Chapter Sixteen EDEN

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As the sound of the birds echoed from every direction, Emerald was on high alert; Lilith and she alone only meant that one of them was making it out. Emerald could hear Lilith laughing in the distance, "I know you know the tales, the legends of my beautiful Eden, only I know her body like I know my own." She said as she caressed the tree she stood on. "Too bad that you aren't able to live in it, or else you'd have an unlimited amount of power; you see I do know the legends I've read it; you were kicked out you have limited power." She said as she was walking looking up and down, seeking to find her. She was walking with caution, "I also know that you didn't love Adam," she said trying to draw her out, "Because if you did love him, you would have been faithful to him." She went on trying to get her to come out; Lilith was getting irritated, and threw a large tree branch, towards Emerald, "I guess I struck a nerve; you see," she said stepping over branched, "Love is like a flower, you nurture it and care for it and give it all that it needs so that it grows, but if you give it dirty water and neglect, it'll grow full of toxins and just ready to die,."

She looked around, and then in front of her, trying to run without a sound, she made her way down a path that led to a waterfall, Lilith lost her, Emerald looked for a secure place to chant, 'You must give yourself to her in able to feel her,' she remembered what Elizabeth had told her that day in the woods. She closed her eyes, and took her clothes of and began to chant. The Earth around her began to move and rumble; then she laid on the floor and covered herself with leafs and dirt. As she continued, a body formed from the dirt in front of her. The body stood there for a moment then her eyes opened. She looked at Emerald, and Emerald saw her; she took a step and the mud began to fall, then another and the mud fell off even more. "Supreme." The women said as she reached to touch the medallion, "Mother...nature?" she said looking at her. Mother reached for Emerald, and Emerald took a step back, Mother noticed and held her hand up towards her face, the medallion swooshed to her hand. Emerald stood silent seeing what she was going to do, "So the medallion has chosen you I see," She said as she walked around her seeing the power that flowed through Emerald, "You're not all human I see." "How do you know?" "I have the ability to see through the flesh and see the power that flows, natural energy or 'power' gleams both white and black, Celestial power or energy flows in many colors that come from the first pact of God." "A... Rainbow?" "You're smart, yes a rainbow, but yours are a blend of one too many colors, which means that you have something not entirely natural or celestial." "What does that mean?" "Bloodlines have been crossed." Emerald looked down putting things together she then began to believe that she was more than just a Supreme, or was she merely that.

"How did you come to Eden?" "Lilith." Emerald replied, "So I'm assuming that almost all the stones have been collected?" "Almost" "She was always very persistent on what didn't belong to her; she draws her power or energy from Eden." "I noticed when we got here." "Yes; the medallion was made here, from the heart of Eden fashioned from a stone that God made when he created it, he fell in love with it and to commemorate his beautiful creation asked me to make it into a medallion, raw natural energy capable of destroying large stars in the galaxy and creating life." She held it up to her face and looked sad. "It was the only gift that I had until Lilith gazed on it, He said he was happy with Eden and wanted me to have it as a reminder that He also loved me; when he made Eden he made me I come from the idea from Him, someone to take care of Eden and all the greenery on this realm and the others including the life that walked on it; when Lilith saw the power that came from the medallion she thought she could take it and she too would have unlimited power as if Eden was with her, and in some sort of way she's right, but she can't get her hands on this." She looked at it in the palm of her hand and the medallion began to glow, she shed a small blue tear and looked at Emerald, she could see that the medallion meant a lot to her. "Do you want to keep it?" Mother Nature looked up at her, "I would love too, but it's not mine the medallion chooses on whom it will serve, it doesn't do me any good I don't need power and I don't need protection, you see Eden is like my protection, it's not my power but it defends me, the medallion is just like that." "So then why give it away, if it meant nothing."

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