Chapter One THE WAR

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Long ago, during the time of wars when man waged cities and riches, there in the shadows lurked a different kind of war, one that had been going on for over millennia. The war started over the love of a man named Rendmore and his brother Vertimus. Legend says that it was over a women that loved both brothers but was forced to choose only one. The Alpha father, superior of all the witches and warlocks, forced the women to wed the oldest; the one she did not choose. Out of sadness she locked her heart in the deepest part of the earth never knowing where she placed it, for she used magic to shield it. Emotionless and heartless over the years she was known as the heatless witch. While in hiding, she bore a child, in secret with Rendmore and the Alpha dammed the child and gave it to an orphanage, out of anger he locked the women in a box and vanished her to oblivion, being heard of the betrayal Rendmore and Vertimus would wage a war that would last years long after they were gone. Never knowing the name of the women in the legend, they called her the 'Oblivious Lover'. Her name would soon be known revealing just who she truly was and where she came from.
The child that was given to the orphanage, where she would grow to be beautiful and fair but as she grew so did a power; one so strong no one knew why or who she was. The orphanage named her Emerald for the color of her eyes. There she grew up waiting for the moment of freedom.

Years passed and the orphanage closed, she began her journey to find out why she was so different and where she came from. She moved down by the countryside hoping that she could start anywhere. She came to the edge of the city where she would go as a child with other children to collect martial. She felt an odd feeling like she was there before. She could feel something in her growing strong an energy she hasn't felt before. She kept walking ignoring the feeling she felt on the inside. She then felt that her mind was drifting, so she lay next to a rock, for the night not yet reaching her destination. Before she left the orphanage, one of the young ladies told her to meet her at the edge of the country side to look for a home together, too tired to continue she lay next to the rock and looked at the stars and sang to herself the song she sang at the orphanage. "Stars so bright, like a light in the darkness, reach high and sing to the heavens the love for the world peace be in the sky" she always thought that it was a strange song, she was remembering the day that she asked one of the sister at the orphanage "Madam Lori, where did you hear the song, it doesn't make sense?" "I heard you singing it one day when you were very little, you would sit next to the tall tree in the garden and sing in your sleep during nap time" She woke to the echo a blast, then noticed that there was no noise, the blast came from within her; getting up from the ground she looked up and saw that it was almost dawn. Walking away from where she laid, there was a burning bush just a few feet behind her.

A she continued walking she came across a small town that appeared to be abandoned. She walked just a few feet more when suddenly crows began to caw. "I wonder what happen here?" she asked herself as she paused to take a better look at her surroundings. "The place look like it's been dead for years" she thought to herself, "I wonder if they are any bodies or remains of anyone." She wondered to herself as she began to walk with caution. The town had a dark shadow cast feel to it with homes on the ground and dead market stands on every other corner. She could see death hovering over the crop fields as she walked. Then suddenly she heard a small noise in the distance, her heart beating fast and her eyes trying to see or make out if anyone was there. "Hello?" She shrieked out scared of what might be lurking. She looked around for anything to defend herself if something or someone came out. She walked a little closer towards the direction of the noise. "Hello!" She seemed more confidants speaking. Around the corner an old women came out, "Hello child, can you help me?"

  The women came out limping bloody and scared. "Oh my goodness are you ok?" dropping the rock ran to help the old women. "What happen to you, sit here" Taking her to sit on a piece of broken wood, "How did you get here, who did this?" "I was passing by to go home. I live just over the hill; I came to visit my daughter in Woodmere for a few days for the festival. "What kind of festival?" She asked so intrigued, "It's called the festival of lights and it only happens every fall when the trees begin to change. Would you mind helping me get home?" Puzzled, that the old women asked her such a question only meeting her just moments ago. She stood up and looked around, "alright but you have to explain what happen."

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