13. Zara

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Zara's POV

When I was young, after the murders, I got into the Garrison. I applied for fighter pilot simply because the adrenaline rush was a drug to me. I quickly moved up in the ranks and found out that I was actually good at piloting. I changed myself entirely once I began to enjoy myself. Instead of being sad and quiet and angry, I spoke up in class and befriended a girl I later knew was Koharu. Instead of wallowing in self-pity and purposefully triggering flashbacks to the murders as self-inflicted punishment, I put the memories in the back of my mind and excelled in school.

But it all came back when we found Voltron.

Up in the sky, alone with four others, I had plenty of time to think myself over. My mother and Everly were beginning to fade from my memory. I could no longer see their faces. I remember laying in bed sobbing as I remembered all the blood from my childhood.

Sometimes, Levi, the only one who knew the sound of a panic attack by heart, would find his way into my room to comfort me. Sometimes, everything would be okay and the next day I wouldn't have to pretend I was fine.

But other days, he was fighting his own battles. And I wouldn't sleep. And I would have to wake up the next day and be a leader and pretend I was fine and that everything was okay.
But it wasn't.

I had demons. All of us did. It was painfully obvious as we clumsily learned how to pilot the lions. It was obvious as we formed Voltron for the first time. It was obvious when we saw battle for the first time as teenagers.

I vowed to myself that we would all make it back to Earth and we would never have to go through that again.

I always had the awful habit of breaking my promises.

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