7. March

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Levi's POV
Ever since I was nine years old, I hated the month of March. Spring started and brought in bugs and allergies. My mom met her end in March. And my dad started giving me presents.
My mom had had cancer for a long time. The doctors had taken the tumor out only for it to appear again several times. A week before my birthday, she couldn't do it anymore.
Mom let go.
When my birthday rolled around, my dad beat me. He said that if I had tried harder, she would have lived. He told me that if I wasn't gay, she wouldn't have wanted to leave.
I didn't even know what the word gay meant, but my dad thought I was.
I couldn't tell anyone.
I had scars decorating my back and legs. That got rid of my urge to cut pretty fast.
When I first met Elliott, I knew that he knew something was wrong. He was the first person I told. We got my dad arrested for child abuse and I moved in with Elliott's family.
We started dating a month after. We had been together for years before Voltron.
We hadn't planned to ever break up.
I wasn't ready to face the world alone again.

This is seriously short, but oh well. There isn't much to tell here. I actually finished Chapter 8 before this one and I had to write this after. Normally I get my inspiration for the present chapters from the past chapters and this threw off my groove.

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