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As children we have all the freedom in the world, nothing can stop us because our parents are there to protect us; somewhere along those lines innocence turns into something different. The taste of hate hits the back of your throat; the more we swallow the less you taste it.  Thomas Morningside was the eldest of three boys; Thomas being the eldest was handed a lot of responsibility, his middle brother Alexander and their youngest brother Anthony on the other hand were not. Thomas, Alexander and Anthony all became Master of the Mystic Arts around the same time, Thomas was only eight, Alexander was six and Anthony five. They came from a family of outstanding witches and warlocks. They attend the Mid-West Region of the coven, their parents James and Marianne Morningside were the overseers during that time. Thomas always so advanced, outsmarted the older children that were in the advanced classes. One day when their father passed away, he became so angry that it consumed him; all he thought about was revenge. One day he was so angry that in his own darkened mind of anger, he lashed out large amounts of magic that he killed his brother Anthony.

When he noticed what he had done, he left and hadn't been back sense. Alexander was later transferred to the school in New Orleans when he was ten; he meet Diana and she took him under her care, until she left when he was eighteen. The next morning before the meeting, Alexander barged into Thomas's room, "What the hell are you doing here Thom, you'd come to kill more people like you did Anthony?" he said yelling at him, "I told you before I had nothing to do with that!" he yelled at him power vibrating off of him, "That's bullshit, you knew what you did and you left, He was only eight you son of bitch!" Thomas looked at out the window crying, "I can't go back in time to fix things, I wish I could but I can't." "You can't stay here." "It's not really your decision now is it." He turned at looked at him, "You have to learn to forgive me, like I did with you remember?" Alexander looked at him, "I didn't kill our brother."  "No but you did something just the same and it's almost as  even could get; now I'm not one to point fingers but, let's just say that I'll let that go when you let it go." Alexander looked at him, smiled at him and walked away, "Meeting with the council will be right after breakfast so don't be late." Alexander closed the door and left, Thomas stood there looking out the window, hurt. 

Jasper caught up with him, "Alex I need to know what the issue is, I mean I know about Anthony, but..... " "I CAN'T!" he yelled "Not here, meet me in the white garden in ten, I'll explain later." Jasper watched as he walked away, he had a bad feeling in the pit of his gut something much colder and darker was about to creep out from the past.

He waited for him out in the garden he saw him walking towards him. They walked towards the gazebo, "What I have to say you can't repeat to anyone, it will be brought up sooner than I expected." He took a big breath, "After my brother died, in my grief and hate for Thomas, I followed him around. He had a love interest that he went to almost every day before he left, I followed him to a house one day, I saw him hugging this girl she had a ring; I guess they were going to marry, finally I barged in and when I lunged towards Thomas to kill him but she got in the way and I killed her instead, she was six months pregnant I think." Jasper in total shocked, "Alexander what the fuck man, you know if..." "I know but we both buried her, we swore never to talk about it, and that's why the hate between us has been so deep; I'm not sure why he's back but I feel like he's gana do something crazy." Jasper not knowing what to say walked back and forth.

"I know that we can sit down and discus some kind of term or agreement, but I don't trust him around Emerald" He said. "Look let's talk to them, but you have to let Emerald know. I have a feeling that she's not going to like to hear it from someone else with something this huge." Jasper said.

Alexander looked at him knowing he was right, "I... when?" he asked not knowing truly how to come about the conversation. They walked down from the gazebo together. He looked up to Jasper. Although Jasper was older he acted like a child sometimes either way he looked up to him, he was his best friend. From a distance Thomas was watching them, looking at them wishing he had that relation with his brother. "Someday." he told himself as he walked into the woods disappearing into the green background. Diana was in her study going over some books she had taken from the library, a knock on the door interrupted her reading, "Come in," she shouted, Emerald walked in the room, "Hello child, what's goin on?" "I have a question?"

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