6. Black

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I leaned against the wall as Allura explained Voltron to the others. I had learned their names sometime during that. The small one was Pidge, the chubby one was Hunk, the tall one was Lance, and the mullet one was Keith. The funny part was that it was obvious which would fly which lion. They were all color-coded!
Then Allura got to the fun part.
"Zara?" She asked. I looked up. "Pidge and Shiro are going to get the green lion. Hunk and Lance are going to get the yellow lion. Unfortunately, we cannot get to the black lion as it requires all the lions to be in place to unlock the door." I snorted, interrupting her. "Sorry, continue." I said, a small smile on my face. Allura frowned. "No, what do you find so funny about our not being able to reach the black lion?" She asked. She was trying to be intimidating but honestly, when you have poofy hair and a princess face it's kind of hard to intimidate people. I stood up straighter. "The thing is, the only reason the black lion is in there is because of me." All heads swiveled to look at me. "What?" Allura asked. I rolled my eyes. "Koharu, Calla, and I left for Earth. However, we left the black lion on the castle and left the castle on Arus. That way Zarkon could never get it. You're welcome." I said. They stared at me in silence for a moment. Allura cleared her throat. "Um. Would you like to stay here or go with them?" She asked, gesturing vaguely. I raised. "Which group is 'them'?" I asked her. Allura shrugged. "Either." I nodded. I looked over at the two pairs and then at Keith, who was staying to help locate the red lion. I thought.
Suddenly my vision went black. I heard several cries of my name. An aching pain erupted in the back of my head and in multiple places in my hips and back. There was a cracking sound. Images played under my eyelids. Elliott smiled widely, waving, standing in front of the yellow lion. Levi appeared, wrapping an arm around his boyfriend. Behind them, the red lion cuddled close to the yellow lion. Calla stood alone to the side. The green lion stood over her protectively. Koharu and Blue suddenly walked into the picture. Koharu crossed her arms and stood next to Calla. Blue sat next to Green.
My eyes shot open and I sat up. The back of my head throbbed, pain streaming through my body with every noise, every movement. But I made my decision. "I'm probably going to regret this, but I need to go find the yellow lion. As much as I would love to see Green, there is something with Yellow that I need." The new paladins stared. Takashi looked skeptical. "You can't go anywhere. You're bleeding." I rolled my eyes. "Give me a dang band-aid, then. As much as you hate to admit it, you aren't my dad. Actually, I'm older than you. So screw off, this isn't for you to decide." His eyes widened and he stepped away from me as I stood up. Everyone was silent as I left the room to prepare to leave.
Everyone except the short teenager who followed me, whispering under their breath when they though I was out of earshot.

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