18. Earth

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This story will only loosely follow the plot of Voltron because my characters are not part of Voltron a do not need to do what they do.

Literally the word "Hell"

Zara's POV

After telling the story, Levi was silent.
"I get that you need time to process everything-"
He interrupted me.
After a pause he looked at my face. "Zara, we need to get back to Earth." He said.
My heart skipped a beat at the idea.
"How? We can't take the lions, and no other vessels can go so far so fast." I told him.
Levi smirked, sparking nostalgia as I remembered the things we did when he got that look.
"We simply take a paladin with us."


Everything seems to begin and end with me.
Stories unfold and begin again.
Voltron began when I awoke the lions and ended when I chose to separate them.
Everly was sent away because I left her.
I murdered many.
I let Ash be taken away.

When you're given the chance to risk your life to go back to something that probably doesn't want you back, do you? Or do you stay where you don't have to do anything, with people who want you?

If anything, Ash is worth it.

Voltron will end with a crash and a bang, ending the lives of more teenagers.

I didn't need to grow attached.
I didn't need to risk my life.

But I can never keep my promises.


"Absolutely not!"
"No! The universe needs Voltron. We don't have the time to take you back."
I crossed my arms.
"It literally took five seconds to get out here. It will take ten to go there and back. The Galra cannot defeat the four other lions in ten seconds even if they did attack." I told her.
Pidge raised her eyebrows. "She has a point."
Takashi nodded. "There's no point in risking their lives when they could easily be saved."
Keith and Lance were quiet, but Keith whispered something to Lance and I raised an eyebrow at him. A slight blush spread over his cheeks.
"What if they do attack?" He said aloud. "What if they attack and they have a new weapon. Then we can't form Voltron and everybody dies."
"That's, like a two percent chance." Levi said.
"Two percent is sometimes all it takes!" Keith shot back.
"I don't know, I agree with Keith." Lance said.
We all stared at him.
"Seriously?" I said. When no one replied, I put a hand on my hip. "Seriously? After days of arguing, we decide we need something and now you have an agreement?"
Lance rubbed his arm.
"Gayyyy." Levi whispered to me. I snickered.
"Look, if there's something going on..." Levi said aloud.
The rest of the group laughed and both the red and blue paladins blushed red.
"But seriously, guys." Hunk said. "How do we know we can get you there and back with nothing happening. With our luck, those ten seconds is all it would take for the whole universe to explode." He bit his lip nervously. Levi and I shared a glance.
"We could take the lion and leave the paladin." I suggested. I got a lot of glares. "No, okay."
"It's just not going to work." Allura said. The paladins began to move for the door.

"What if you open a wormhole to Earth and Zara and I take a pod there?" Levi suggested. Everybody stopped.
"That just might work." Allura admitted.
Does she only like ideas when boys suggest them? I thought.


With all our things collected, we said our goodbyes.
I hugged Takashi tightly. "I'll miss you so much." I said. "You better not die before you get back." I warned him. Takashi chuckled and kissed my cheek. "I'll miss you too, Zara."
I patted Pidge's head. "You keep doing your thing." I told them. "Don't let anybody tell you that you can't because you're probably smarter than me." Pidge laughed.
I said quick goodbyes to the others with a handshake for Keith because he's cool. Levi chatted with Keith a bit more, probably bonding over the red lion, then got into the pod with me.
"Goodbye everyone!" I said as the pod closed. They all waved and Levi took the controls. I felt tears in my eyes.
Levi piloted is to the wormhole that appeared suddenly. "Are you alright?" He asked.
"I'll miss them." I admitted. "I'm glad we're going home, but I'm still going to miss them." I laid my head on his shoulder.
"Yeah, me too." Levi said, reaching up to touch Elliott's necklace.
We entered the wormhole and it felt like I was being pushed and pulled in all directions at once.

Then it ended abruptly.

The problem was, I knew what Earth looked like, and I didn't see Earth anywhere.

"Hey Levi?"

"Hey Zara?"

"Where the Hell are we?"

Hey. Thank you all so much for sticking with this story for so long. I remember when I was just this idea that came to me when I was supposed to be asleep. Then it developed and became real. I can't believe we've come so far. There will be a sequel at some point. I know that for sure. I'm hoping to start it before June ends. I'm very excited for where these characters are headed and I can't wait for the next book. Again, thank you so much for reading.

Like, comment, share. I love all of you.


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