Chapter Thirteen NEW BEGINNINGS

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The next day Emerald woke up to the sound of birds, a ray of sunlight hit her right across her eye; she turned and looked over and saw that Elizabeth was walking towards her. She got up and rubbed her eyes, "Oh good you're awake." "Barely," Emerald said walking over Thomas, "I have the perfect way to start the day." "You do?" "Yes, I was thinking we send some of the council to get food, and we get started on building the new school." "Okay let's do that." As the council went to get the food, Emerald and Elizabeth walked down into the forest, "So, where are we getting this 'help' from?" Emerald said confused, she figured they would go into town. "Each witch or warlock has a place in which they specialize in the most." She said as she took off her dress, "What are you doing?" Emerald said as she turned to close her eyes, "The wilderness is very mysterious, it requires a difficult payment in able for you to have complete control of it and your own power." "What are you talking about?" She turned around and saw that Elizabeth was completely naked.

Before her was a small talisman and five crystals, some use the crystals for healing or for strength, but if your experienced you can get much more out of them then you think. Elizabeth looked at her cutting her palm and dripping the blood on the talisman, "In the old days, when we were being killed, our leaders turned to the wilderness to hide and to be protected but nature asked for a high price, five of the most rarest stones needed to be found and blood had to be spilled, Mother Nature is tricky but she can be very helpful if you play your cards right." "Why are they so rare?" "Well, each one is a representative of the elements, each one forged from the beginning of time; legends say that Mother Nature herself scattered them but we really don't know for sure." As Emerald watch, the winds around her started blowing, changing into something dark the ground began to roll under them; suddenly a mud creature appeared before Elizabeth, they began talking in a language Emerald didn't understand, and then he crumbled back into the dirt, "Where did he go?" "He went to get the rest to help build the school." Elizabeth grabbed her clothes and proceeded on, "Come on, let's get back." As they walked back to the torn school, Emerald looked at her confused, "I'm not sure what just happened." Elizabeth stopped her, "I need you to listen to me very carefully, a lot of things are going to be strange but that's okay you have to follow your instinct, but don't be afraid of what you see, this is power in the raw, this is what it looks like when it's used, it flows through us like water; you have to understand it, I think I'll show you once we have the school all set I'll show you, it's much easier to explain it that way, but remember embrace the power surrounding you and don't fear it, it's part of you."

Emerald smiled at her, and they continued towards the school, as they got there they saw that the mud people had already started, back and forth they walked with material and began to build and give structure to the burnt school, some helped and others didn't know what to think of it, so they just stayed out of their way. "Emerald you want to help me make the gardens?" Ilene said they walked towards the side and the back of the school, Thomas watched as he helped the mud people, "So when's the wedding?" Jasper asked wiping his hands with a piece of cloth, "I want to surprise her but I'm not sure." He said laughing at his own joke, "Well if it was me, I'd do it where she's spends the most time." Jasper looks at him, and he saw that something was kind of odd, "Is something else bothering you, whats on your mind." Thomas looked on into the wide open areas, "I love her, and I've never felt that way about anyone." "Okay so..." "I don't want to be in the way of her becoming who she needs to be; the fears and the love that she has for others I don't want to take that away from her." "Dude, she loves you, more than you know the way she is with you she was never that way with Alex, and she loved him but the way she is with you is different; look I love Emerald she's like a sister to me but the way she looks at you not even Annett looks at me like that." They both looked at Emerald, Anette and Ilene working in the garden, "Just talk to her, she'll tell you." "Yeah your right, maybe I'm just overthinking." They went back to work.

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