Chapter Nine CHOICES

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She felt breathing on back of her neck, she didn't want to look or answer but she knew she had too. She slowly turned as to not offend the "Who or what..."  She looked at the man; he had six wings, and they were an ombre of colors purple, gold and silver, he had silver bands on his biceps and legs. On his hand, she noticed strange markings from his fingers to his wrist, they were in a different language she couldn't read it; his cloths were that of a warrior; made of silver and jewels. His hair was a blondish brown. He walked forward out of the fog, "So your name is Emerald?" "Yes how did..."

"The gold marking on your body tells us your name and history; what are you doing here?" he asked so firmly; "I have questions that need answers... what is your name?" she asked trying to stay confident, "My name is Michael." He said with the deepest voice she's ever heard. "Like the arch angel?" "Yes" he said walking around examining her. "You're not all Divine, are you?" "No I am not, why do you ask" "Because you have more than one flow of energy, who is your father and mother?" he asked gripping his sword, "My mother is Raven and my father is..." "You are Raven's daughter." He said letting go of the sword.

She looked around, and noticed that the fog was drifting away, she could see more now that the fog was gone; different angels were flying through different portals carrying golden scrolls, their wings were different colors; they all had the same armor in different colors, bronze, silver, gold, and metal; different colored gems were in different big gold bowls placed in different areas near every portal; there were wingless angels making different kinds of crowns, all different sizes, "Your grandfather was my brother." She turned to look at him as he spoke, "He was a great man, well angel." He said looking over her, "Your mother was a half Nephilim, one of the strongest half breads on earth." "You knew my mother?"  "Yes on the night of her birth I went to help my brother in any way that I could, but an angel dies once a Nephilim is born regardless if he birthed it or not, the power of a Nephilim is raw power and any angel or human near it at the birth, usually dies; my brother passed, I got there too late." He said touching the band on his arm." "I know that one of you can tell me what is in my future I need to speak with that person."

He looked at her wondering why she needed to know, "There is something coming and I need to know who to destroy." She said looking around trying to find the answer, "There is one but only ask what you need and nothing more." "Okay." He left to get the angel, and came back quick, "This is Time." A tall slender man without wings stretched his hand out to shake it, he hand no mouth but white eyes, no hair his robes were grey and his skin was pale. The marking on his arms were also in a in a similar language but in red. She looked at him and grabbed his hand. Like a flash she saw a yellow eyed demon, and then saw Thomas. Saw her self-die, and saw Thomas again; she could see they were happy. She let go of his hand; he looked at her and then at Michael. She felt odd, "I think you have to go now." Time began to make noises. Michael pushed Emerald right through the portal, it looked like white ribbon tentacles where grabbing her through the portal; Emerald screamed "PROPE" and the portal swirled to close, "What the hell?" Thomas said, Emerald landed on top of him, "Did you get what you needed?" he asked, "Yes, we have to go to the library now what I have to show you is under is going to be under the forbidden books, if it's not there then it will be in the Divine Books either way, we need to move now." She said as she helped him up from the floor. They ran to the library and went looking for the book, Thomas looked and looked at every shelf, Emerald could see something different in him; she watched as he looked with anticipation, "What?" he said looking her, "Nothing" she said smiling at him.

Then suddenly they heard a noise in the back of the library; as they walked towards the back part as they got closer they heard a wet noise it sounded like someone was slurping; they could see a grey hunched like man, he had a big thorn like spike coming out of the front of his head and arms almost like a dinosaur. Its mouth was large and full of teeth, his tongue slapped on the body of a student. Emerald made a signal to Thomas not to move but to stand guard. She stepped towards the thing trying not to make a sound; on the side of his head he had ears so large that he could hear a pin dropped.

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