea, but I don't have any money of my own. Eric has all control over financial stuff." I explained. Alison gave me a sour look. "He was so sweet when you two were younger. I wonder what went wrong."
"I don't know." I replied simply.


As the days went by I was suddenly faced with the fact that I still didn't know how to avoid going back and that I didn't know how long it would be before I could return.
My birthday celebration was tense, what with it only being my parents and my sister.
That night, I made a decision.

"It seems there is only one thing I can do on my own." I told Alison after my parents had gone to bed.
"Yeah?" She asked me.
"Blatantly refusing." I told her.
And that was that.

So, when my parents came into my room the next morning and told me I only had a few hours before the plane left, I didn't move a muscle.
My parents looked confused at first, and my mom repeated her words.
Again, I didn't move.
And when my dad opened his mouth, I could sense the shouting, so I sat up straighter, looked him in the eyes, and spoke up.
"No." I said. Plain and simple.
"Excuse me?" My mom replied.
"I won't be going back."
I cut her off, anger filling my veins and with a sharp sting from my wounded arm.
"My name is not Elisabeth!"
My parents were silent.
I continued. "I am not a girl! I am a boy and my name is Ash! I like girls and I will not go back to that man!" I lowered my voice slightly.
"Eric is your husband." My mom told me.
"No, he isn't. Not as soon as I get my hands on our engagement papers." I told her. I pushed past them and walked off. They scurried after me.
"You are not my daughter!" My dad shouted.
"I know!" I shouted back as I began throwing open filing cabinets for the papers. My parents kept them because Eric didn't want them.
Dad began attempting to hit me, each time my mom stopped him.
I found the papers and held them up in a clenched first. "Fuck these!" I shouted as I ripped them in multiple pieces. I shoved the pieces in my pocket. "Fuck Eric!" I said as I tore off the ring that had been forced into my finger.
I stormed back to my room, gathered my things, threw the unceremoniously into my bag and stormed to the door.
"Fuck you!" I shouted, flipping my parents off as I left.
I went for Alison's house and waited for her to get there. I took her lighter out of her drawer and lit fire to the engagement papers over the trash can.
"That's not how it works..." she said.
"I don't give a damn." I replied.

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