Chapter Five SUPREME

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The next morning, Emerald awoke thinking of the night she spent with Alexander, "Was it a dream?" she asked herself, feeling like a school girl with her first crush, "I wish the feeling never goes away." She said smiling uncontrollably. She made her bed with a chipper spirit, and took a bath.  She sat there thinking about the kiss; thinking about his hand on her waist, the way he felt pressed against her. The heat of his lips against hers; she blushed. Never having felt such a way for a man, she giggled. She got dressed, went down with a kick in her step, then from around the saw a group of students near the front part of the hall of Past Leaders. Then as she got closer, she could see a bigger group of students and professors around the front porch; some were crying others were in shock, "What's going on" she asked one of the teachers, "They a found a student dead in the forbidden gardens" the teacher said, as she continued walking towards the front, she heard a group of girls whispering, "that's Marlin, she's always with Jasmine." "But where is Jasmine?" "I bet Alexander Knows." They all giggled, confused by the remarks that one of the students said, she kept walking forward.

"Mr. Mugwell, how was it that you found the body?" Jasper asked the grounds keeper. "Well Mr. Jasper, I came early this morning to remove the dead vines from the garden, and I found the vines twisted and tied around her." He said with worry in his voice for the girl and removing his hat, "I'm sorry, I don't do very well with dead bodies," he said running the other direction pushing people out of the way to vomit. Emerald goes up to Monique, "Is this the Marlin girl?" she asked pointing her finger at the body, Monique nodded in response with a blank look.

From a few feet she saw Alexander he looked nervous, Jasper walked up to him and whispered, "Didn't we just see them yesterday?" He said a bit angry, "Yes, but I haven't seen them sense that night" he said rubbing his face, "Well something is going on and the council has to meet. As of now, you know something" "You can't say that I had something to do with this because I can easily say the same about you." He said upset.

Emerald stepped in, "Can I have a word with you alone?" Jasper walked off upset, "Do you know what's going on; I overheard a student saying that you knew something." "It's a bit of a long story but I swear to you I have nothing to do with this." He said before he continued, he saw Emerald shaking, and "Emerald what's wrong?" "I don't know, but you need to stand back," Her veins lit up; so did her medallion. Her hair and eyes all changed, she levitated slowly to the center of the garden. A deep voice came from her, "A life was taken on sacred ground, and the blood of a witch runs like a river, such action shall be sealed until the debt is paid."     "QUOADUSQUE IUSTITIA QUOD FACTUM" she said with a loud voice.

The students were beginning to panic; some began to run back inside. "Please everyone remain calm, everyone please go back inside and go about the day, the rest of the council please stay." Phelip said "We can't get in or out Phelip it's the shield of death. We have to figure out what to do." Jasper said running his hands through his head. "We're going to have to do a reversal spell, and someone bloody find Jasmine." Annett yelled.

Emerald holding steady with her arms out, she glowed like a candle in the night, "She can't control it, her divine will always try to find justice for the weak and the hopeless." She told them as they tried to figure out what to do, "The shield will kill her." Annett, "I know but the Divine in her won't let her die, we have to find the body and..." a loud screech came from Emerald as she levitated there. The sky became dark like a thunderstorm would break out at any moment. Suddenly it became silent, and all you could hear was the vibration of the shield.

Everyone was searching franticly for Jasmine and getting the situation under control, "We need to work it out now," "But, will the spell work?" Asked Phelip, "It should; celestial magic shouldn't intervene it might add its own kind of shield but we won't know until we try." Said Diana, "One thing, the shield can't hurt her but it can suffocate her power." "Lets, move then, as her and Jasper informed every one of the ritual, Mr. Mugwell found Jasmine, she was covered in dirt and mud, she was in the dark part of the shed where they stored all the gardening equipment, 'More to play with,' the dark voice said; she lunged herself towards him and stabbed him with a pair of rose snippers; he yelled.

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