12. Red

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I curled up against Mars as August flew the ship toward the Galra ship. We were on a mission to free the prisoners there. Mars kissed my forehead with a smile and ran a gentle finger over my cheekbone. I smiled at him.
"Chill, men. No love in the backseat." August warned us jokingly. I felt my face turn pink and Mars laughed.
We had been together for a few weeks and already I was deeply in love. It was probably from the constant adrenaline rush that came with always being in danger.
Mars pecked the tip of my nose.

Soon enough, we began furring at the Galra ship. They fired right back. Mars and I pulled on our masks and we got ready to board the ship.
"Be careful, you two." August told us. "Don't get distracted."
I rolled my eyes. "We won't." In a smooth leap, I hopped onto the ship and straight through a hole blasted into it by our cannons.
Mars followed and we snuck around the ship looking for the prisons.

Eventually, we came to a crossroads and slip up. I went one way and he went to opposite. I never found the prisons, instead I found a human sneaking around. Silent as the dead, I followed him until we reached a room. A short battle ensued but he beat the Galran soldiers in record time. I was impressed.
The human wnteredbthe room, his purple eyes matching the light of the room, but something else flowed inside. After a few seconds I recognized it.

The red lion.

My heart beat quickly in my chest. I had lost the lion when I was captured. Was this human here to take it. He reached out for it and began to speak. I couldn't hear him.

"She's mine." I said in a low tone. He whipped around. I pulled out my knives and he pulled out his. He said something again but I still couldn't hear him. "It seems we have similar taste in weapons. I said after a short silence. He lunged and battle began.
A blast from August blew the wall to bits and the human had to fight to keep his ground. I turned on my jets to keep myself steady.
I swiped a blade at the human's face and he fell back. Right into the vacuum of space.
I watched him fall, call out for something.

Red's eyes flowed. I stared in disbelief. It was so obvious. I had long since moved on from Voltron, but I was so used to calling her mine.
I stared at the shrinking man. He would die.

With a sigh I nodded. "Go on, girl. It's his turn now." I said quietly, ignoring the ache in my chest.
The lion disappeared into the distance quickly and was gone in a blink. I frowned. I hated losing my things.

I turned back. Mars had already taken care of the prisoners and he was waiting with August in the ship when I returned.
"Levi! Where were you?" Mars asked, frantically checking my face for signs of injury. "I was searching."
"For what? Did you find any prisoners. Weapons?"
"No." I said. I then lowered my tone so he wouldn't hear. "I found something much more valuable."

We're finally getting to the good stuff. Trust me, I want Zara and Levi to meet as much as you do. This is taking a while but I'm trying to work on it more than I work on some of my others right now. I have some more stories I want to publish but I want to finish this first. Thank you so much for reading! I can't wait for the next chapter!

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