Chapter Fourteen THE WITCHEN REALM

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As they laid there looking at each other, enjoying love and each other's company, Emerald looked at him, "Thomas" she said sitting up on the bed, "We need to talk." "About what?" he said puzzled, he heard the discomfort in her voice, "Yesterday I was getting ready, my mother's spirit managed to escape and give me a warning." Thomas got up, "What kind of warning?" "She said that Vertimus was coming for you, that he's coming for my loved ones but she didn't give me a time frame or anything." "Okay what can we do to prepare? Tell me what you want me to do." "I need you to not be seen." "What?" "Thomas, this is where I need you to be here hiding, I don't want anything to happen to you." "No, I'm not leaving your side, I love you too much to just let you do it alone, 'We will watch the tree dance together' remember" She looked at him and hugged him tight like never before. She couldn't explain it; he had to be with her, by her side standing strong. "Get dressed we meet with Elizabeth in one hour." They went outside and got on their horses, a gift from Elizabeth and Ilene, "So what did they call them?" "Well Ilene said that this was Tommy and that one was Eme," she said laughing at it, "She also said that they had actually been together for some time, they are soulmates" "Interesting." He said as they rode off to the mansion.

They tied the horses up next to the barn and walked in to the new meeting hall. As they entered all the councils at the table cheered the new bride and groom, "Thank you, I wasn't expecting to see so many new faces." "They know about the project." Elizabeth said standing next to wear Emerald would sit in the center of the large round table. "What project?" "Thomas please sit darling." Elizabeth said, "Thomas I need you to listen to me very carefully okay, everyone knows who you are, and who your parents are, in particularly your father." "What do you mean?" Elizabeth took a book out, Emerald sat down next to Elizabeth, "For the safety of this coven and the families in this coven, we the elders had to hide and bury many secrets that are now coming to light." She took a deep breath, "Not only you and the council here know but that Diana and Helena are my sisters, I explained this to Emerald the other day in private, no one else knows, but I'm assuming that Vertimus might have extracted that information from Ravens soul. As we all know that certain memories stay with us marked in our souls."

They were shocked that a secret like this was kept a secret; Helena is a legend, a hero to all witch and warlock, "We all know the story, but what no one knows is that there was more than one book given to her, each one of my sisters, myself included have a book, and for such reasons we created the lie that there was only one book, we hid this because Helena herself knew how to open the Witchen realm but, it was too dangerous for just one witch although she was very powerful it need the power of a pure wiccan, which at the time was not identified, she left instructions on how to open it, and the only other person that was able to open it successfully was Raven herself, that's was one reason why she was captured." The council couldn't believe what they were hearing, they began to get rowdy, "Please everyone settle down, I know how this feels and how it sounds." "We feel betrayed." Yelled out council member, "If betrayal is what you call saving you and every generation then so be it, but can you really blame the action of a true leader thinking of her coven before herself." They were all in silence.

Elizabeth looked at Emerald and smiled, thanking her for sticking up for her, "The other part of this meeting is to discuss the project, Thomas you might not like what you hear. The year that your mother became pregnant with you, was a year of secrets as well, so I will tell you in the only way I can. Your mother went on an assignment lead by the council your father had another, they were sent separately to two different locations. Your mother had to go to Greece to settle a regional dispute between the coven and the demi-gods that controlled that land. While she was there, she met with a Nephilim, she quickly fell in love with him, and he was one of the most beautiful and charming man she'd ever seen, Aeneas was his name. You were conceived during that time." "No" "Thomas, "No your lying." He said yelling, "Elizabeth." Emerald gasped, "On the day the very first day that Hal showed up your mother hid in the library, and Diana was there, your mother told Diana because she knew Diana would keep her secret and she did, but when you were born we all found out because of the ring you had on your hand." He looked at his finger and noticed the scar on his finger, "The ring was cut off of you as a baby, your father forgave your mother of course; he loved all the same."

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