16. Anger

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Minor cussing

Previously on Form Voltron

He spun around, searching for the sound.
We made eye contact.
"Zara," He whispered.

Levi's POV

I stared at her. Zara had dark bags under her eyes now. She was wearing a jacket for the first time since I had met her.
She stared right back at me, her lips slightly parted.
"Levi?" She said quietly.
I bit my lip and nodded, guilt beginning to eat at my insides.
"Listen, I know I messed up, but I-"
Zara cut me off, pulling me into a bone-crushing hug.
"Shut up, loser. I'm glad you're back." She whispered.
Zara dragged me into the castle of lions and she pulled me down multiple hallways into the control room. Inside I recognized people wearing paladin armor, including the new red paladin.
"You!" He said, drawing attention to Zara and I.
I got a lot of stares.
"Guess what!" Zara said. "Levi's alive!" She answered herself, bouncing on her feet.
"We can see that," said the green paladin.
Zara put a hand on my shoulder.
"That's Keith, Pidge, Lance, Hunk, And Takashi or Shiro." She told me, pointing our each one. "Allura is the girl with the pointy ears and Coran is... somewhere."
Allura frowned and crossed her arms. "He's fixing the mess you made."
"I was just trying to help." Zara said, her whole mood suddenly spiraling down. She was very different now. More expressive.
Allura opened her mouth to say something else but Zara cut her off.
"Do you know how useless I feel? After years of being the one people depended on and going right back to just watching the world burn, how do you think I feel having to sit and do nothing just because you say so, Your Highness?" Zara mocked.
"I do know!" Allura shot back.
"No! You don't!" Zara shouted. I moved to stand beside Shiro, where the others crowded. The girls were quite scary.
"You don't sit on your ass all day while a bunch of amateurs do the job you nearly died trying to perfect! You man the whole ship and teach them how to fight the Galra despite the fact that you know very well I can do it. I learned to do it by myself and didn't even know you were there the entire time. I split up the lions, I lead Voltron, and I don't need to be told what I can and can't do by some Princess who slept in the floor for ten thousand years while us teenage humans stuck out our necks for people we don't know!" Zara finished, breathing heavily. The room was silent at her outburst. I was shocked. Zara never lost control like that.
A red haired man walked in.
"I finished the- oh. What happened?" He asked, noticing the tension in the air.
Zara stormed out, her hair flying behind her like a cloak. I hurried after her.

Zara rushed into her room and fell onto the bed. With a sigh, she reached under it and pulled out a box. She opened the box and retrieved a necklace before replacing the box.
"He would have wanted you to have it back." She told me. I nodded in thanks and took the necklace. I remembered giving it to him. A simple chain with a gemstone. But he cherished it like it was the most precious thing in the world.

I slipped it in my pocket and sat on the edge of Zara's bed.

"Talk to me." I told her. "What happened while I was gone?"

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