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A little over a week passed as Emerald tried to completely heal before teaching the defensive classes. It was the last week of the month on the first day of the week. Emerald woke up, her burses and marks had disappeared. She got up and went about her normal routine to get the day started; Thomas met her just outside her room leaning over the rail of the stairs, "Are you nervous?" Thomas said to Emerald and she came out fidgeting with her dress, "Good morning to you too, and no." She said. Thomas looked at her and knew that she was, she was fidgeting with her dress and her hair, "Relax sunshine your gana do just fine." He said giving her some peace. They went to breakfast with everyone else; Jasper and Thomas were engaged into a deep conversation about what defensive spells would do more damage.

Elizabeth came from the councils meeting chambers; she was ready and excited that everyone was ready, "When everyone has a chance please come to the conference room chambers just for a brief meeting." She said, "Emerald, may I speak with you?" she said smiling at her, She got up and accompanied Elizabeth, "How are you doing?" "Fine, I think." She said fidgeting with her dress, they walked into her private chambers, "Okay today is all you; you'll be managing the classes and coordinating them." Elizabeth said, "What?" Emerald was already nervous and just thinking of that she was going to take full and complete charge, almost made her faint, "Don't worry were going to be there just in case." Elizabeth said, "Okay." Emerald said walking out, she went into a closet and closed the door; she took a few minutes to calm herself down. She walked out of the closet and fiddle with her dress again, she stood over the balcony and made an announcement, "Those that will be taking the defensive classes, please meet with me outside at noon and bring comfortable clothes." Thomas walked up to her, "Come on," she said holding his hand, "Come help me set up" she said smiling at him, she stopped and turned around and kissed his cheek. They went outside, and passed the red garden, "You know I want to say thank you, because you really do push me to where I need to be," "No don't thank me, I just want to help in any way I can, this is all you sunshine."

They waited for the students to come out. The garden became full and Emeralds heart began to race, "Thank you for coming, I know that you are all excited because you're going to learn something completely different, I'm going to tell you now it's not a game or something you can pass to become a great witch or warlock these defensive techniques you're going to learn will help you save the person next you in times of trouble, keeping you alive means keeping the coven alive." She said speaking to each and every one of them, "We are going to divide you into four groups, you will take the a class for one week, there will be five course that you have to pass, I know that the class was technically only going to last for a few weeks but what I have to show you can't be leaned in just a matter of hours so with that being said there will be places where you can practice when you don't have the class, each session takes two hours each day, so learn quickly and keep up each lesson is important."

She stepped forward, and began to divide the groups by color, "Mr. Walters will be your first teacher you will start with how to counter act the spell coming towards you or another person." She created the same glass chamber that Diana made for her when she was training, "Step in to the chamber please; this chamber is meant for training it won't fire back at you; here is where you will learn every tactic and each spell, everything you learn is vital to your survival." She said as she stepped out of the chamber, Mr. Walters took over and Emerald watched from behind, "Today you will learn three valuable key lessons, the first is Defend the Right,  your morals will be tested and most of the time you'll have to break them, sometimes you're going to question your morality, you'll have to kill to survive. Lesson two Don't Hesitate to Kill; if they don't have mercy neither do you, and lesson three is Protect this Coven with your life, this coven is your family these are your brothers and sisters and we stand with each other. We protect the helpless and weak that is our job." He said as he signaled Emerald to come back in.

Emerald and the Closed DoorWhere stories live. Discover now