Chapter Two THE DREAM

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As Emerald continued to search for who she was, on that long walk she came across a well. She thought about making a wish hopefully giving her something so why not take the chance. She sat next to the well and wondered what her life would be like if she'd known her family or something of them. She laid on the ground, next to the well daydreaming of what life would be like. She fell into a deep sleep next to the well and began to dream. She heard a voice that called her name, " Emerald child of which has no beginning and end, key to the beginning and the light for peace, feel the power," it whispered to her, " feel the light, embrace discover yourself and let your power flow, never hold back"

She felt a sharp cool rush that struck her spine and began to feel a cold tingle; her hands turned blue. Still asleep trying to awaken from the dream she yelled, "WHO ARE YOU?!" she looked around, "SHOW YOURSELF!" She walked around a dark tree in her dream, ravens all around. Breathing so heavily she stuck her arm out to try and feel through the fog. "Look up" the voice whispered, as she delayed on looking, she saw a light so bright that she shield her eyes, she stood up right and asked "Who are you? Why do you know my name?" she said breathing heavily "Calm and steady" the voice replied "All in time you will know, for now you must only see the light." Emerald felt a tap on the center of her forehead; she finally woke up with a green Emerald pendant in her hand. She looked down and saw the pendant in her hand, "Impossible" she said, "It came"

Shocked by the reality of her pendant she dropped it and, pacing back and forth next to the well, she tried to calm herself, "Who am I?" she told herself and ran back to the house, searching desperately, for her she ran into her room, "WHO AM I? AND DON'T LIE TO ME" Diana got up from her chair were she was preparing the feast for the council, "Ok, it's time to tell you the truth." She grabbed Emeralds hand and sat down near the window, she took a deep breath, "Your name at birth was Lillian but the orphanage gave you another, we never had that privilege, you are Ravens child." holding back her tears Diana continued, "You are the hair to the supremacy the rightful heir, it's not something you can deny because that's something we can't control. Your grandfather was the Alpha, he gave you up because he knew who you were, and that was a threat to him, and little did he know that his own son would be the one to kill him." Emerald was confused, "So... you're... my grandmother? And my mother was Raven?" Trying to swallow everything all at once and being hit with so many emotions, she was reluctantly calm. Diana began to cry, "Yes I am and yes she was, it was so hard to keep this from you but the moment we spoke, I felt something in me that told me you were the one. Oh sweetheart I have searched for you ever sense." She hugged her and kissed her, Emerald looked at her so blank and asked, "So when you said you went to town, to see your daughter, were you lying to me?" "No, I did have another daughter, but that was with my second husband, Her name is Elizabeth, she's gifted but not fully reached her potential, she's there as a protector."

Emerald feeling happy and sad, hugged Diana, and cried. They held each other for a moment and Emerald looked at her, "So what does this mean for me, what am I, who am I, I know I'm different I can feel it." "Listen to me very carefully sweetheart, things are going to change very quickly, and you must listen to everything I have to say. The council is coming today, they will explain directions to you in detail, and you must obey. I have to be frank and I know that is a lot for you, but you must be strong." She took a deep breath, "You are the heir to the supremacy, what that means is that you are the true leader of the coven, you out rank the Alpha; you have embodied all powers and more. You are what we call the "Opening" which means that you have the ability to see the past and future."

Diana continued, "The future can always change yes but you have the ability to go forward in time as a warning to someone, it breaks all the laws of time, the medallion you hold in your hand, is like a crown but smaller that's why it appears on you head. It was said that it appears to the pure and most powerful in magic. This is not to scare you, I know it's a lot but you have to hear it." Emerald felt all to overwhelmed, everything just came rushing in like flood waters in the summertime. She sat down and tried to understand, as she sat down, a white cover of light surrounded her like a cloak of protection. Diana looked at her and asked her to take deep breaths. Emerald stood up and walked towards the garden. In a blink of an eye the council showed up.

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