8. Masked

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I awoke with a start. I took quick, shaky breaths and leaned heavily on the wall. My neck hurt from sleeping at an awkward angle. I heard the sounds of explosions. My heart beat quickly and I stood, moving to the dark corner.
The cell door blew open and someone peeked in. The bottom half of their face was covered by a black cloth. They looked directly at me and walked toward me. "You're human."
"So are you?"
They nodded, pulling the cloth down. They had a feminine face and a jagged scar that went down their cheek and over the corner of their mouth all the way to their chin. Their hair was cut into a messy pixie cut and they had big blue eyes. "I'm getting you out of here."
The we ran down the hallways until we found a smoking hole in the wall. A large ship was waiting right outside the hole. The now unmasked person jumped into the ship and held out a hand to me to help me do the same. A variety of different people were inside the ship. "That the last one?" A man asked. He was kind of cute. He had shaggy blonde hair and had muscles where he needed them but not too many. He was tall- taller than me- and wore only black.
The ship was dark. Very dark. No one else spoke. I recognized some of the prisoners from when they first showed up. The person who rescued me only nodded and led me to a seat. They spoke in a whisper. "I'm August. That guy is Mars." They pointed to the cute guy. "The driver is Mae. Alice and Xavier are working on something in the back." They featured over their shoulder lazily. I nodded.
We traveled to some planet where a small population of many different aliens lived together. We were all welcomed warmly. We were then given a small house to live in and a good amount of food and water.
Days passed and eventually August and Mars came to visit.
"We want you to join us." August told me. They had a serious expression. Mars was checking me out and I was extremely aware.
"Join what?" I asked
"Us." August confirmed.
"It's a small group of fighters that free Galra prisoners. It's not as dangerous as fighting them, we just want to give everyone a second chance." Mars explained. The corner of his mouth was pulled up slightly.
I looked between them. They wanted me to help them? Me? Calla and Zara would laugh and tell me it was a joke if they were here. If I hadn't left. Koharu might even crack a smile.
I looked at each of them in turn.
"I'll do it."

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