3. Elliott

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Levi's POV
Despite being paladin of the red lion and having to work as a team, there were only two people that I was okay with, myself not included. Zara and my boyfriend Elliott. However, the latter would always be better in my book.

I had never expected to be thrown out into space and stuck there for years. I had only known Zara, Calla, and Koharu for a few months before Calla found green and convinced us that the mechanical lion was trying to communicate. Elliott was the reason I knew them.

I was a year older than they were but Zara acted older. She was the only one cut out to be leader. The girls seemed to notice when we figured out that Elliott wasn't normal. They noticed, but they didn't care. Zara wanted to train with the lions more, she enjoyed being away from the world. The other two would follow her to Hell if she asked. I stayed with Elliott through thick and thin, as I had promised when I took him on our first date. We studied the strange language we found in the ship, the language only Elliott could understand. He taught me how to read it and how to speak it. I took him all around the universe while we weren't forced to train. That's when we discovered something.

We were in the red lion, my lion, simply letting her take us wherever we needed to be to find what we were looking for when we came across an old planet. Well, it looked like it had once been a planet. Chunks of rock and other glittering materials floated around us in a terrifying dance of death. "Altea." Elliott had whispered. I turned. "What?" I asked. "Altea." Elliott said again. He face was glowing. Literally. "Elli." I whispered. He looked at me, his face a question mark. I pressed a button on the dashboard and a reflective screen popped up. He gasped and studied himself. "What am I?" He asked. Hesitantly, I wrapped my arms around him. "Beautiful." I whispered. He smiled and put his hands over mine. His brown hair seemed to lighten and right before my eyes, his hair went white. The ends of it just covered his now pointed ears and his blue eyes were even more obvious than before. He stared at his reflection in shock. I watched as a wide grin spread across his face. "Did you see that, Levi?" He asked excitedly. "I'm really pretty now." he said, studying his new features. "You were always really pretty." I mumbled. He turned to look at me. "Did you say something?" He asked. I shokk my head. "Nope."

By the time we had returned to the castle, Elliott had gone back to normal and he was very disappointed.

"But I'm boring now!" He whined at me as I attempted to convince him to leave his lion. "No one will like me anymore." I huffed angrily and took his face between my hands. "Well I like you, so what they think doesn't matter!" There was silence. Heat spread across my face and Elliott smiled. He pecked my cheek gently. "Besides, no one even knows we left. I muttered, moving away quickly. "True." Elliott said, rolling out of his chair and onto the floor where he proceeded to roll to the exit. He hit the sides of the doorway and turned his head to stare helplessly into my eyes. "Help, Levi I'm stuck."

"You're a dork." I told him, picking him up and cradling him in my arms. I carried him bridal style out of the lion and into the training room where Zara and Calla were sparring. Calla had a huge smile on her face, which was out of character for her.

"Where had you two been?" Koharu asked quietly from against the wall. I hadn't seen her there. Elliott jumped out of my arms. "You knew we were gone?" He asked her. Koharu shook her head. "no." She said, her voice flat and monotonous. "But Zara did. She asked me to look out for when you came back because Calla has been calm lately and I don't need to be around her as much." Koharu's expression turned sour. That explained it. Calla only really needed her around because she had a panic attack when people she didn't know got too close. Koharu was so used to looking out for her that when she wasn't needed, she didn't know what to do anymore. I smiled, Elliott poked my face. "Levi, I think you're sick. Your face is breaking." He told me, completely serious. I rolled my eyes and intertwined our fingers. "Shut up." I told him as we left the room.

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