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         Thomas helped everyone else out of the tunnel; some were crying, others were injured, "Get everyone from the infirmary, we need all hands on deck tonight." Elizabeth said with her English accent, "Are you alright?" she said as she went to Emerald, "Where is Monique?" "She died." Emerald said as tears overflowed in her eyes, Elizabeth hugged her tightly, "I'm so sorry; she was a bright little witch and a wonderful person." She said whipping a tear from her face, "All of the Mid-Western coven will be at your disposal; we will show you to you courters." Everyone helped each other walking them inside into the recovery room, Elizabeth helped Emerald to her room, "Whenever you're ready we will meet; take your time." "Have you placed protection spells around the school?" "Yes we have placed barrier spells and protection spells, we'll be fine." She said as she patted her hand; Thomas stayed with her, "I'll have the staff bring you fresh clothes for the both of you. "She said as she smiled at them, "O no I'm not staying..." "Of course, we'll go ahead and provide you with a room right next door." She said, "I'll leave you two, if any questions please don't hesitate to call." She closed the door as she stepped out.

Emerald sat up on the bed looking at her hands, "Emerald, we did what we could, we weren't prepared I mean we were but we also didn't know how strong they were." He said giving her some sort of relief, "Monique was my friend." She said whipping the tears from her eyes. Thomas sat next to her; she hugged him. She stood up and went to the bathroom; she closed the door behind her. She prepped the bath and sat down in the water thinking about the fight, and how everything went wrong, she only saw the vivid image of Monique's death playing in her head over and over. She sobbed in silence; as she washed the blood and dirt off of her arms and face, she played the words that Azazel told her over and over like a song with no ending. She thought and thought. They brought the clothes for her and set it in the closet, Thomas went to his room to get settled in. Emerald looked at the clothes and saw that the colors were different from what she was expecting. She got dressed and went down stairs, she entered the dining hall; it was alive and full of laughter and cheer, it became silent once everyone turned and noticed that the Supreme had entered. Elizabeth was eating at the main table with her other leaders.

Elizabeth stood up and clapped her hands, "Back to your business ladies and gents." she told the students. She walked towards Emerald, "Are you hungry? Come join us." She said as she led the way. Emerald sat next to Elizabeth, the servers brought her a plate of food. "I'd like for you to meet Mr. Walters he's part of the council bored; this is Mrs. Walters, his wife." "You may call me Winter." She said as she extended her hand to shake Emeralds, "This is Ilene Loveless, my niece she is also on the councils table, and this is Daniel Brewington, he too is part of the council table." "Nice to meet you al.l" she said, "I would like to meet with everyone after supper, we need to discuss important matters." Emerald said, "Yes of course." Everyone went back to their conversation.

Thomas showed up with Jasper, Annett and Phelip, Emerald stood to hug them, "We all meet tonight, no exceptions." Emerald told them.

Elizabeth called the meeting to order. She was different she stood out from the crowd; she had bright blond hair and deep blue eyes, her skin so fair and smooth, she was very thin but not too thin, she could hit a man and make a dent; size is not a weakness more like an advantage, she was like the replica of Emerald. "We call this meeting to order, as you all know, the Eastern Region was under attack, our Supreme is here, so let's do all that we can to help, no excuses; they are our family." Emerald took the floor, "As the head Mistress said the school was under attack, we tried to do all that we could to defend our home, but there were few of us and more of them, we lost members of this coven, and they won't be forgotten." She said with a sad appeance, "As of this moment, we are at war; we have to close ranks and defend one another." She said, "However many we are that is all that remains of the Louisiana school."

Emerald and the Closed DoorWhere stories live. Discover now