Chapter Eight FACE TO FACE

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Later that evening in the dining hall, nurses came the infirmary to help and attended the ones that were wounded.  Phelip and Monique watched diligently to make sure that everyone was getting attended and help keep everyone calm, that night those who were able to helped in trying to clean the school. Alexander went to Jasper, "Hey, I'm gana go check on Emerald." "No man look; check yourself first; get these wounds looked at." "I will after I check on Emerald." "Alexander!" Jasper yelled out as Alex ran up the stairs. Thomas was sitting on the chair next to the fire in Emeralds room; Alexander barged in "You can leave now Thomas." Alexander tried to avoid eye contact with him. "Yeah, I'll go." He said as he got up; he walked to the door and stepped out but before he walked out he turned around and said "I'm glad you're okay too, by the way." and closed the door, Alexander looked stunned at the remark he said.  He walked over and laid next to Emerald. He looked at the ceiling, trying to doze off but Thomas's words echoed in the back of his mind making him restless.

   Thomas went down the stairs but suddenly he stopped and wanted to go back up. "Stop it; you don't go chasing girls Thomas." He told himself, almost like he was telling himself not to be a soft hearted. He turned back around and went to see how he could help, "See if we have anymore supplies in the infirmary." As he went, he stopped and remembered when Emerald was in the infirmary; he could remember how she smelled that day he got closer to where she was that day. He smiled grabbed as he grabbed the supplies. Before he took off there was a noise by the gurneys. He tuned to see and but there was nothing, he waved it off and went back to with the supplies.

Emerald opened her eyes and saw Alexander, "Is everyone ok?" she asked very weak, "Yeah, they are thanks to you." He said holding her; she tried to get up, "Hey, hey its ok just rest" "I really want to take a bath." He helped her to the bathroom; he stepped out. She got in the tub and laid there. The water helped restore her strength, her ring began to glow. She laid there in the tub looking at the ceiling holding herself. She grabbed her necklace and then her ring; wondering if she was always going to have to choose between being a witch or a Divine, she didn't to want to choose she wanted to be both she wanted to be the best of both. She thought about Alexander and of Thomas, "I have to choose," she sighed as she thought, she wondered "What would it be like, to be with someone that your heart is telling you that he isn't for you?" she went about it over and over in her head, "You okay?" he asked her from the other side of the door, "Yeah." She said, she got out and got dressed, still thinking about it. "Where you going?" he asked as she opened the door, I want to go help." "Emerald, you're still very weak." He said grabbing her arm, she looked at him, "It's my job to help." She said and removed his hand as she walked out, he looked at her, and he felt something had changed in her; her feelings were no longer the same and wondered if that meant towards him as well.

He walked down behind her, she went to Phelip, "How's everyone so far?" "Well, we have a bit of a problem." He said looking at her, "Where's Diana?" she felt something was wrong she couldn't see her; tears drowned her hazel colored eyes, "Where's Diana!" she asked running towards the front door, "Where is she," she turned around and lifted Phelip with her, "Where is she." She said crying; Phelip couldn't breathe. Thomas ran to her, trying to calm her down, "Emerald, Emerald, look at me, look at me." He said; she turned and looked at him crying; her eyes filled with pain, "I'll take you to her." He said, he grabbed her by the hand and took her out to the white garden, she saw Emilia crying and Randolph placing white blankets over the dead ones. "She was not strong enough to hold down the front line, I'm so sorry." Thomas said holding her hand. Emerald looked at the dead bodies; a small gust of wind blew the cover off of Diana; she had a burn marks on her face, arms and torso. Emerald screamed; an excursion of power that came out of Emerald almost blowing the small forest away from its roots. She cried over Diana's body holding her hands, "Why did you leave me." She cried, Alexander tried to grab her from Diana's body, she shoved him away, Thomas grabbed her and hugged her, she tried to fight him off too but he held on tight. He heart was broken. The old women she met in the hills; the time spent with her was a treasure that she would always have burried in her heart, the pendant she had around her neck was all that was left from her beloved, her grandmother.

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